% STDERR.puts "hey: #{ERBook::VERSION.object_id}" %> <% chapter "Setup" do %> <% section "Requirements" do %> Your system needs the following software to run **<%= $project %>**. | Software | Description | Notes | | -------- | ----------- | ----- | | [Ruby](http://ruby-lang.org) | Ruby language interpreter | Version 1.8.6 or 1.8.7 is required. | | [RubyGems](http://rubygems.org) | Ruby packaging system | Version 1.x.x is required. | | [<%= ERBook::PROJECT %>](<%= ERBook::WEBSITE %>) | <%= ERBook::TAGLINE %> | Version <%= ERBook::VERSION.series %> is required. | | [Lynx](http://lynx.isc.org) | Text-mode web browser | Version 2.8.6 or newer is required to convert HTML into plain text. | <% end %> <% section "Installation" do %> You can install **<%= $project %>** by running this command: gem install <%= ERBook::PROGRAM %> <%= $program %> To check whether the installation was sucessful, run this command: <%= $program %> --version If the installation was successful, you will see output like this:
<%= `ruby bin/#{$program} --version` %>If you do not see such output, you may <%= xref "License", "ask the author(s)" %> for help. <% end %> <% section "Manifest" do %> You will see the following items inside **<%= $project %>**'s installation directory, whose path you can determine by running this command: <%= $program %> --version * bin/ * <%= $program %> --- the main **<%= $project %>** executable. * lib/ * <%= $program %>.rb --- the main **<%= $project %>** library. * doc/ * api/ --- API reference documentation. * index.erb --- source of this user manual. * LICENSE --- copyright notice and legal conditions. <% end %> <% end %>