#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require "rubygems" require "lru_redux" require_relative "./engtagger/porter" module BoundedSpaceMemoizable def memoize(method, max_cache_size = 100_000) # alias_method is faster than define_method + old.bind(self).call alias_method "__memoized__#{method}", method module_eval <<-MODEV def #{method}(*a) @__memoized_#{method}_cache ||= LruRedux::Cache.new(#{max_cache_size}) @__memoized_#{method}_cache[a] ||= __memoized__#{method}(*a) end MODEV end end # English part-of-speech tagger class class EngTagger extend BoundedSpaceMemoizable # File paths DEFAULT_LEXPATH = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "engtagger") DEFAULT_WORDPATH = File.join(DEFAULT_LEXPATH, "pos_words.hash") DEFAULT_TAGPATH = File.join(DEFAULT_LEXPATH, "pos_tags.hash") ################# # Class methods # ################# # Return a class variable that holds probability data. # # @return [Hash] the probability data # def self.hmm @@hmm end # Return a class variable that holds lexical data. # # @return [Hash] the lexicon # def self.lexicon @@lexicon end # Return a regexp from a string argument that matches an XML-style pos tag def self.get_ext(tag = nil) return nil unless tag Regexp.new("<#{tag}>[^<]+\s*") end # Regexps to match XML-style part-of-speech tags NUM = get_ext("cd") GER = get_ext("vbg") ADJ = get_ext("jj[rs]*") NN = get_ext("nn[sp]*") NNP = get_ext("nnp") PREP = get_ext("in") DET = get_ext("det") PAREN = get_ext("[lr]rb") QUOT = get_ext("ppr") SEN = get_ext("pp") WORD = get_ext("\w+") VB = get_ext("vb") VBG = get_ext("vbg") VBD = get_ext("vbd") PART = get_ext("vbn") VBP = get_ext("vbp") VBZ = get_ext("vbz") JJ = get_ext("jj") JJR = get_ext("jjr") JJS = get_ext("jjs") RB = get_ext("rb") RBR = get_ext("rbr") RBS = get_ext("rbs") RP = get_ext("rp") WRB = get_ext("wrb") WDT = get_ext("wdt") WP = get_ext("wp") WPS = get_ext("wps") CC = get_ext("cc") IN = get_ext("in") # Convert a Treebank-style, abbreviated tag into verbose definitions # # @param tag [#to_s] the tag in question # @return [String] the definition, if available # def self.explain_tag(tag) tag = tag.to_s.downcase TAGS[tag] || tag end # The folloging is to make a hash to convert a pos tag to its definition # used by the explain_tag method tags = [ "CC", "Conjunction, coordinating", "CD", "Adjective, cardinal number", "DET", "Determiner", "EX", "Pronoun, existential there", "FW", "Foreign words", "IN", "Preposition / Conjunction", "JJ", "Adjective", "JJR", "Adjective, comparative", "JJS", "Adjective, superlative", "LS", "Symbol, list item", "MD", "Verb, modal", "NN", "Noun", "NNP", "Noun, proper", "NNPS", "Noun, proper, plural", "NNS", "Noun, plural", "PDT", "Determiner, prequalifier", "POS", "Possessive", "PRP", "Determiner, possessive second", "PRPS", "Determiner, possessive", "RB", "Adverb", "RBR", "Adverb, comparative", "RBS", "Adverb, superlative", "RP", "Adverb, particle", "SYM", "Symbol", "TO", "Preposition", "UH", "Interjection", "VB", "Verb, infinitive", "VBD", "Verb, past tense", "VBG", "Verb, gerund", "VBN", "Verb, past/passive participle", "VBP", "Verb, base present form", "VBZ", "Verb, present 3SG -s form", "WDT", "Determiner, question", "WP", "Pronoun, question", "WPS", "Determiner, possessive & question", "WRB", "Adverb, question", "PP", "Punctuation, sentence ender", "PPC", "Punctuation, comma", "PPD", "Punctuation, dollar sign", "PPL", "Punctuation, quotation mark left", "PPR", "Punctuation, quotation mark right", "PPS", "Punctuation, colon, semicolon, elipsis", "LRB", "Punctuation, left bracket", "RRB", "Punctuation, right bracket" ] tags = tags.collect { |t| t.downcase.gsub(/[.,'\-\s]+/, "_") } tags = tags.collect { |t| t.gsub("&", "and").gsub("/", "or") } TAGS = Hash[*tags] # Hash storing config values: # # * :unknown_word_tag # => (String) Tag to assign to unknown words # * :stem # => (Boolean) Stem single words using