Usage: irb.rb [options] [programfile] [arguments] -f Don't initialize from configuration file. -d Set $DEBUG and $VERBOSE to true (same as 'ruby -d'). -r load-module Require load-module (same as 'ruby -r'). -I path Specify $LOAD_PATH directory (same as 'ruby -I'). -U Set external and internal encodings to UTF-8. -E ex[:in] Set default external (ex) and internal (in) encodings (same as 'ruby -E'). -w Suppress warnings (same as 'ruby -w'). -W[level=2] Set warning level: 0=silence, 1=medium, 2=verbose (same as 'ruby -W'). --context-mode n Set n[0-4] to method to create Binding Object, when new workspace was created. --extra-doc-dir Add an extra doc dir for the doc dialog. --echo Show result (default). --noecho Don't show result. --echo-on-assignment Show result on assignment. --noecho-on-assignment Don't show result on assignment. --truncate-echo-on-assignment Show truncated result on assignment (default). --inspect Use 'inspect' for output. --noinspect Don't use 'inspect' for output. --multiline Use multiline editor module. --nomultiline Don't use multiline editor module (default). --singleline Use single line editor module. --nosingleline Don't use single line editor module (default). --colorize Use color-highlighting (default). --nocolorize Don't use color-highlighting. --autocomplete Use auto-completion (default). --noautocomplete Don't use auto-completion. --prompt prompt-mode, --prompt-mode prompt-mode Set prompt mode. Pre-defined prompt modes are: 'default', 'classic', 'simple', 'inf-ruby', 'xmp', 'null'. --inf-ruby-mode Use prompt appropriate for inf-ruby-mode on emacs. Suppresses --multiline and --singleline. --sample-book-mode, --simple-prompt Set prompt mode to 'simple'. --noprompt Don't output prompt. --script Script mode (default, treat first argument as script) --noscript No script mode (leave arguments in argv) --single-irb Share self with sub-irb. --tracer Show stack trace for each command. --back-trace-limit n[=16] Display backtrace top n and bottom n. --verbose Show details. --noverbose Don't show details. -v, --version Print the version of irb. -h, --help Print help. -- Separate options of irb from the list of command-line args.