# LodgingProperty is defined in CM1 rather than Earth, so we need to define it here for testing class LodgingProperty < ActiveRecord::Base col :northstar_id col :name col :city col :locality # state / province / etc. col :postcode # zip code / postal code / etc. col :country_iso_3166_alpha_3_code col :chain_name col :lodging_rooms, :type => :integer col :floors, :type => :integer col :construction_year, :type => :integer col :lodging_class_name col :ac_coverage, :type => :float col :mini_bar_coverage, :type => :float col :fridge_coverage, :type => :float col :hot_tubs, :type => :float # float b/c fallback needs to be a float col :pools_indoor, :type => :float # float b/c fallback needs to be a float col :pools_outdoor, :type => :float # float b/c fallback needs to be a float # based on LodgingProperty as of 2012-02-21 falls_back_on :fridge_coverage => 0.6, :hot_tubs => 0.3, :pools_indoor => 0.3, :pools_outdoor => 0.6 end