Porter module # * :weight_noun_phrases # => (Boolean) When returning occurrence counts for a noun phrase, multiply # the valuethe number of words in the NP. # * :longest_noun_phrase # => (Integer) Will ignore noun phrases longer than this threshold. This # affects only the get_words() and get_nouns() methods. # * :relax # => (Boolean) Relax the Hidden Markov Model: this may improve accuracy for # uncommon words, particularly words used polysemously # * :tag_lex # => (String) Name of the YAML file containing a hash of adjacent part of # speech tags and the probability of each # * :word_lex # => (String) Name of the YAML file containing a hash of words and corresponding # parts of speech # * :unknown_lex # => (String) Name of the YAML file containing a hash of tags for unknown # words and corresponding parts of speech # * :tag_path # => (String) Directory path of tag_lex # * :word_path # => (String) Directory path of word_lex and unknown_lex # * :debug # => (Boolean) Print debug messages attr_accessor :conf ############### # Constructor # ############### # Take a hash of parameters that override default values. # See above for details. def initialize(params = {}) @conf = {} @conf[:unknown_word_tag] = "" @conf[:stem] = false @conf[:weight_noun_phrases] = false @conf[:longest_noun_phrase] = 5 @conf[:relax] = false @conf[:tag_lex] = "tags.yml" @conf[:word_lex] = "words.yml" @conf[:unknown_lex] = "unknown.yml" @conf[:word_path] = DEFAULT_WORDPATH @conf[:tag_path] = DEFAULT_TAGPATH @conf[:debug] = false # assuming that we start analyzing from the beginninga new sentence... @conf[:current_tag] = "pp" @conf.merge!(params) if params if !File.exist?(@conf[:word_path]) || !File.exist?(@conf[:tag_path]) print "Couldn't locate POS lexicon, creating a new one" if @conf[:debug] @@hmm = {} @@lexicon = {} else lexf = File.open(@conf[:word_path], "r") @@lexicon = Marshal.load(lexf) lexf.close hmmf = File.open(@conf[:tag_path], "r") @@hmm = Marshal.load(hmmf) hmmf.close end @@mnp = get_max_noun_regex end ################## # Public methods # ################## # Return an array of pairs of the form `["word", :tag]`. # # @param text [String] the input text # @return [Array] the tagged words # def tag_pairs(text) return [] unless valid_text(text) out = clean_text(text).map do |word| cleaned_word = clean_word word tag = assign_tag(@conf[:current_tag], cleaned_word) @conf[:current_tag] = tag = tag && !tag.empty? ? tag : "nn" [word, tag.to_sym] end # reset the tagger state reset out end # Examine the string provided and return it fully tagged in XML style. # # @param text [String] the input text # @param verbose [false, true] whether to use verbose tags # @return [String] the marked-up string # # Examine the string provided and return it fully tagged in XML style def add_tags(text, verbose = false) return nil unless valid_text(text) tagged = [] words = clean_text(text) words.each do |word| cleaned_word = clean_word(word) tag = assign_tag(@conf[:current_tag], cleaned_word) @conf[:current_tag] = tag = tag && tag != "" ? tag : "nn" tag = EngTagger.explain_tag(tag) if verbose tagged << "<#{tag}>#{word}" end reset tagged.join(" ") end # Given a text string, return as many nouns and noun phrases as possible. # Applies add_tags and involves three stages: # # * Tag the text # * Extract all the maximal noun phrases # * Recursively extract all noun phrases from the MNPs # def get_words(text) return false unless valid_text(text) tagged = add_tags(text) if @conf[:longest_noun_phrase] <= 1 get_nouns(tagged) else get_noun_phrases(tagged) end end # Return an easy-on-the-eyes tagged version of a text string. # Applies add_tags and reformats to be easier to read. def get_readable(text, verbose = false) return nil unless valid_text(text) tagged = add_tags(text, verbose) tagged.gsub(%r{<\w+>([^<]+|[<\w>]+)}o) do "#{$1}/#{$2.upcase}" end end # Return an array of sentences (without POS