require 'muack/test' describe Muack::Modifier do after do Muack.verify.should.eq true end describe 'times' do would 'mock multiple times' do 3.times{ |i| mock(Obj).say(i){ i } } 3.times{ |i| Obj.say(i).should.eq i } end would 'mock multiple times with times(n) modifier' do mock(Obj).say{ 0 }.times(3) 3.times{ |i| Obj.say.should.eq 0 } end would 'mock 0 times with times(0) modifier' do mock(Obj).say{ 0 }.times(0).should.kind_of? Muack::Modifier end end describe 'returns' do would 'return with lexical scope' do mock(Obj).say.returns{0} Obj.say.should.eq 0 end would 'return with dynamic scope' do mock(Obj).say.returns(:instance_exec => true){object_id} Obj.say.should.eq Obj.object_id end end describe 'peek_args' do would 'with lexical scope' do str = 'ff' stub(str).to_i.peek_args{16} str.to_i.should.eq 255 end would 'with dynamic scope' do str = '16' stub(str).to_i.peek_args(:instance_exec => true){Integer(self)} str.to_i.should.eq 22 end would 'modify' do str = 'ff' stub(str).to_i(is_a(Integer)).peek_args{ |radix| radix * 2 } str.to_i(8).should.eq 255 end would 'preserve args' do stub(Obj).say{|*a|a}.with_any_args.peek_args{|*a|a} Obj.say(0,1).should.eq [0,1] end would 'pass first args' do stub(Obj).say{|*a|a}.with_any_args.peek_args{|a|a} Obj.say(0,1).should.eq [0] end would 'pass nothing with nil' do stub(Obj).say{|*a|a}.with_any_args.peek_args{} Obj.say(0,1).should.eq [] end would 'pass nothing with empty array' do stub(Obj).say{|*a|a}.with_any_args.peek_args{[]} Obj.say(0,1).should.eq [] end would 'pass an empty array with [[]]' do stub(Obj).say{|*a|a}.with_any_args.peek_args{[[]]} Obj.say(0,1).should.eq [[]] end end describe 'peek_return' do would 'with lexical scope' do str = 'ff' stub(str).to_i.peek_return{16} str.to_i.should.eq 16 end would 'with dynamic scope' do str = '16' stub(str).to_i.peek_return(:instance_exec => true){Integer(self)+1} str.to_i.should.eq 17 end would 'modify' do str = 'ff' stub(str).to_i(is_a(Integer)).peek_return{ |result| result * 2 } str.to_i(16).should.eq 510 end end end