Shieldify.setup do |conf| ## Mailer # The parent mailer for internal mailers. # The default value is "ActionMailer::Base", which sets the base class for all internal mailers. # You can change this to another mailer class if your application requires a different base mailer. # conf.parent_mailer = "ActionMailer::Base" # The default email address used as the sender for outgoing emails. # The default value is "", and it is necessary to change this to a valid email address for your application. # conf.mailer_sender = "" # The default email address used for the "Reply-To" field in outgoing emails. # The default value is "", and it is necessary to change this to a valid email address for your application. # conf.reply_to = "" # Used to send notification to the original user email when their email is changed. # The default value is true, and it is recommended to keep this enabled for security purposes. # conf.send_email_changed_notification = false # Used to enable sending notification to user when their password is changed. # The default value is true, and it is recommended to keep this enabled for security purposes. # conf.send_password_changed_notification = false ## Password # Password complexity regex. # Explanation of the regular expression: # - (?=.*\d) ensures there is at least one digit # - (?=.*[a-z]) ensures there is at least one lowercase letter # - (?=.*[A-Z]) ensures there is at least one uppercase letter # - (?=.*[@$#!%*?&]) ensures there is at least one of these special characters # - \S{8,} ensures the password is at least 8 characters in length and contains no spaces # The default value enforces the above rules, ensuring a strong password policy. # It is possible to change this regex to suit your application's specific requirements. # conf.password_complexity = /[expression-here]/ # JWT Related Configuration # The secret key used to encode and decode JWT tokens. # The default value is "whatever", but it is highly recommended to change this to a strong, # unique secret for your application. # conf.jwt_secret = Rails.application.credentials.jwt_secret # The issuer claim for the JWT tokens. # The default value is "Shieldify". You can change this to match your application's name or domain. # conf.jwt_issuer = "Shieldify" # The expiration time for the JWT tokens in hours. # The default value is 24 hours. You can adjust this to set the desired token validity period. # conf.jwt_exp = 24.hours.from_now.to_i end