;(function (global) { 'use strict' var $ = global.jQuery var GOVUK = global.GOVUK || {} // Stick elements to top of screen when you scroll past, documentation is in the README.md var sticky = { _hasScrolled: false, _scrollTimeout: false, _hasResized: false, _resizeTimeout: false, getWindowDimensions: function () { return { height: $(global).height(), width: $(global).width() } }, getWindowPositions: function () { return { scrollTop: $(global).scrollTop() } }, getElementOffset: function ($el) { return $el.offset() }, init: function () { var $els = $('.js-stick-at-top-when-scrolling') if ($els.length > 0) { sticky.$els = $els if (sticky._scrollTimeout === false) { $(global).scroll(sticky.onScroll) sticky._scrollTimeout = global.setInterval(sticky.checkScroll, 50) } if (sticky._resizeTimeout === false) { $(global).resize(sticky.onResize) sticky._resizeTimeout = global.setInterval(sticky.checkResize, 50) } } if (GOVUK.stopScrollingAtFooter) { $els.each(function (i, el) { var $img = $(el).find('img') if ($img.length > 0) { var image = new global.Image() image.onload = function () { GOVUK.stopScrollingAtFooter.addEl($(el), $(el).outerHeight()) } image.src = $img.attr('src') } else { GOVUK.stopScrollingAtFooter.addEl($(el), $(el).outerHeight()) } }) } }, onScroll: function () { sticky._hasScrolled = true }, onResize: function () { sticky._hasResized = true }, checkScroll: function () { if (sticky._hasScrolled === true) { sticky._hasScrolled = false var windowVerticalPosition = sticky.getWindowPositions().scrollTop var windowDimensions = sticky.getWindowDimensions() sticky.$els.each(function (i, el) { var $el = $(el) var scrolledFrom = $el.data('scrolled-from') if (scrolledFrom && windowVerticalPosition < scrolledFrom) { sticky.release($el) } else if (windowDimensions.width > 768 && windowVerticalPosition >= sticky.getElementOffset($el).top) { sticky.stick($el) } }) } }, checkResize: function () { if (sticky._hasResized === true) { sticky._hasResized = false var windowDimensions = sticky.getWindowDimensions() sticky.$els.each(function (i, el) { var $el = $(el) var elResize = $el.hasClass('js-sticky-resize') if (elResize) { var $shim = $('.shim') var $elParent = $el.parent('div') var elParentWidth = $elParent.width() $shim.css('width', elParentWidth) $el.css('width', elParentWidth) } if (windowDimensions.width <= 768) { sticky.release($el) } }) } }, stick: function ($el) { if (!$el.hasClass('content-fixed')) { $el.data('scrolled-from', sticky.getElementOffset($el).top) var height = Math.max($el.height(), 1) var width = $el.width() $el.before('
') $el.css('width', width + 'px').addClass('content-fixed') } }, release: function ($el) { if ($el.hasClass('content-fixed')) { $el.data('scrolled-from', false) $el.removeClass('content-fixed').css('width', '') $el.siblings('.shim').remove() } } } GOVUK.stickAtTopWhenScrolling = sticky global.GOVUK = GOVUK })(window)