#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Daniel Ethridge require 'uri' require 'open-uri' require 'json' require 'yaml' module DuckGo # Do a raw api request based on paramaters def get(params, path="/", domain="https://api.duckduckgo.com") # domain can also just be plain duckduckgo.com if params.nil? endpoint = "#{domain}/#{path}" else endpoint = "#{domain}/#{path}?#{URI.encode_www_form(params)}" end body = open(endpoint).read return body end # Dump the useful data straight from DuckDuckGo's API # If format is XML, return it as a string even if parse is true def get_data(keywords, format=0, skip_disambig=1, no_redirect=1, parse=true) params = { "q" => keywords, "format" => ["json", "xml"][format], "skip_disambig" => [0, 1][skip_disambig], "no_redirect" => [0, 1][no_redirect] } keywords.split(" ").each do |word| if word.start_with?("!") puts "Warning: '!x word' syntax results in a bang redirect" end end body = get(params) if parse if format == 0 return JSON.parse(body) else return body end else return body end end # Get a website/page's favicon through duckduckgo's proxy def get_favicon(page) favicon = get(nil, "/i/#{page}.ico") if favicon == "GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF!\xF9\x04\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00,\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02L\x01\x00;" puts "Response is 200-OK, but content is a generic response" return nil else return favicon end end # Return data describing the extra info fields def find_extras(data) extras = {} unless data["Infobox"].empty? extras["Infobox"] = { "Total" => data["Infobox"]["content"].length } end unless data["Results"].empty? extras["Results"] = { "Total" => data["Results"].length } end unless data["Answer"].empty? extras["Answer"] = { "Answer" => data["Answer"], "Type" => data["AnswerType"] } end unless data["Definition"].empty? extras["Definition"] = { "Definition" => data["Definition"], "Source" => data["DefinitionSource"], "URL" => data["DefinitionURL"] } end unless data["Redirect"].empty? extras["Bang Redirect"] = data["Redirect"] end return extras end # Extract extra info based on an input extras_data def extract_extras(data, extras_data) extras = {} if extras_data["Infobox"] extras["Infobox"] = extract_infobox(data) end if extras_data["Results"] extras["Results"] = extract_results(data) end if extras_data["Answer"] extras["Answer"] = extras_data["Answer"] end if extras_data["Definition"] extras["Definition"] = extras_data["Definition"] end if extras_data["Bang Redirect"] extras["Bang Redirect"] = extras_data["Bang Redirect"] end return extras end # Extract common info def extract_common(data) output = { "Heading" => data["Heading"], "Entity" => data["Entity"], "Type" => "", "Description" => data["AbstractText"], "Further Reading" => data["AbstractURL"], "Related" => [] } case data["Type"] when "A" type = "Article" when "C" type = "Category" when "D" type = "Disambiguation" when "E" type = "Exclusive" when "N" type = "Name" else type = "Nothing or unknown" end output["Type"] = type data["RelatedTopics"].each do |topic| unless topic["Text"].nil? output["Related"] << topic["Text"] end end output.delete_if do |key, value| value.empty? end return output end # Extract results from hash def extract_results(data) output = {} data["Results"].each do |result| output[result["Text"]] = result["FirstURL"] end return output end # Extract infobox from hash # Official example : http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=valley+forge+national+park&format=json&pretty=1 def extract_infobox(data) output = {} tsums = data["Infobox"]["content"] tsums.each do |section| output[ section["label"] ] = section["value"] end return output end # Handle a common search automatically def handle(keywords) data = get_data(keywords) common = extract_common(data) extras_data = find_extras(data) extras = extract_extras(data, extras_data) result = common.merge(extras) puts result.to_yaml end end