define ['./states/index', './presenter'], (templates, presenter) -> type: 'Base' # TODO add devise extension as requirement # Widget initialization method, will be called upon loading, options # are already filled with defaults initialize: (options) -> sandbox = @sandbox @scope = @sandbox.resource 'user' sandbox.logger.log "initialized!" # Will also initialize sandbox! @html templates.default # Bind presenter to template @user = @scope() ui = status: 'idle' classes: => "widget #{ui.status} accreditor" button_label: "Cadastrar" # TODO add support for custom resources on devise to move # accreditation logic to devi=se # TODO move accreditation logic to devise extension! accredit: (event, models) -> return false if ui.status.match 'loading' {user} = models ui.status = 'loading blocked' ui.button_label = "Validando dados..." user.validate().done (record) -> if !record.errors.length accreditation.done, accreditation.failed else ui.status = "error blocked" ui.button_label = "Ops... confira os errors acima." setTimeout -> ui.status = "error" ui.button_label = "Cadastrar" , 2000 event.preventDefault() changed: (event, models) -> models.user.dirty = true accreditation = done: (attributes, status, xhr) => setTimeout => # TODO move accreditation logic to devise extension! # TODO figure out why mongoid renders incorrect id! attributes._id = attributes._id['$oid'] if attributes._id['$oid'] # TODO move accreditation logic to devise extension! app.sandbox.signed_in = true current_user = sandbox.models.user() current_user.assign_attributes attributes sandbox.current_user = current_user sandbox.signed_in = true # TODO implement as a indemma extension token = xhr.getResponseHeader 'X-CSRF-Token' console.error "Server did not send the new csrf token.\n User may not be logged in!" unless token $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr 'content', token sandbox.emit 'session.created', current_user sandbox.emit 'user.signed_in' , current_user sandbox.emit "accreditor.#{@identifier}.accredited", @ , 2000 ui.status = "success blocked" ui.button_label = "Cadastro concluĂ­do, redirecionando..." failed: => sandbox.emit "accreditor.#{@identifier}.accreditation_failed", @errors ui.status = "error blocked" ui.button_label = "Erro ao efetuar cadastro!" setTimeout -> ui.status = "error" ui.button_label = 'Cadastrar' , 2000 @user.dirty = true presentation = presenter ui, @user @$el.attr 'data-class', 'accreditor.classes < accreditor.status' @bind presentation