#! /usr/bin/env ruby # This is a modified version found at http://tomayko.com/writings/unicorn-is-unix # It is modified to trigger various states like increase memory consumption so that # I could write watches for them. # Instructions for running the test # # (1) Edit the example config and fix the path to this file. Around line 16. # (2) Load up the config and run the bluepill daemon # (3) Run watch -n0.2 'sudo ruby bin/bluepill status 2>/dev/null; echo; ps ajxu | egrep "(CPU|forking|bluepill|sleep|ruby)" | grep -v grep | sort' # (4) After verifying that the "sleep" workers are properly being restarted, telnet to localhost 4242 and say something. You should get it echoed back and the worker which answered your request should now be over the allowed memory limit # (5) Observe the worker being killed in the watch you started in step 3. require 'socket' port = ARGV[0].to_i port = 4242 if port.zero? acceptor = Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) address = Socket.pack_sockaddr_in(port, '') acceptor.bind(address) acceptor.listen(10) children = [] trap('EXIT') do acceptor.close children.each { |c| Process.kill('QUIT', c) } end 3.times do children << fork do trap('QUIT') do $0 = 'forking_server| QUIT received shutting down gracefully...' sleep 5 exit end trap('INT') do $0 = 'forking_server| INT received shutting down UN-gracefully...' sleep 3 exit end puts "child #{$PROCESS_ID} accepting on shared socket (localhost:#{port})" loop do socket, _ = acceptor.accept socket.write "child #{$PROCESS_ID} echo> " socket.flush message = socket.gets socket.write message socket.close puts "child #{$PROCESS_ID} echo'd: '#{message.strip}'" # cause a spike in mem usage '*' * 2**20 end exit end end trap('INT') do puts "\nbailing" exit end Process.waitall