# A TrackedRequest is a stack of layers, where completed layers (go into, then
# come out of a layer) are forgotten as they finish. Layers are attached to
# their children as the process goes, building a tree structure within the
# layer objects. When the last layer is finished (hence the whole request is
# finished) it hands the root layer off to be recorded.

module ScoutApm
  class TrackedRequest
    # Context is application defined extra information.  (ie, which user, what
    # is their email/ip, what plan are they on, what locale are they using,
    # etc) See documentation for examples on how to set this from a
    # before_filter
    attr_reader :context

    # The first layer registered with this request. All other layers will be
    # children of this layer.
    attr_reader :root_layer

    # As we go through a request, instrumentation can mark more general data into the Request
    # Known Keys:
    #   :uri - the full URI requested by the user
    #   :queue_latency - how long a background Job spent in the queue before starting processing
    attr_reader :annotations

    # Headers as recorded by rails
    # Can be nil if we never reach a Rails Controller
    attr_reader :headers

    # What kind of request is this? A trace of a web request, or a background job?
    # Use job! and web! to set, and job? and web? to query
    attr_reader :request_type

    # This maintains a lookup hash of Layer names and call counts. It's used to trigger fetching a backtrace on n+1 calls.
    # Note that layer names might not be Strings - can alse be Utils::ActiveRecordMetricName. Also, this would fail for layers
    # with same names across multiple types.
    attr_accessor :call_counts

    # if there's an instant_key, pass the transaction trace on for immediate reporting (in addition to the usual background aggregation)
    # this is set in the controller instumentation (ActionControllerRails3Rails4 according)
    attr_accessor :instant_key

    # Whereas the instant_key gets set per-request in reponse to a URL param, dev_trace is set in the config file
    attr_accessor :dev_trace

    # An object that responds to `record!(TrackedRequest)` to store this tracked request
    attr_reader :recorder

    def initialize(store)
      @store = store #this is passed in so we can use a real store (normal operation) or fake store (instant mode only)
      @layers = []
      @call_set = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = CallSet.new }
      @annotations = {}
      @ignoring_children = 0
      @context = Context.new
      @root_layer = nil
      @error = false
      @stopping = false
      @instant_key = nil
      @mem_start = mem_usage
      @dev_trace =  ScoutApm::Agent.instance.config.value('dev_trace') && ScoutApm::Agent.instance.environment.env == "development"
      @recorder = ScoutApm::Agent.instance.recorder

      ignore_request! if @recorder.nil?

    def start_layer(layer)
      # If we're already stopping, don't do additional layers
      return if stopping?

      return if ignoring_children?

      return ignoring_start_layer if ignoring_request?

      start_request(layer) unless @root_layer

    def stop_layer
      # If we're already stopping, don't do additional layers
      return if stopping?

      return if ignoring_children?

      return ignoring_stop_layer if ignoring_request?

      layer = @layers.pop

      # Safeguard against a mismatch in the layer tracking in an instrument.
      # This class works under the assumption that start & stop layers are
      # lined up correctly. If stop_layer gets called twice, when it should
      # only have been called once you'll end up with this error.
      if layer.nil?
        logger.warn("Error stopping layer, was nil. Root Layer: #{@root_layer.inspect}")


      @layers[-1].add_child(layer) if @layers.any?

      # This must be called before checking if a backtrace should be collected as the call count influences our capture logic.
      # We call `#update_call_counts in stop layer to ensure the layer has a final desc. Layer#desc is updated during the AR instrumentation flow.
      if capture_backtrace?(layer)

      if finalized?

    # Grab the currently running layer. Useful for adding additional data as we
    # learn it. This is useful in ActiveRecord instruments, where we start the
    # instrumentation early, and gradually learn more about the request that
    # actually happened as we go (for instance, the # of records found, or the
    # actual SQL generated).
    # Returns nil in the case there is no current layer. That would be normal
    # for a completed TrackedRequest
    def current_layer

    BACKTRACE_BLACKLIST = ["Controller", "Job"]
    def capture_backtrace?(layer)
      return if ignoring_request?

      # Never capture backtraces for this kind of layer. The backtrace will
      # always be 100% framework code.
      return false if BACKTRACE_BLACKLIST.include?(layer.type)

      # Only capture backtraces if we're in a real "request". Otherwise we
      # can spend lot of time capturing backtraces from the internals of
      # Sidekiq, only to throw them away immediately.
      return false unless (web? || job?)

