require 'sqlite3' require 'singleton' require_relative 'Conf.rb' # => Author:: DanAurea # => Version:: 0.1 # => Copyright:: © 2016 # => License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby ## ## Classe permettant de gérer la base de données sqlite3 ## class Model include Singleton attr_accessor :db ## ## Initialisation ## def initialize ## Retrieving configuration from yaml files @conf = Conf.instance() @app = @dbConf = @conf.db @@db = nil dbPath = Core::ROOT + Core::DEFAULT_DATABASE_DIR database = dbPath + @dbConf["development"]["database"] self.mkDatabaseDir(dbPath) self.connection(database) end ## ## Create a new database directory ## ## @param dbPath The database path ## ## @return Itself ## def mkDatabaseDir(dbPath) ## Create a new database directory if not existing if !Dir.exist?(dbPath) if Core::DEBUG puts "Database directory not found, it will be created." end Dir.mkdir(dbPath) end return self end ## ## Connect to a database ## ## @param database The database ## ## @return Itself ## def connection(database) ## Create a SQLite database if !File.exist?(database) if Core::DEBUG puts "SQLite3 database not found, it will be created." end begin rescue SQLite3::Exception => e puts "SQLite3 couldn't create a new database." end end ## Connect to created dtabase @@db = return self end ## ## Invoke methods when inherited ## ## @param subclass The subclass ## ## @return Itself ## def self.inherited(subclass) self.instance() super return self end ## ## Insert datas in database ## ## @param options Hash with columns and values ## ## @return Itself ## def insert(**options) colsName = values = bonds = ## Parse options to get columns and values options.each do |index, value| colsName << index values << value bonds << "?" end colsName = colsName.join(",") bonds = bonds.join(",") if Core::DEBUG puts "Request: INSERT INTO " + self.class.to_s.downcase + " (#{colsName}) VALUES (#{bonds});" print "Values was: " options.each do |index, value| print "#{index} => #{value} | " end puts puts end @@db.execute "INSERT INTO " + self.class.to_s.downcase + " (#{colsName}) VALUES (#{bonds});", values return self end ## ## Convert an array reques to a hash with columns => values ## ## @param req The request ## ## @return Request hashed ## def to_h(req) response = ## Transforme la réponse en hash (1...req.length).each do |row| response[row-1] = (0...req[0].length).each do |col| response[row-1][req[0][col]] = req[row][col] end end return response end end