# Joybox Introduced at [#Inspect 2013](http://www.rubymotion.com/conference/), Joybox is the easiest way to build 2D games for iPhones and iPads using [RubyMotion](http://www.rubymotion.com/). Joybox combines the most popular and widely used 2D game engine for iOS, [Cocos2D](http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/), folds in the amazing [Box2D](http://box2d.org/) physics engine, and then wraps them up into a clean Ruby API that will make game development faster and more enjoyable for both beginners and experts alike. For more information, see the presentation: [Cocos2D, an Easier Way](https://speakerdeck.com/curveberyl/cocos2d-an-easier-way). ## Latest version history (0.0.6) * Added OSX development support. Use 'motion create --template=joybox-osx' to create an OSX project. * Added Ruby Motion Template support. Use 'joybox install' to install the templates (joybox-ios & joybox-osx) * Added Ruby Motion Command support. Use 'motion joybox:generate ' to generate Sprites, Layers and Scene subclases and their respective specs. * Added Circle Shape to Box2D Fixtures. Thank you Kenichi Yonekawa! * Added Sprite Batch & Sprite Frame Cache full support. * Added Animations and Animate Action. * Added Bezier, Blink, Fade, Jump, Place, Spawn, Tint action. Thanks Gabriel Sosa! * Added Repeat.with actions: times: method to Repeat class. * IMPORTANT: Changed Sequence.new items: for Sequence.with actions: in Sequence class. * IMPORTANT: Typo fix in the Body class, changing edge_fixure and polygon_fixure to edge_fixture and polygon_fixture. * Better bridgesupport generation :D, thank you Laurent Sansonetti! * Added: mouse and keyboard events to joybox-osx. * Joybox is stopping the madness! **Thanks all** for your support! ## Documentation and Getting Started If you are looking for the installation process and the documentation, please visit: [joybox.io](http://joybox.io) Also you can look at some examples in this repository: [Joybox - Examples](https://github.com/CurveBeryl/Joybox-Examples) ## Feedback and Help For questions, feedback, bug reports, use the project's [Issue Tracker](https://github.com/rubymotion/Joybox/issues). ## Contributions If you wish to help us to stop the madness, there are some ways you can do it: * Joybox Wrapper (Ruby): This repository ;) * Box2D Wrapper (C++): [Joybox - Box2D](https://github.com/CurveBeryl/Joybox-Box2D) * Documentation (markdown): [Joybox - Documentation](https://github.com/CurveBeryl/Joybox-Documentation) 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) 3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature') 4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License Joybox is released under the MIT License. ## Authors **Cocos2D**: Ricardo Quesada, Zynga and contributors [cocos2d for iPhone](http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org) **Box2D**: Erin Catto [Box2D | A 2D Physics Engine for Games](http://box2d.org) **Joybox**: [Juan José Karam](https://github.com/CurveBeryl) [@JuanKaram](https://twitter.com/JuanKaram) and [Gabriel Sosa](https://github.com/mexinsane) [@mexinsane](https://twitter.com/mexinsane) and contributors