require 'date' module Simp; end # Class that provides component version, release, and changelog # information class Simp::ComponentInfo attr_accessor :component_dir, :type, :version, :release, :changelog # A helpful method for ensuring that the errors can be easily seen ERR_MARKER = "WARNING: !!! " # See # When matched against this regex # match 1 = date of the form {weekday} {month} {day} {year} # match 2 = author of the form {name} <{email}> # match 3 = version # match 4 = optional release qualifier; nil when absent CHANGELOG_ENTRY_REGEX = /^\*\s+((?:Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun) (?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) [0-3]{1}[0-9]{1} \d{4})\s+(.+<.+>)(?:\s+|\s*-\s*)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?:-(\S+))?\s*$/ # Load component information from appropriate component files # # Module # version: Top-level 'version' key from the metadata.json file # release: Not set # changelog: Array of valid changelog entries derived from the # CHANGELOG file # # Asset # version: Primary Version tag from build/.spec # release: Primary Release tag from build/.spec # changelog: Array of valid changelog entries derived from the # contents of the %changelog section in # build/.spec. Will be an empty if # %changelog is not present. # # NOTES: # 1. The changelog is only parsed up to the first entry that # fails basic validation. # - First line must be of the form # * {date string} {author info} - {version} # * {date string} {author info} - {version}-{release} # # where, # date string = {weekday} {month} {day} {year} # author info = {author name} <{author email}> # - Weekday must be correct for the specified date # - Entries must be separated by a blank line # # NOTE: This currently does not support the valid RPM `%changelog` # format that places the version number on the next line: # # * Fri Mar 02 2012 Maintenance # 4.0.0-2 # - Improved test stubs. # # However, since we are not using this form for recent # changelogs and we stop processing upon reaching such # a changelog entry, this should *not* be an issue. # 2. When RPM spec files contain sub-packages, only the primary # package information is returned. # 3. Some assets have another version in a lib/.../version.rb. # Since there is no definitive way for this code to determine # that version, it will not be loaded here. # # Fails if any of the following occur: # - The metadata.json file for a Puppet module component cannot be # parsed. # - A top-level 'version' key does not exist in the metadata.json file. # - The CHANGELOG file for a Puppet module component does not exist. # - The RPM spec file for a non-Puppet module component does not exist. # - More than 1 RPM spec file for a non-Puppet module component exists. # - The version, release or changelog cannot be extracted from the RPM # spec file for a non-Puppet module. # - Any changelog entry below the first entry has a version greater # than that of the first entry. Changelog entries must be # ordered from latest version to earliest version. # - The changelog entries are out of date order. # # +component_dir+:: The root directory of the component project. # +latest_version_only+:: Whether to only return the changelog # entries for the latest version # +verbose+:: Whether to log a changelog validation failure # def initialize(component_dir, latest_version_only = false, verbose = true) @component_dir = component_dir if File.exists?(File.join(@component_dir, 'metadata.json')) @type = :module load_module_info(latest_version_only, verbose) else @type = :asset load_asset_info(latest_version_only, verbose) end end private def load_module_info(latest_version_only, verbose) require 'json' metadata_file = File.join(@component_dir, 'metadata.json') metadata = JSON.parse( fail("ERROR: Version missing from #{metadata_file}") if metadata['version'].nil? @version = metadata['version'].split('-').first rel_bits = metadata['version'].split('-')[1..-1] @release = rel_bits.empty? ? nil : rel_bits.join('-') changelog_file = File.join(component_dir, 'CHANGELOG') unless File.exists?(changelog_file) fail("ERROR: No CHANGELOG file found in #{component_dir}") end @changelog = parse_changelog(, latest_version_only, verbose) end def load_asset_info(latest_version_only, verbose) rpm_spec_files = Dir.glob(File.join(@component_dir, 'build', '*.spec')) if rpm_spec_files.empty? fail("No RPM spec file found in #{File.join(@component_dir, 'build')}") elsif rpm_spec_files.size > 1 fail("More than 1 RPM spec file found: #{rpm_spec_files.join(' ')}") end # Determine asset version, which we will ASSUME to be the main # package version. The RPM query, below, will return the main # package followed by subpackages. version_query = "rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION} %{RELEASE}\\n'" + " --specfile #{rpm_spec_files[0]}" rpm_version_list = `#{version_query} 2> /dev/null` if $?.exitstatus != 0 fail("Could not extract version and release from #{rpm_spec_files[0]}." + " To debug, execute:\n #{version_query}") end @version, @release = rpm_version_list.split("\n")[0].split changelog_query = "rpm -q --changelog --specfile #{rpm_spec_files[0]}" raw_changelog = `#{changelog_query} 2> /dev/null` if $?.exitstatus != 0 fail("Could not extract changelog from #{rpm_spec_files[0]}." + " To debug, execute:\n #{changelog_query}") elsif raw_changelog.strip.empty? changelog_lines = [] in_changelog = false[0]).lines.each do |line| changelog_lines << line if in_changelog if line.start_with?('%') if line.start_with?('%changelog') in_changelog = true else in_changelog = false end end end raw_changelog = changelog_lines.join end @changelog = parse_changelog(raw_changelog, latest_version_only, verbose) end # Return an array of changelog entries, optionally for only the # latest version # # Iterates through the changelog entries from the newest to the # oldest, performing basic validation. Stops processing entries # if an entry fails validation. # def parse_changelog(changelog, latest_version_only, verbose) # split on the entry-separating lines changelog_entries = changelog.split(/\n\n+/) latest_version = nil # 1st version found is latest version prev_entry_date = nil changelogs = [] changelog_entries.each do |entry| # split each entry into lines, removing the initial, empty line # that occurs on all but the first entry changelog_lines = entry.split("\n").delete_if { |line| line.empty? } match = CHANGELOG_ENTRY_REGEX.match(changelog_lines[0]) if match.nil? warn "WARNING: Parsing stopped at invalid changelog entry: \n#{entry}" if verbose break else # verify 1st version is latest version # NOTE: There are edge cases in which comparisons between # versions with and without release qualifiers may give answers # that are not expected. For example, '6.2.0' > '6.2.0-1'. full_version = match[3] full_version += "-#{match[4]}" unless match[4].nil? current_version = latest_version = current_version if latest_version.nil? if current_version > latest_version fail("ERROR: Changelog entries are not properly version ordered") end break if latest_version_only and (current_version < latest_version) # verify dates are appropriately ordered (newest to oldest) current_entry_date = Date.strptime(match[1], '%a %b %d %Y') prev_entry_date = current_entry_date if prev_entry_date.nil? if current_entry_date > prev_entry_date fail("ERROR: Changelog entries are not properly date ordered") end if valid_date_weekday?(match[1], verbose) entry = { :date => match[1], :version => match[3], :release => match[4], :content => changelog_lines } changelogs << entry else warn "WARNING: Parsing stopped at invalid changelog entry: \n#{entry}" if verbose break end end end changelogs end # Validate the weekday in the already-format-verified changelog # date string is correct for the date specified # # Returns false if the weekday is incorrect for date specified. # # +changelog_date+:: Date string of the form # +verbose+:: Whether to log details about a weekday validation failure def valid_date_weekday?(changelog_date, verbose) date = Date.strptime(changelog_date, '%a %b %d %Y') expected_weekday = date.strftime('%a') actual_weekday = changelog_date.strip.split[0] valid = true if actual_weekday != expected_weekday err_msg = ERR_MARKER + "'#{actual_weekday}' should be '#{expected_weekday}' for" + " changelog timestamp '#{changelog_date}'" warn err_msg if verbose valid = false end return valid end end