# Databox bindings for Ruby [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis] Ruby Gem for [Databox](http://databox.com/) - Mobile Executive Dashboard. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'databox' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install databox ## Initialisation Before pushing data to Databox you have to initialize it with token. ```ruby Databox.configure do |c| c.push_token = "YOUR_TOKEN" end ``` ## Usage Pushing data directly to Databox with help of `push` method: ```ruby client = Databox::Client.new client.push(key: 'sales.total', value: 3000) client.push(key: 'temp.boston', value: 52.0) client.push(key: 'temp.boston', value: 52.0, date: '2015-01-01 17:00:00') client.push(key: 'temp.boston', value: 52.0, attributes: { location: 'boston-south' }) ``` Inserting multiple matrices with one `insert_all`: ```ruby client = Databox::Client.new client.insert_all [ {key: 'temp.boston', value: 52}, {key: 'temp.boston', value: 50, date: '2015-01-01 17:00:00'}, {key: 'temp.ny', value: 49} ] ``` Retrieving information from last push with `last_push`: ```ruby client.last_push # => #[{ # "push"=>"{\"data\":[{\"$sales.total\":2000}]}", # "err"=>"[]", # "no_err"=>0, # "datetime"=>"2015-06-05T10:21:23.861Z", # "keys"=>"[\"132|sales.total\"]" #}] ``` ## Resources - [Databox Web App](https://app.databox.com/) - [Databox Developers Portal](https://developers.databox.com/) ## Author & License - [Oto Brglez](https://github.com/otobrglez) - Comes with `MIT` license and terms [travis-badge]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/databox/databox-ruby.png?branch=v2 [travis]: http://travis-ci.org/databox/databox-ruby