require 'spec_helper' describe Ratis::ScheduleNearby do describe '#where', vcr: {} do before do @today ="%m/%d/%Y") @conditions = {:latitude => '33.4556', :longitude => '-112.071807', :date => @today, :time => '1323', :window => '60', :walk_distance => '0.18', :landmark_id => '0', :stop_id => nil } end it 'only makes one request' do # false just to stop further processing of response Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get).once.and_call_original Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(@conditions.dup) end it 'should return no data error when date is in the past' do old_date_conditions = @conditions.merge(:date => '01/28/2012') expect do Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(old_date_conditions) raise_error(Ratis::Errors::SoapError, "#20005--No service at origin at the date/time specified") end it 'requests the correct SOAP action with correct args' do Ratis::Request.should_receive(:get) do |action, options| action.should eq('Schedulenearby') options["Locationlat"].should eq(@conditions[:latitude]) options["Locationlong"].should eq(@conditions[:longitude]) options["Date"].should eq(@conditions[:date]) options["Time"].should eq(@conditions[:time]) options["Window"].should eq(@conditions[:window]) options["Walkdist"].should eq(@conditions[:walk_distance]) options["Landmarkid"].should eq(@conditions[:landmark_id]) options["Stopid"].should eq('') end.and_return(double('response', :success? => false)) Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(@conditions.dup) end it 'returns a non nil ScheduleNearby' do Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(@conditions.dup).should_not be_nil end it 'returns all the stops' do Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(@conditions.dup).atstops.should have(3).items end it 'returns a single service at the stop' do Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(@conditions.dup).atstops.first[:services].should have(1).item end describe 'with single service' do describe 'with a single trip' do describe '#to_hash' do it 'returns a subset of Schedule params' do pending('find a call that returns less results') hash = { :atstops=> [ { :walkdir=>"NW", :walkdist=>"0.41", :description=>"ROOSEVELT/CENTRAL AVE LIGHT RAIL STATION", :lat=>"33.459821", :stopid=>"10011", :heading => "NB", :long=>"-112.073847", :services=>[ { :routetype=>"L", :times=>"12:10 AM", :operator=>"LRT", :route=>"LTRL", :sign=>"Metro light rail To 44th St/Washington", :trips=> [ { :triptime=>"12:10 AM"} ], } ] } ] } HashDiff.diff(Ratis::ScheduleNearby.where(@conditions.dup), hash).should eql [] end end end end end describe 'two stops nearby' do describe 'each with two services' do describe '#to_hash' do it 'returns a subset of Schedule params' do pending hash = { :atstops=> [ { :walkdir=>"W", :walkdist=>"0.05", :description=>"1ST AVE & VAN BUREN ST", :lat=>"33.451748", :stopid=>"10161", :heading=>"SB", :long=>"-112.075169", :services=>[ { :routetype=>"B", :times=>"12:40 PM, 01:00 PM", :operator=>"AP", :route=>"0", :sign=>"0 CENTRAL South to Dobbins", :trips=> [ { :triptime=>"12:40 PM" }, { :triptime=>"01:00 PM" } ] }, { :routetype=>"B", :times=>"01:30 PM, 01:45 PM", :operator=>"AP", :route=>"0", :sign=>"0 Central South To Baseline Rd", :trips=> [ { :triptime=>"01:30 PM" }, { :triptime=>"01:45 PM" } ] } ] }, { :walkdir=>"SW", :walkdist=>"0.09", :description=>"VAN BUREN ST & 1ST AVE", :lat=>"33.451367", :stopid=>"10342", :heading=>"EB", :long=>"-112.075485", :services=>[ { :routetype=>"B", :times=>"12:59 PM, 01:29 PM", :operator=>"FT", :route=>"3", :sign=>"3 VAN BUREN East to 48th St.", :trips=> [ { :triptime=>"12:59 PM" }, { :triptime=>"01:29 PM" } ] }, { :routetype=>"B", :times=>"12:44 PM, 01:14 PM", :operator=>"FT", :route=>"3", :sign=>"3 VAN BUREN East to Phoenix Zoo", :trips=> [ { :triptime=>"12:44 PM" }, { :triptime=>"01:14 PM" } ] } ] } ] } HashDiff.diff(@schedule_nearby.to_hash, hash).should eql [] end end end end end