require 'json/ld' # For now, override RDF::Utils::File.open_file to look for the file locally before attempting to retrieve it module RDF::Util module File LOCAL_PATHS = { "" => ::File.expand_path("../json-ld-api/tests", __FILE__) + '/', "" => ::File.expand_path("../json-ld-framing/tests", __FILE__) + '/', "file:" => "" } class << self alias_method :original_open_file, :open_file end ## # Override to use Patron for http and https, otherwise. # # @param [String] filename_or_url to open # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Array, String] :headers # HTTP Request headers. # @return [IO] File stream # @yield [IO] File stream def self.open_file(filename_or_url, **options, &block) LOCAL_PATHS.each do |r, l| next unless Dir.exist?(l) && filename_or_url.start_with?(r) #puts "attempt to open #{filename_or_url} locally" localpath = filename_or_url.to_s.sub(r, l) response = begin rescue Errno::ENOENT => e raise IOError, e.message end document_options = { base_uri: RDF::URI(filename_or_url), charset: Encoding::UTF_8, code: 200, headers: options.fetch(:headers, {}) } #puts "use #{filename_or_url} locally" document_options[:headers][:content_type] = case filename_or_url.to_s when /\.ttl$/ then 'text/turtle' when /\.nt$/ then 'application/n-triples' when /\.jsonld$/ then 'application/ld+json' when /\.json$/ then 'application/json' else 'unknown' end document_options[:headers][:content_type] = response.content_type if response.respond_to?(:content_type) # For overriding content type from test data document_options[:headers][:content_type] = options[:contentType] if options[:contentType] remote_document =, document_options) if block_given? return yield remote_document else return remote_document end end original_open_file(filename_or_url, options, &block) end end end module Fixtures module SuiteTest SUITE = RDF::URI("") FRAME_SUITE = RDF::URI("") class Manifest < JSON::LD::Resource attr_accessor :manifest_url def RDF::Util::File.open_file(file) do |remote| json = JSON.parse( if block_given? yield self.from_jsonld(json, manifest_url: RDF::URI(file)) else self.from_jsonld(json, manifest_url: RDF::URI(file)) end end end def initialize(json, manifest_url:) @manifest_url = manifest_url super end # @param [Hash] json framed JSON-LD # @return [Array] def self.from_jsonld(json, manifest_url: ), manifest_url: manifest_url) end def entries # Map entries to resources attributes['sequence'].map do |e| e.is_a?(String) ? :, manifest_url: manifest_url) end end end class Entry < JSON::LD::Resource attr_accessor :logger attr_accessor :manifest_url def initialize(json, manifest_url:) @manifest_url = manifest_url super end # Base is expanded input file def base options.fetch('base', manifest_url.join(property('input')).to_s) end def options @options ||= begin opts = {documentLoader: Fixtures::SuiteTest.method(:documentLoader)} opts = {} {'specVersion' => "json-ld-1.1"}.merge(property('option') || {}).each do |k, v| opts[k.to_sym] = v end opts end end # Alias input, context, expect and frame %w(input context expect frame).each do |m| define_method(m.to_sym) do return nil unless property(m) res = nil file = self.send("#{m}_loc".to_sym) dl_opts = {safe: true} RDF::Util::File.open_file(file, dl_opts) do |remote_doc| res = end res end define_method("#{m}_loc".to_sym) do file = property(m) # Handle redirection internally if m == "input" && options[:redirectTo] file = options[:redirectTo] end property(m) && manifest_url.join(file).to_s end define_method("#{m}_json".to_sym) do JSON.parse(self.send(m)) if property(m) end end def testType property('@type').reject {|t| t =~ /EvaluationTest|SyntaxTest/}.first end def evaluationTest? property('@type').to_s.include?('EvaluationTest') end def positiveTest? property('@type').to_s.include?('Positive') end # Execute the test def run(rspec_example = nil) logger = @logger = RDF::Spec.logger "test: #{inspect}" "purpose: #{purpose}" "source: #{input rescue nil}" "context: #{context}" if context_loc "options: #{options.inspect}" unless options.empty? "frame: #{frame}" if frame_loc options = self.options.merge(documentLoader: Fixtures::SuiteTest.method(:documentLoader)) options = {validate: true}.merge(options) unless options[:specVersion] == "json-ld-1.1" skip "not a 1.1 test" return end if positiveTest? "expected: #{expect rescue nil}" if expect_loc begin result = case testType when "jld:ExpandTest" JSON::LD::API.expand(input_loc, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:CompactTest" JSON::LD::API.compact(input_loc, context_json['@context'], logger: logger, **options) when "jld:FlattenTest" JSON::LD::API.flatten(input_loc, (context_json['@context'] if context_loc), logger: logger, **options) when "jld:FrameTest" JSON::LD::API.frame(input_loc, frame_loc, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:FromRDFTest" # Use an array, to preserve input order repo = do |reader| reader.each_statement.to_a end.uniq.extend(RDF::Enumerable) "repo: #{repo.dump(id == '#t0012' ? :nquads : :trig)}" JSON::LD::API.fromRdf(repo, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:ToRDFTest" repo = JSON::LD::API.toRdf(input_loc, logger: logger, **options) do |statement| repo << statement end "nq: #{repo.to_nquads}" repo else fail("Unknown test type: #{testType}") end if evaluationTest? if testType == "jld:ToRDFTest" expected = <<, logger: []) rspec_example.instance_eval { expect(result).to be_equivalent_graph(expected, logger) } else expected = JSON.load(expect) if options[:ordered] # Compare without transformation rspec_example.instance_eval { expect(result).to produce(expected, logger) } else # Without key ordering, reorder result and expected embedded array values and compare # If results are compacted, expand both, reorder and re-compare rspec_example.instance_eval { expect(result).to produce_jsonld(expected, logger) } # If results are compacted, expand both, reorder and re-compare if result.to_s.include?('@context') exp_expected = JSON::LD::API.expand(expected, **options) exp_result = JSON::LD::API.expand(result, **options) rspec_example.instance_eval { expect(exp_result).to produce_jsonld(exp_expected, logger) } end end end else rspec_example.instance_eval { expect(result).to_not be_nil } end rescue JSON::LD::JsonLdError => e fail("Processing error: #{e.message}") end else "expected: #{property('expect')}" if property('expect') t = self rspec_example.instance_eval do if t.evaluationTest? expect do case t.testType when "jld:ExpandTest" JSON::LD::API.expand(t.input_loc, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:CompactTest" JSON::LD::API.compact(t.input_loc, t.context_json['@context'], logger: logger, **options) when "jld:FlattenTest" JSON::LD::API.flatten(t.input_loc, t.context_loc, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:FrameTest" JSON::LD::API.frame(t.input_loc, t.frame_loc, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:FromRDFTest" repo = RDF::Repository.load(t.input_loc) "repo: #{repo.dump(id == '#t0012' ? :nquads : :trig)}" JSON::LD::API.fromRdf(repo, logger: logger, **options) when "jld:ToRDFTest" JSON::LD::API.toRdf(t.input_loc, logger: logger, **options) {} else success("Unknown test type: #{testType}") end raise_error(/#{'expect')}/) else fail("No support for NegativeSyntaxTest") end end end end # Don't use NQuads writer so that we don't escape Unicode def to_quad(thing) case thing when RDF::URI thing.to_ntriples when RDF::Node escaped(thing) when RDF::Literal::Double thing.canonicalize.to_ntriples when RDF::Literal v = quoted(escaped(thing.value)) case thing.datatype when nil, "", "" # Ignore these else v += "^^#{to_quad(thing.datatype)}" end v += "@#{thing.language}" if thing.language v when RDF::Statement {|r| to_quad(r)}.compact.join(" ") + " .\n" end end ## # @param [String] string # @return [String] def quoted(string) "\"#{string}\"" end ## # @param [String, #to_s] string # @return [String] def escaped(string) string.to_s.gsub('\\', '\\\\').gsub("\t", '\\t'). gsub("\n", '\\n').gsub("\r", '\\r').gsub('"', '\\"') end end ## # Document loader to use for tests having `useDocumentLoader` option # # @param [RDF::URI, String] url # @param [Hash Object>] options # @option options [Boolean] :validate # Allow only appropriate content types # @return [RemoteDocument] retrieved remote document and context information unless block given # @yield remote_document # @yieldparam [RemoteDocument] remote_document # @raise [JsonLdError] def documentLoader(url, **options, &block) options[:headers] ||= JSON::LD::API::OPEN_OPTS[:headers] options[:headers][:link] = Array(options[:httpLink]).join(',') if options[:httpLink] url = url.to_s[5..-1] if url.to_s.start_with?("file:") JSON::LD::API.documentLoader(url, options, &block) rescue JSON::LD::JsonLdError::LoadingDocumentFailed, JSON::LD::JsonLdError::MultipleContextLinkHeaders raise unless options[:safe] "don't raise error" end module_function :documentLoader end end