tags) from a text. def get_sentences(text) return nil unless valid_text(text) tagged = add_tags(text) sentences = [] tagged.split(%r{}).each do |line| sentences << strip_tags(line) end sentences = sentences.map do |sentence| sentence.gsub(Regexp.new(" ('s?) ")) { $1 + " " } sentence.gsub(Regexp.new(" (\W+) ")) { $1 + " " } sentence.gsub(Regexp.new(" (`+) ")) { " " + $1 } sentence.gsub(Regexp.new(" (\W+)$")) { $1 } sentence.gsub(Regexp.new("^(`+) ")) { $1 } end end # Given a POS-tagged text, this method returns a hash of all proper nouns # and their occurrence frequencies. The method is greedy and will # return multi-word phrases, if possible, so it would find ``Linguistic # Data Consortium'' as a single unit, rather than as three individual # proper nouns. This method does not stem the found words. def get_proper_nouns(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [NNP] nnp = build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) # Now for some fancy resolution stuff... nnp.each_key do |key| words = key.split(/\s/) # Let's say this is an organization's name -- # (and it's got at least three words) # is there a corresponding acronym in this hash? next if words.length <= 2 # Make a (naive) acronym out of this name acronym = words.map do |word| /\A([a-z])[a-z]*\z/ =~ word $1 end.join " " # If that acronym has been seen, # remove it and add the values to # the full name if nnp[acronym] nnp[key] += nnp[acronym] nnp.delete(acronym) end end nnp end # Given a POS-tagged text, this method returns all nouns and their # occurrence frequencies. # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_nouns(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [NN] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # Returns all types of verbs and does not descriminate between the # various kinds. Combines all other verb methods listed in this # class. # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [VB, VBD, VBG, PART, VBP, VBZ] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_infinitive_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [VB] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_past_tense_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [VBD] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_gerund_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [VBG] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_passive_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [PART] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_base_present_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [VBP] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_present_verbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [VBZ] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_adjectives(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [JJ] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_comparative_adjectives(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [JJR] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_superlative_adjectives(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [JJS] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_adverbs(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [RB, RBR, RBS, RP] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_interrogatives(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [WRB, WDT, WP, WPS] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # To be consistent with documentation's naming of 'interrogative' # parts of speech as 'question' alias get_question_parts get_interrogatives # Returns all types of conjunctions and does not discriminate # between the various kinds. E.g. coordinating, subordinating, # correlative... # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_conjunctions(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [CC, IN] build_matches_hash(build_trimmed(tagged, tags)) end # Given a POS-tagged text, this