FnordMetric v1.0 ================ TODO ---- - timeseries-widget: cardinal on/off should be skeuomorph - proper cmdline output (status?) - caching - fix specs - namespace picker in sidebar - split up fnordmetric.namespace block into multiple files - pie widget (+ fix for old first) - distgauge: render std. deviation - timeseries-gauge: overview series weights - timeseries-gauge: punchcards - incr_fraction: implement progressive - timeseries gauge: restrict to max resolution - formatter: num, time, currency, percent, time_of_day - minimize/pack js + css - put images into one sprite - nice empty states - favicon (F) WIKI ---- > fnordmetric > sending data - _type, _time field mandatory - tcp, udp, redis, http - events containing user data (_session, _name) - _namespace > running fnordmetric - standalone - standalone w/ multiple workers - configuration options > event handlers - data, time, session etc methods - storing data in the session - end-of-session callback > gauges > timeseries gauge - calculate-option: count, sum, progressive_sum, avg - incr / incr_counter / incr_denominator > toplist gauge > distribution gauge > custom dashboards - here be dragons > examples - full_example.rb > hacking - here be dragons IDEAS ----- > overview view: gauge list (a'la github graphs landing) > overview view: num active users, system stats (realtime widget) > special events (incr, observe etc) > distgauge: histograms tab > toplgauge: tabs: compare > timeseries-gauge: cmp. w/yesterday option > geo_distribution_gauge > value correlation / scatter plot (2d) gauge CHANGELOG --------- > improved ui > highcharts is dead, long live d3.js :) > websockets instead of ajax > new gauges are variable interval! > new gauges: timeseries, toplist, distribution (anti-repetition!) > timeseries gauge: fraction api > new things: trends, punchards, stdeviation etc > splitted up code into acceptor, web, worker etc. > splitted up javascript code > refactorings, no server-side rendering > less ram usage / garbage collection / single tick > fnordmetric:announce redis pusub event-data instead of event_id > config in multiple files