h1. mongrel-cluster:centos "home":../index.html > "recipes":index.html > "mongrel-cluster":mongrel-cluster.html > centos h2. Tasks * "mongrel:cluster:centos:setup":#mongrel:cluster:centos:setup h2. Task documentation h3(#mongrel:cluster:centos:setup). mongrel:cluster:centos:setup Create mongrel cluster. *mongrel_size*: Number of mongrels. @set :mongrel_size, 3@ *mongrel_port*: Starting port for mongrels. If there are 3 mongrels with port 9000, then instances will be at 9000, 9001, and 9002 @set :mongrel_port, 9000@ *mongrel_config_dir*: Directory for mongrel config. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/config/mongrel"_ *mongrel_pid_dir*: Directory for mongrel pids. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/pids" *mongrel_config_script*: Config script to load with mongrel. _Defaults to nil_ @set :mongrel_config_script, "config/mongrel_handler.rb"@ *mongrel_cluster_command*: Mongrel cluster command. _Defaults to mongrel_cluster_ctl_ *mongrel_initscript_name*: Mongrel initscript name. _Defaults to mongrel_cluster_#{application}_ *mongrel_config_options*: Config options appended to cluster yml. _Defaults to {}_