method returns only the maximal noun phrases. # May be called directly, but is also used by `get_noun_phrases`. # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_max_noun_phrases(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) tags = [@@mnp] mn_phrases = build_trimmed(tagged, tags) ret = Hash.new(0) mn_phrases.each do |p| p = stem(p) unless p =~ /\s/ # stem single words ret[p] += 1 unless p =~ /\A\s*\z/ end ret end # Similar to get_words, but requires a POS-tagged text as an argument. # # @param tagged [String] the tagged text # @return [Hash] the hash of matches # def get_noun_phrases(tagged) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) found = Hash.new(0) phrase_ext = /(?:#{PREP}|#{DET}|#{NUM})+/xo scanned = tagged.scan(@@mnp) # Find MNPs in the text, one sentence at a time # Record and split if the phrase is extended by a (?:PREP|DET|NUM) mn_phrases = [] scanned.each do |m| found[m] += 1 if phrase_ext =~ m mn_phrases += m.split(phrase_ext) end mn_phrases.each do |mnp| # Split the phrase into an array of words, and create a loop for each word, # shortening the phrase by removing the word in the first position. # Record the phrase and any single nouns that are found words = mnp.split words.length.times do found[words.join(" ")] += 1 if words.length > 1 w = words.shift found[w] += 1 if w =~ /#{NN}/ end end ret = Hash.new(0) found.each_key do |f| k = strip_tags(f) v = found[f] # We weight by the word count to favor long noun phrases space_count = k.scan(/\s+/) word_count = space_count.length + 1 # Throttle MNPs if necessary next if word_count > @conf[:longest_noun_phrase] k = stem(k) unless word_count > 1 # stem single words multiplier = 1 multiplier = word_count if @conf[:weight_noun_phrases] ret[k] += multiplier * v end ret end # Reads some included corpus data and saves it in a stored hash on the # local file system. This is called automatically if the tagger can't # find the stored lexicon. def install puts "Creating part-of-speech lexicon" if @conf[:debug] load_tags(@conf[:tag_lex]) load_words(@conf[:word_lex]) load_words(@conf[:unknown_lex]) File.open(@conf[:word_path], "w") do |f| Marshal.dump(@@lexicon, f) end File.open(@conf[:tag_path], "w") do |f| Marshal.dump(@@hmm, f) end end ################### # Private methods # ################### private def build_trimmed(tagged, tags) tags.map { |tag| tagged.scan(tag) }.flatten.map do |n| strip_tags(n) end end def build_matches_hash(trimmed) ret = Hash.new(0) trimmed.each do |n| n = stem(n) next unless n.length < 100 # sanity check on word length ret[n] += 1 unless n =~ /\A\s*\z/ end ret end # Downcase the first letter of word def lcfirst(word) word.split(//)[0].downcase + word.split(//)[1..].join end # Upcase the first letter of word def ucfirst(word) word.split(//)[0].upcase + word.split(//)[1..].join end # Return the word stem as given by Stemmable module. This can be # turned off with the class parameter @conf[:stem] => false. def stem(word) @conf[:stem] ? word.stem : word end # This method will reset the preceeding tag to a sentence ender (PP). # This prepares the first word of a new sentence to be tagged correctly. def reset @conf[:current_tag] = "pp" end # Check whether the text is a valid string def valid_text(text) if !text # there's nothing to parse "method call on uninitialized variable" if @conf[:debug] false elsif /\A\s*\z/ =~ text # text is an empty string, nothing to parse false else # $text is valid true end end # Return a text string with the part-of-speech tags removed def strip_tags(tagged, downcase = false) return nil unless valid_text(tagged) text = tagged.gsub(/<[^>]+>/m, "") text = text.gsub(/\s+/m, " ") text = text.gsub(/\A\s*/, "") text = text.gsub(/\s*\z/, "") downcase ? text.downcase : text end # Strip the provided text and separate off any punctuation in preparation for tagging def clean_text(text) return false unless valid_text(text) cleaned_text = text.encode("utf-8") tokenized = [] # Tokenize the text (splitting on punctuation as you go) cleaned_text.split(/\s+/).each do |line| tokenized += split_punct(line) end split_sentences(tokenized) end # This handles all of the trailing periods, keeping those that # belong on abbreviations and removing those that seem to be # at the end of sentences. This method makes some assumptions # about the use of capitalization in the incoming text def split_sentences(array) tokenized = array people = %w[jr mr ms mrs dr prof esq sr sen sens rep reps gov attys attys supt det mssrs rev] army = %w[col gen lt cmdr adm capt sgt cpl maj brig] inst = %w[dept univ assn bros ph.d] place = %w[arc al ave blvd bld cl ct cres exp expy dist mt mtn ft fy fwy hwy hway la pde pd plz pl rd st tce] comp = %w[mfg inc ltd co corp] state = %w[ala ariz ark cal calif colo col conn del fed fla ga ida id ill ind ia kans kan ken ky la me md is mass mich minn miss mo mont neb nebr nev mex okla ok ore penna penn pa dak tenn tex ut vt va wash wis wisc wy wyo usafa alta man ont que sask yuk] month = %w[jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep sept oct nov dec] misc = %w[vs etc no esp] abbr = {} [people, army, inst, place, comp, state, month, misc].flatten.each do |i| abbr[i] = true end words = [] tokenized.each_with_index do |_, i| if tokenized[i + 1] && tokenized [i + 1] =~ /[A-Z\W]/ && tokenized[i] =~ /\A(.+)\.\z/ w = $1 # Don't separate the period off words that # meet any of the following conditions: # # 1. It is defined in one of the lists above # 2. It is only one letter long: Alfred E. Sloan # 3. It has a repeating letter-dot: U.S.A. or J.C. Penney unless abbr[w.downcase] || [/\A[a-z]\z/i, /[a-z](?:\.[a-z])+\z/i].any? { |r| r.match? w } words << w words << "." next end end words << tokenized[i] end # If the final word ends in a period.. if words[-1] && words[-1] =~ /\A(.*\w)\.\z/ words[-1] = $1 words.push "." end words end # Separate punctuation from words, where appropriate. This leaves trailing # periods in place to be dealt with later. Called by the clean_text method. def split_punct(text) # If there's no punctuation, return immediately return [text] if /\A\w+\z/ =~ text # Sanity checks text = text.gsub(/\W{10,}/o, " ") # Put quotes into a standard format text = text.gsub(/`(?!`)(?=.*\w)/o, "` ") # Shift left quotes off text text = text.gsub(/"(?=.*\w)/o, " `` ") # Convert left quotes to `` text = text.gsub(/(\W|^)'(?=.*\w)/o) { $1 ? $1 + " ` " : " ` " } # Convert left quotes to ` text = text.gsub(/"/, " '' ") # Convert (remaining) quotes to '' text = text.gsub(/(\w)'(?!')(?=\W|$)/o) { $1 + " ' " } # Separate right single quotes # Handle all other punctuation text = text.gsub(/--+/o, " - ") # Convert and separate dashes text = text.gsub(/,(?!\d)/o, " , ") # Shift commas off everything but numbers text = text.gsub(/:/o, " : ") # Shift semicolons off text = text.gsub(/(\.\.\.+)/o) { " " + $1 + " " } # Shift ellipses off text = text.gsub(/([(\[{}\])])/o) { " " + $1 + " " } # Shift off brackets text = text.gsub(/([!?#$%;~|])/o) { " " + $1 + " " } # Shift off other ``standard'' punctuation # English-specific contractions text = text.gsub(/([A-Za-z])'([dms])\b/o) { $1 + " '" + $2 } # Separate off 'd 'm 's text = text.gsub(/n't\b/o, " n't") # Separate off n't text = text.gsub(/'(ve|ll|re)\b/o) { " '" + $1 } # Separate off 've, 'll, 're text.split(" ") end # Given a preceding tag, assign a tag word. Called by the add_tags method. # This method is a modified version of the Viterbi algorithm for part-of-speech tagging def assign_tag(prev_tag, word) case word when "-unknown-" # classify unknown words accordingly return @conf[:unknown_word_tag] when "-sym-" # If this is a symbol, tag it as a symbol return "sym" end best_so_far = 0 w = @@lexicon[word] t = @@hmm # TAG THE TEXT: What follows is a modified version of the Viterbi algorithm # which is used in most POS