module Gyoku module XMLKey class << self CAMELCASE = lambda { |key| key.gsub(/\/(.?)/) { |m| "::#{m.split('').last.upcase}" }.gsub(/(?:^|_)(.)/) { |m| m.split('').last.upcase } } LOWER_CAMELCASE = lambda { |key| key[0].chr.downcase +[1..-1] } UPCASE = lambda { |key| key.upcase } FORMULAS = { :lower_camelcase => lambda { |key| }, :camelcase => lambda { |key| }, :upcase => lambda { |key| }, :none => lambda { |key| key } } # Converts a given +object+ with +options+ to an XML key. def create(key, options = {}) xml_key = chop_special_characters key.to_s if unqualified = unqualify?(xml_key) xml_key = xml_key.split(":").last end xml_key = key_converter(options, xml_key).call(xml_key) if Symbol === key if !unqualified && qualify?(options) && !xml_key.include?(":") xml_key = "#{options[:namespace]}:#{xml_key}" end xml_key end private # Returns the formula for converting Symbol keys. def key_converter(options, xml_key) return options[:key_converter] if options[:key_converter].is_a? Proc defined_key = options[:key_to_convert] if (defined_key != nil) && (defined_key == xml_key) key_converter = options[:key_converter] elsif defined_key != nil key_converter = :lower_camelcase elsif (options[:except] == xml_key) key_converter = :lower_camelcase else key_converter = options[:key_converter] || :lower_camelcase end FORMULAS[key_converter] end # Chops special characters from the end of a given +string+. def chop_special_characters(string) ["!", "/"].include?(string[-1, 1]) ? string.chop : string end # Returns whether to remove the namespace from a given +key+. def unqualify?(key) key[0, 1] == ":" end # Returns whether to namespace all keys (elementFormDefault). def qualify?(options) options[:element_form_default] == :qualified && options[:namespace] end end end end