[![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/kitchen-hyperv.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/kitchen-hyperv) # Kitchen::Hyperv TODO: Write a gem description ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'kitchen-hyperv' ``` ## Usage In the .kitchen.yml ```yaml driver: name: 'hyperv' ``` ### Required parameters: * parent_vhd_folder * Location of the base vhd files * parent_vhd_name * Vhd file name for the base vhd file ### Optional parameters: * memory_startup_bytes * amount of RAM to assign to each virtual machine. Defaults to 536,870,912. * processor_count * number of virtual processors to assign to each virtual machine. Defaults to 2. * dynamic_memory * if true, the amount of memory allocated to a virtual machine is adjusted by Hyper-V dynamically. Defaults to false. * dynamic_memory_min_bytes / dynamic_memory_max_bytes * The minimum and maximum amount of memory Hyper-V will allocate to a virtual machine if dynamic_memory is enabled. Defaults to 536,870,912 and 2,147,483,648 (512MB-2GB) * ip_address * IP address for the virtual machine. If the VM is not on a network with DHCP, this can be used to assign an IP that can be reached from the host machine. * subnet * The subnet of the virtual machine. Defaults to `` * gateway * The default gateway of the virtual machine. * dns_servers * A list of DNS Servers that can be reached on the virtual network. * vm_switch * The virtual switch to attach the guest VMs. Defaults to the first switch returned from Get-VMSwitch. * vm_vlan_id * The VLAN ID to assign the virtual network adapter on the VM (Valid values: 1-4094). Defaults to untagged. * iso_path * Path on the host to the ISO to mount on the VMs. * boot_iso_path * Path on the host to the ISO to mount before starting the VMs. * vm_generation * The generation for the hyper-v VM. Defaults to 1. * disable_secureboot * Boolean. If true, will disable secure boot for the VM. Only applies if `vm_generation=2`. Defaults to false. * enable_guest_services * Enable the Hyper-V Integration Guest services for the VM before starting it. Hyper-V defauls is false (true|false) * disk_type * The type of virtual disk to create, .VHD or .VHDX. Defaults to the file extension of the parent virtual hard drive. * resize_vhd * Resize the disk to the specified size. Leave empty to keep the original size. Only works on newly created VM's. Defaults to empty. * additional_disks * An array of hashes (`name`,`size_gb`, and `type`) of additional disks to attach to the VM. * **Required parameters:** * name * Unique name for the virtual disk. * **Optional parameters:** * size_gb * Integer. If not provided, will default to 5. * type * The type of virtual disk to create, .VHD or .VHDX. Defaults to the file extension of the parent virtual hard drive. * Example: ```yaml driver: name: hyperv parent_vhd_folder: 'D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks' parent_vhd_name: tk_test.vhdx additional_disks: - name: disk1 size_gb: 10 - name: disk2 size_gb: 50 type: .VHD ``` * vm_note * A note to add to the VM's note field. Defaults to empty. * copy_vm_files * An array of hashes (`source` and `dest`) of files or directories to copy over to the sytem under test. * example: ``` driver: name: hyperv copy_vm_files: - source: c:/users/steven/downloads/chef-client-12.19.36-1-x64.msi dest: c:/users/administrator/appdata/local/temp/chef-client-12.19.36-1-x64.msi ``` ## Image Configuration The following changes need to be made to a Windows image that is going to be used for testing. This is not an exhaustive list and, your milage may vary. * Guest VMs should have the latest Integration Components installed. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3063109/hyper-v-integration-components-update-for-windows-virtual-machines-that-are-running-on-a-windows-10-based-host ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/kitchen-hyperv/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request