use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::{self, BufRead, Write}; use std::path::{self, Path}; fn get_crate_dir() -> io::Result { Ok(path::PathBuf::from( env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") .map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "no CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))?, )) } fn get_out_dir() -> io::Result { Ok(path::PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").map_err(|_| { io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "no OUT_DIR") })?)) } fn get_crate_test_path(file_name: &str) -> io::Result { let mut test_path = get_crate_dir()?; test_path.push("tests"); assert!(test_path.is_dir()); test_path.push(file_name); Ok(test_path) } fn get_test_path(file_name: &str) -> io::Result { let mut test_path = get_out_dir()?; assert!(test_path.is_dir()); test_path.push(file_name); Ok(test_path) } /// Generate tests that ensure that we don't panic when parsing and demangling /// the seed test cases that we pass to assert (including the failing /// test cases historically found by fn generate_sanity_tests_from_afl_seeds() -> io::Result<()> { let mut in_dir = get_crate_dir()?; in_dir.push("in"); if !in_dir.is_dir() { // We are in `cargo publish` and the `in/` directory isn't included in // the distributed package. return Ok(()); } let test_path = get_test_path("")?; let mut test_file = fs::File::create(test_path)?; writeln!( &mut test_file, " extern crate cpp_demangle; use std::fs; use std::io::Read; " )?; println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=tests/"); let entries = fs::read_dir(in_dir)?; for entry in entries { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); let file_name = path.file_name().ok_or_else(|| { io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "no file name for seed test case", ) })?; println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=in/{}", Path::new(file_name).display()); writeln!( &mut test_file, r#" #[test] fn test_afl_seed_{}() {{ let mut file = fs::File::open("{}").unwrap(); let mut contents = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); let _ = cpp_demangle::Symbol::new(contents); assert!(true, "did not panic when parsing"); }} "#, file_name.to_string_lossy(), path.to_string_lossy() )?; } Ok(()) } /// Read `tests/libiberty-demangle-expected`, parse its input mangled symbols, /// and expected output demangled symbols, and generate test cases for them. /// /// We do not support all of the options that the libiberty demangler does, /// therefore we skip tests that use options we do not intend to /// support. Basically, we only support `--format=gnu-v3` (which is the System V /// C++ ABI), and none of the legacy C/C++ compiler formats, nor Java/D/etc /// language symbol mangling. fn generate_compatibility_tests_from_libiberty() -> io::Result<()> { let mut tests_dir = get_crate_dir()?; tests_dir.push("tests"); if !tests_dir.is_dir() { // We are in `cargo publish` and the `tests/` directory isn't included // in the distributed package. return Ok(()); } println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=tests/libiberty-demangle-expected"); let test_path = get_test_path("")?; let _ = fs::remove_file(&test_path); let mut test_file = fs::File::create(test_path)?; writeln!( &mut test_file, " extern crate cpp_demangle; extern crate diff; use std::fmt::Write; " )?; // The set of libiberty tests that pass. This should only ever grow! let libiberty_passing_tests = { let mut s: HashSet<_> = (0..86).collect(); s.extend(87..89); s.extend(91..93); s.extend(94..113); s.extend(115..118); s.extend(119..120); s.extend(121..123); s.extend(127..131); s.extend(133..134); s.extend(137..138); s.extend(139..140); s.extend(141..144); s.extend(146..147); s.extend(149..154); s.extend(158..168); s.extend(169..180); s.extend(181..183); s.extend(184..186); s.extend(187..190); s.extend(199..200); s.extend(201..202); s.extend(203..204); s }; let libiberty_tests = get_crate_test_path("libiberty-demangle-expected")?; let libiberty_tests = fs::File::open(libiberty_tests)?; let libiberty_tests = io::BufReader::new(libiberty_tests); let mut lines = libiberty_tests .lines() .filter(|line| line.as_ref().map(|l| !l.starts_with('#')).unwrap_or(true)); let mut n = 0; loop { let options = match { None => break, Some(Ok(line)) => line, Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e), }; let mangled = match { Some(Ok(line)) => line, None => { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "expected a line with a mangled symbol", )) } Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e), }; let demangled = match { Some(Ok(line)) => line, None => { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "expected a line with the demangled symbol", )) } Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e), }; if options.find("--no-params").is_some() { // This line is the expected demangled output without function and // template parameters, but we don't currently have such an option // in `cpp_demangle`, so just consume and ignore the line. match { Some(Ok(_)) => {} None => { return Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::Other, "expected a line with the demangled symbol without parameters", )) } Some(Err(e)) => return Err(e), } } // Skip tests for unsupported languages or options. if options.find("--format=gnu-v3").is_none() || options.find("--is-v3-ctor").is_some() || options.find("--is-v3-dtor").is_some() || options.find("--ret-postfix").is_some() { continue; } let cfg = if libiberty_passing_tests.contains(&n) { "" } else { r###"#[cfg(feature = "run_libiberty_tests")]"### }; writeln!( test_file, r###" {} #[test] fn test_libiberty_demangle_{}_() {{ let mangled = br#"{}"#; let mangled_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(mangled).into_owned(); println!("Parsing mangled symbol: {{}}", mangled_str); let expected = r#"{}"#; let sym = match cpp_demangle::Symbol::new(&mangled[..]) {{ Ok(sym) => sym, Err(_) if mangled_str == expected => return, Err(e) => panic!("Should parse mangled symbol {{}}", e), }}; let mut actual = String::new(); if let Err(e) = write!(&mut actual, "{{}}", sym) {{ panic!("Error while demangling '{{}}': {{}}", mangled_str, e); }} println!(" Expect demangled symbol: {{}}", expected); println!("Actually demangled symbol as: {{}}", actual); if expected != actual {{ println!(""); println!("Diff:"); println!("--- expected"); print!("+++ actual"); let mut last = None; for cmp in diff::chars(expected, &actual) {{ match (last, cmp.clone()) {{ (Some(diff::Result::Left(_)), diff::Result::Left(_)) | (Some(diff::Result::Both(..)), diff::Result::Both(..)) | (Some(diff::Result::Right(_)), diff::Result::Right(_)) => {{}} (_, diff::Result::Left(_)) => print!("\n-"), (_, diff::Result::Both(..)) => print!("\n "), (_, diff::Result::Right(_)) => print!("\n+"), }}; match cmp.clone() {{ diff::Result::Left(c) | diff::Result::Both(c, _) | diff::Result::Right(c) => print!("{{}}", c), }} last = Some(cmp); }} println!(""); }} assert_eq!(expected, actual); }} "###, cfg, n, mangled.trim(), demangled.trim() )?; n += 1; } Ok(()) } fn main() { println!(""); generate_sanity_tests_from_afl_seeds() .expect("should generate sanity tests from seed test cases"); generate_compatibility_tests_from_libiberty() .expect("should generate compatibility tests from tests/libiberty-demangle-expected"); }