require 'optparse' require 'rcelery/pool' module RCelery class Daemon def initialize(args) @config = opts = do |opt| opt.on('-n', '--hostname HOSTNAME', 'Hostname of the AMQP broker') do |host| = host end opt.on('-p', '--port PORT', 'Port of the AMQP broker') do |port| @config.port = port end opt.on('-v', '--vhost VHOST', 'Vhost of the AMQP broker') do |vhost| @config.vhost = vhost end opt.on('-u', '--username USERNAME', 'Username to use during authentication with the AMQP broker') do |username| @config.username = username end opt.on('-w', '--password PASSWORD', 'Password to use during authentication with the AMQP broker') do |password| @config.password = password end opt.on('-a', '--application APPLICATION', 'Name of the application') do |application| @config.application = application end opt.on('-t', '--tasks lib1,lib2,...', Array, 'List of libraries to require that contain task definitions') do |requires| requires.each do |lib| require lib end end opt.on('-r', '--rails', 'Require \'config/environment\' to provide the Rails environment') do require 'config/environment' require 'rcelery/rails' RCelery::Rails.initialize ::Rails.logger.auto_flushing = true end opt.on('-W', '--workers NUMBER', 'The number of workers to launch (default 1)') do |num| @config.worker_count = num end opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit end end opts.parse!(args) end def run pool = @config.worker_count.times do do @worker = @worker.start pool end end pool.start trap_signals RCelery.thread.join end def trap_signals block = proc do @worker.stop RCelery.stop exit end Signal.trap('INT', &block) Signal.trap('TERM', &block) end end end