# encoding: UTF-8 require 'securerandom' require 'eventmachine' require 'commands/base' require 'common/deep_struct' require 'runtime/service_caller' require 'runtime/service_address' require 'runtime/exec_handler' module Factor module Runtime class Workflow attr_accessor :name, :description, :id, :instance_id, :connectors, :credentials def initialize(connectors, credentials, options={}) @workflow_spec = {} @workflows = {} @instance_id = SecureRandom.hex(3) @reconnect = true @logger = options[:logger] if options[:logger] @connectors = Factor::Common.flat_hash(connectors) @credentials = credentials end def load(workflow_definition) begin EM.run do instance_eval(workflow_definition) end rescue Interrupt end end def listen(service_ref, params = {}, &block) address = ServiceAddress.new(service_ref) e = ExecHandler.new(service_ref, params) connector_url = @connectors[address.namespace] if !connector_url error "Listener '#{address}' not found" e.fail_block.call({}) if e.fail_block else caller = ServiceCaller.new(connector_url) caller.on :close do error "Listener '#{address}' disconnected" end caller.on :open do info "Listener '#{address}' starting" end caller.on :retry do |retry_info| if retry_info details = " (" details << "retry #{retry_info[:count]}" details << ", offline for #{retry_info[:offline_duration]} seconds" if retry_info[:offline_duration] > 0 details << ")" end warn "Listener '#{address}' reconnecting#{details || ''}" end caller.on :error do error "Listener '#{address}' dropped the connection" end caller.on :return do |data| success "Listener '#{address}' started" end caller.on :start_workflow do |data| success "Listener '#{address}' triggered" block.call(Factor::Common.simple_object_convert(data['payload'])) end caller.on :fail do |info| error "Listener '#{address}' failed" e.fail_block.call(action_response) if e.fail_block end caller.on :log do |log_info| @logger.log log_info[:status], log_info end caller.listen(address.id,params) end e end def workflow(service_ref, &block) address = ServiceAddress.new(service_ref) @workflows ||= {} @workflows[address] = block end def run(service_ref, params = {}, &block) address = ServiceAddress.new(service_ref) e = ExecHandler.new(service_ref, params) if address.workflow? workflow_address = address.workflow_address workflow = @workflows[workflow_address] if workflow success "Workflow '#{workflow_address}' starting" content = Factor::Common.simple_object_convert(params) workflow.call(content) success "Workflow '#{workflow_address}' started" else error "Workflow '#{workflow_address}' not found" e.fail_block.call({}) if e.fail_block end else connector_url = @connectors[address.namespace] caller = ServiceCaller.new(connector_url) caller.on :open do info "Action '#{address}' starting" end caller.on :error do error "Action '#{address}' dropped the connection" end caller.on :return do |data| success "Action '#{address}' responded" caller.close block.call(Factor::Common.simple_object_convert(data['payload'])) end caller.on :close do error "Action '#{address}' disconnected" e.fail_block.call(action_response) if e.fail_block end caller.on :fail do |info| error "Action '#{address}' failed" e.fail_block.call(action_response) if e.fail_block end caller.on :log do |log_info| @logger.log log_info[:status], log_info end caller.action(address.id,params) end e end def success(message) @logger.success message end def info(message) @logger.info message end def warn(message) @logger.warn message end def error(message) @logger.error message end end end end