taggers best_tag = "" t[prev_tag].each_key do |tag| # With @config[:relax] set, this method # will also include any `open classes' of POS tags pw = 0 if w[tag] pw = w[tag] elsif @conf[:relax] && tag =~ /\A(?:jj|nn|rb|vb)/ pw = 0 else next end # Bayesian logic: # P = P( tag | prev_tag ) * P( tag | word ) probability = t[prev_tag][tag] * (pw + 1) # Set the tag with maximal probability if probability > best_so_far best_so_far = probability best_tag = tag end end best_tag end # This method determines whether a word should be considered in its # lower or upper case form. This is useful in considering proper nouns # and words that begin sentences. Called by add_tags. def clean_word(word) lcf = lcfirst(word) # seen this word as it appears (lower or upper case) if @@lexicon[word] word elsif @@lexicon[lcf] # seen this word only as lower case lcf else # never seen this word. guess. classify_unknown_word(word) end end # This changes any word not appearing in the lexicon to identifiable # classes of words handled by a simple unknown word classification # metric. Called by the clean_word method. def classify_unknown_word(word) case word when /[({\[]/ # Left brackets "*LRB*" when /[)}\]]/ # Right brackets "*RRB*" when /-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)\z/ # Floating point number "*NUM*" when %r{\A\d+[\d/:-]+\d\z} # Other number constructs "*NUM*" when /\A-?\d+\w+\z/o # Ordinal number "*ORD*" when /\A[A-Z][A-Z.-]*\z/o # Abbreviation (all caps) "-abr-" when /\w-\w/o # Hyphenated word /-([^-]+)\z/ =~ word h_suffix = $1 if h_suffix && (@@lexicon[h_suffix] && @@lexicon[h_suffix]["jj"]) # last part of this is defined as an adjective "-hyp-adj-" else # last part of this is not defined as an adjective "-hyp-" end when /\A\W+\z/o "-sym-" # Symbol when ucfirst(word) "-cap-" # Capitalized word when /ing\z/o "-ing-" # Ends in "ing" when /s\z/o "-s-" # Ends in "s" when /tion\z/o "-tion-" # Ends in "tion" when /ly\z/o "-ly-" # Ends in "ly" when /ed\z/o "-ed-" # Ends in "ed else "-unknown-" # Completely unknown end end # This returns a compiled regexp for extracting maximal noun phrases # from a POS-tagged text. def get_max_noun_regex / # optional number, gerund - adjective -participle (?:#{NUM})?(?:#{GER}|#{ADJ}|#{PART})* # Followed by one or more nouns (?:#{NN})+ (?: # Optional preposition, determinant, cardinal (?:#{PREP})*(?:#{DET})?(?:#{NUM})? # Optional gerund-adjective -participle (?:#{GER}|#{ADJ}|#{PART})* # one or more nouns (?:#{NN})+ )* /xo end # Load the 2-grams into a hash from YAML data: This is a naive (but fast) # YAML data parser. It will load a YAML document with a collection of key: # value entries ( {pos tag}: {probability} ) mapped onto single keys ( {tag} ). # Each map is expected to be on a single line; i.e., det: { jj: 0.2, nn: 0.5, vb: 0.0002 } def load_tags(lexicon, lexpath = DEFAULT_LEXPATH) path = File.join(lexpath, lexicon) fh = File.open(path, "r") while (line = fh.gets) /\A"?([^{"]+)"?: \{ (.*) \}/ =~ line next unless $1 && $2 key = $1 data = $2 items = data.split(/,\s+/) pairs = {} items.each do |i| /([^:]+):\s*(.+)/ =~ i pairs[$1] = $2.to_f end @@hmm[key] = pairs end fh.close end # Load the 2-grams into a hash from YAML data: This is a naive (but fast) # YAML data parser. It will load a YAML document with a collection of key: # value entries ( {pos tag}: {count} ) mapped onto single keys ( {a word} ). # Each map is expected to be on a single line; i.e., key: { jj: 103, nn: 34, vb: 1 } def load_words(lexicon, lexpath = DEFAULT_LEXPATH) path = File.join(lexpath, lexicon) fh = File.open(path, "r") while (line = fh.gets) /\A"?([^{"]+)"?: \{ (.*) \}/ =~ line next unless $1 && $2 key = $1 data = $2 items = data.split(/,\s+/) pairs = {} items.each do |i| /([^:]+):\s*(.+)/ =~ i pairs[$1] = $2.to_f end @@lexicon[key] = pairs end fh.close end # memoize the stem and assign_tag methods memoize("stem") memoize("assign_tag") end