# Depends on working pdftk, gm (GraphicsMagick), and pdftotext (Poppler) commands. # Splits a pdf into batches of N pages, creates their thumbnails and icons, # as specified in the Job options, gets the text for every page, and merges # it all back into a tar archive for convenient download. # # See examples/process_pdfs_example.rb for more information. class ProcessPdfs < CloudCrowd::Action # Split up a large pdf into single-page pdfs. # The double pdftk shuffle fixes the document xrefs. def split `pdftk #{input_path} burst output "#{file_name}_%05d.pdf_temp"` FileUtils.rm input_path pdfs = Dir["*.pdf_temp"] pdfs.each {|pdf| `pdftk #{pdf} output #{File.basename(pdf, '.pdf_temp')}.pdf`} pdfs = Dir["*.pdf"] batch_size = options['batch_size'] batches = (pdfs.length / batch_size.to_f).ceil batches.times do |batch_num| tar_path = "#{sprintf('%05d', batch_num)}.tar" batch_pdfs = pdfs[batch_num*batch_size...(batch_num + 1)*batch_size] `tar -czf #{tar_path} #{batch_pdfs.join(' ')}` end Dir["*.tar"].map {|tar| save(tar) }.to_json end # Convert a pdf page into different-sized thumbnails. Grab the text. def process `tar -xzf #{input_path}` FileUtils.rm input_path cmds = [] generate_images_commands(cmds) generate_text_commands(cmds) system cmds.join(' && ') FileUtils.rm Dir['*.pdf'] `tar -czf #{file_name}.tar *` save("#{file_name}.tar") end # Merge all of the resulting images, all of the resulting text files, and # the concatenated merge of the full-text into a single tar archive, ready to # for download. def merge JSON.parse(input).each do |batch_url| batch_path = File.basename(batch_url) download(batch_url, batch_path) `tar -xzf #{batch_path}` FileUtils.rm batch_path end names = Dir['*.txt'].map {|fn| fn.sub(/_\d+(_\w+)?\.txt\Z/, '') }.uniq dirs = names.map {|n| ["#{n}/text/full", "#{n}/text/pages"] + options['images'].map {|i| "#{n}/images/#{i['name']}" } }.flatten FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirs) Dir['*.*'].each do |file| ext = File.extname(file) name = file.sub(/_\d+(_\w+)?#{ext}\Z/, '') if ext == '.txt' FileUtils.mv(file, "#{name}/text/pages/#{file}") else suffix = file.match(/_([^_]+)#{ext}\Z/)[1] sans_suffix = file.sub(/_([^_]+)#{ext}\Z/, ext) FileUtils.mv(file, "#{name}/images/#{suffix}/#{sans_suffix}") end end names.each {|n| `cat #{n}/text/pages/*.txt > #{n}/text/full/#{n}.txt` } `tar -czf processed_pdfs.tar *` save("processed_pdfs.tar") end private def generate_images_commands(command_list) Dir["*.pdf"].each do |pdf| name = File.basename(pdf, File.extname(pdf)) options['images'].each do |i| command_list << "gm convert #{i['options']} #{pdf} #{name}_#{i['name']}.#{i['extension']}" end end end def generate_text_commands(command_list) Dir["*.pdf"].each do |pdf| name = File.basename(pdf, File.extname(pdf)) command_list << "pdftotext -enc UTF-8 -layout -q #{pdf} #{name}.txt" end end end