module TheComments # Base functionality of Comments Controller # class CommentsController < ApplicationController # include TheComments::Controller # end module Controller extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include TheComments::ViewToken # Attention! We should not set TheComments cookie before create skip_before_action :set_the_comments_cookies, only: [:create] # Spam protection before_action -> { @errors = [] }, only: [:create] before_action :ajax_requests_required, only: [:create] before_action :cookies_required, only: [:create] before_action :empty_trap_required, only: [:create], if: -> { TheComments.config.empty_trap_protection } before_action :tolerance_time_required, only: [:create], if: -> { TheComments.config.tolerance_time_protection } # preparation before_action :define_commentable, only: [:create] # raise an errors before_action -> { return render(json: { errors: @errors }) unless @errors.blank? }, only: [:create] end # App side methods (you can overwrite them) def manage @comments =[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end def my_comments @comments =[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end # Methods based on *current_user* helper # Methods for admin %w[draft published deleted].each do |state| define_method "#{state}" do @comments = current_user.comcoms.with_users.with_state(state)[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end define_method "total_#{state}" do @comments = ::Comment.with_state(state)[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end define_method "my_#{state}" do @comments = current_user.my_comments.with_users.with_state(state)[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end end def spam @comments = current_user.comcoms.with_users.where(spam: true)[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end def my_spam @comments = current_user.my_comments.with_users.where(spam: true)[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end def total_spam @comments = ::Comment.where(spam: true)[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end # BASE METHODS # Public methods def create @comment = comment_params if @comment.valid? return render layout: false, partial: comment_partial(:comment), locals: { tree: @comment } end render json: { errors: @comment.errors } end # Restricted area def edit @comments = current_user.comcoms.where(id: params[:id]).page(params[:page]) render comment_template(:manage) end def update comment = ::Comment.find(params[:id]) comment.update_attributes!(patch_comment_params) render(layout: false, partial: comment_partial(:comment_body), locals: { comment: comment }) end %w[draft published deleted].each do |state| define_method "to_#{state}" do ::Comment.find(params[:id]).try "to_#{state}" render nothing: true end end def to_spam comment = ::Comment.find(params[:id]) comment.to_spam comment.to_deleted render nothing: true end private def comment_template template { template: "the_comments/#{TheComments.config.template_engine}/#{template}" } end def comment_partial partial "the_comments/#{TheComments.config.template_engine}/#{partial}" end def denormalized_fields title = @commentable.commentable_title url = @commentable.commentable_url @commentable ? { commentable_title: title, commentable_url: url } : {} end def request_data_for_comment r = request { ip: r.ip, referer: CGI::unescape(r.referer || 'direct_visit'), user_agent: r.user_agent } end def define_commentable commentable_klass = params[:comment][:commentable_type].constantize commentable_id = params[:comment][:commentable_id] @commentable = commentable_klass.find(commentable_id) return render(json: { errors: [t('the_comments.undefined_commentable')] }) unless @commentable end def comment_params params .require(:comment) .permit(:title, :contacts, :raw_content, :parent_id) .merge(denormalized_fields) .merge(request_data_for_comment) .merge(tolerance_time: params[:tolerance_time].to_i) .merge(user: current_user, view_token: comments_view_token) end def patch_comment_params params .require(:comment) .permit(:title, :contacts, :raw_content, :parent_id) end # Protection hooks def ajax_requests_required unless request.xhr? return render(text: t('the_comments.ajax_requests_required')) end end def cookies_required if cookies[:the_comment_cookies] != TheComments::COMMENTS_COOKIES_TOKEN @errors << [t('the_comments.cookies'), t('the_comments.cookies_required')].join(': ') end end # TODO: # 1) inject ? # 2) fields can be removed on client side def empty_trap_required is_human = true params.slice(*TheComments.config.empty_inputs).values.each{|v| is_human = (is_human && v.blank?) } if !is_human @errors << [t('the_comments.trap'), t('the_comments.trap_message')].join(': ') end end def tolerance_time_required this_time = params[:tolerance_time].to_i min_time = TheComments.config.tolerance_time.to_i if this_time < min_time tdiff = min_time - this_time @errors << [t('the_comments.tolerance_time'), t('the_comments.tolerance_time_message', time: tdiff )].join(': ') end end end end