# RailsAdmin config file. Generated on <%= DateTime.now.to_s(:long) %> # See github.com/sferik/rails_admin for more informations RailsAdmin.config do |config| # If your default_local is different from :en, uncomment the following 2 lines and set your default locale here: # require 'i18n' # I18n.default_locale = :de config.current_user_method { current_<%= @model_name.underscore %> } # auto-generated # If you want to track changes on your models: # config.audit_with :history, <%= @model_name.classify %> # Or with a PaperTrail: (you need to install it first) # config.audit_with :paper_trail, <%= @model_name.classify %> # Set the admin name here (optional second array element will appear in a beautiful RailsAdmin red ©) config.main_app_name = ['<%= Rails.application.engine_name.titleize.chomp(' Application') %>', 'Admin'] # or for a dynamic name: # config.main_app_name = Proc.new { |controller| [Rails.application.engine_name.titleize, controller.params['action'].titleize] } # ==> Global show view settings # Display empty fields in show views # config.compact_show_view = false # ==> Global list view settings # Number of default rows per-page: # config.default_items_per_page = 20 # ==> Included models # Add all excluded models here: # config.excluded_models = [<%= RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.all_models.map(&:name).join(', ') %>] # Add models here if you want to go 'whitelist mode': # config.included_models = [<%= RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.all_models.map(&:name).join(', ') %>] # Application wide tried label methods for models' instances # config.label_methods << :description # Default is [:name, :title] # ==> Global models configuration # config.models do # # Configuration here will affect all included models in all scopes, handle with care! # # list do # # Configuration here will affect all included models in list sections (same for show, export, edit, update, create) # # fields_of_type :date do # # Configuration here will affect all date fields, in the list section, for all included models. See README for a comprehensive type list. # end # end # end # # ==> Model specific configuration # Keep in mind that *all* configuration blocks are optional. # RailsAdmin will try his best to provide the best defaults for each section, for each field. # Try to override as few things as possible, in the most generic way. Try to avoid setting labels for models and attributes, use ActiveRecord I18n API instead. # Less code is better code! # config.model MyModel do # # Cross-section field configuration # object_label_method :name # Name of the method called for pretty printing an *instance* of ModelName # label 'My model' # Name of ModelName (smartly defaults to ActiveRecord's I18n API) # label_plural 'My models' # Same, plural # weight -1 # Navigation priority. Bigger is higher. # parent OtherModel # Set parent model for navigation. MyModel will be nested below. OtherModel will be on first position of the dropdown # navigation_label # Sets dropdown entry's name in navigation. Only for parents! # # Section specific configuration: # list do # filters [:id, :name] # Array of field names which filters should be shown by default in the table header # items_per_page 100 # Override default_items_per_page # sort_by :id # Sort column (default is primary key) # sort_reverse true # Sort direction (default is true for primary key, last created first) # # Here goes the fields configuration for the list view # end # end # Your model's configuration, to help you get started: # All fields marked as 'hidden' won't be shown anywhere in the rails_admin unless you mark them as visible. (visible(true)) <% RailsAdmin::AbstractModel.all.map do |abstract_model| -%> # config.model <%= abstract_model.model.model_name %> do # # Found associations: <%= RailsAdmin.config(abstract_model).export.fields.select{|f| f.association?}.map do |field| %{ # configure #{field.name.inspect}, #{field.type.inspect}#{" # Hidden" unless field.visible?} } end.join("\n") -%> # # Found columns: <%= RailsAdmin.config(abstract_model).export.fields.select{|f| !f.association?}.map do |field| %{ # configure #{field.name.inspect}, #{field.type.inspect}#{" # Hidden" unless field.visible?} } end.join("\n") -%> # # Sections: # list do; end # export do; end # show do; end # edit do; end # create do; end # update do; end # end <%- end -%> end