      # Capture any individually slow layer.
      return true if layer.total_exclusive_time > backtrace_threshold

      # Capture any layer that we've seen many times. Captures n+1 problems
      return true if @call_set[layer.name].capture_backtrace?

      # Don't capture otherwise

    # Maintains a lookup Hash of call counts by layer name. Used to determine if we should capture a backtrace.
    def update_call_counts!(layer)

    # This may be in bytes or KB based on the OSX. We store this as-is here and only do conversion to MB in Layer Converters.
    def mem_usage

    def capture_mem_delta!
      @mem_delta = mem_usage - @mem_start

    # Request Lifecycle

    # Are we finished with this request?
    # We're done if we have no layers left after popping one off
    def finalized?

    # Run at the beginning of the whole request
    # * Capture the first layer as the root_layer
    def start_request(layer)
      @root_layer = layer unless @root_layer # capture root layer

    # Run at the end of the whole request
    # * Send the request off to be stored
    def stop_request
      @stopping = true

      if recorder

    def stopping?

    # Annotations

    # As we learn things about this request, we can add data here.
    # For instance, when we know where Rails routed this request to, we can store that scope info.
    # Or as soon as we know which URI it was directed at, we can store that.
    # This data is internal to ScoutApm, to add custom information, use the Context api.
    def annotate_request(hsh)

    # This request had an exception.  Mark it down as an error
    def error!
      @error = true

    def error?

    def set_headers(headers)
      @headers = headers

    def job!
      @request_type = "job"

    def job?
      request_type == "job"

    def web!
      @request_type = "web"

    def web?
      request_type == "web"

    def instant?
      return false if ignoring_request?


    # Persist the Request

    def recorded!
      @recorded = true

    # Convert this request to the appropriate structure, then report it into
    # the peristent Store object
    def record!

      return if ignoring_request?

      # If we didn't have store, but we're trying to record anyway, go
      # figure that out. (this happens in Remote Agent scenarios)
      restore_store if @store.nil?

      # Bail out early if the user asked us to ignore this uri
      return if ScoutApm::Agent.instance.ignored_uris.ignore?(annotations[:uri])

      # Update immediate and long-term histograms for both job and web requests
      if unique_name != :unknown
        ScoutApm::Agent.instance.request_histograms.add(unique_name, root_layer.total_call_time)
          add(unique_name, root_layer.total_call_time)

      metrics = LayerConverters::MetricConverter.new(self).call

      error_metrics = LayerConverters::ErrorConverter.new(self).call

      allocation_metrics = LayerConverters::AllocationMetricConverter.new(self).call

      if web?
        # Don't #call this - that's the job of the ScoredItemSet later.
        slow_converter = LayerConverters::SlowRequestConverter.new(self)

        queue_time_metrics = LayerConverters::RequestQueueTimeConverter.new(self).call

        # If there's an instant_key, it means we need to report this right away
        if instant?
          trace = slow_converter.call
          ScoutApm::InstantReporting.new(trace, instant_key).call

      if job?
        job_metrics = LayerConverters::JobConverter.new(self).call

        job_converter = LayerConverters::SlowJobConverter.new(self)

      allocation_metrics = LayerConverters::AllocationMetricConverter.new(self).call

    # Only call this after the request is complete
    def unique_name
      return nil if ignoring_request?

      @unique_name ||= begin
                         scope_layer = LayerConverters::ConverterBase.new(self).scope_layer
                         if scope_layer

    # Have we already persisted this request?
    # Used to know when we should just create a new one (don't attempt to add
    # data to an already-recorded request). See RequestManager
    def recorded?
      return ignoring_recorded? if ignoring_request?


    # Ignoring Children

    # Enable this when you would otherwise double track something interesting.
    # This came up when we implemented InfluxDB instrumentation, which is more
    # specific, and useful than the fact that InfluxDB happens to use Net::HTTP
    # internally
    # When enabled, new layers won't be added to the current Request, and calls
    # to stop_layer will be ignored.
    # Do not forget to turn if off when leaving a layer, it is the
    # instrumentation's task to do that.
    # When you use this in code, be sure to use it in this order:
    # start_layer
    # ignore_children
    #  -> call
    # acknowledge_children
    # stop_layer
    # If you don't call it in this order, it's possible to get out of sync, and
    # have an ignored start and an actually-executed stop, causing layers to
    # get out of sync

    def ignore_children!
      @ignoring_children += 1

    def acknowledge_children!
      if @ignoring_children > 0
        @ignoring_children -= 1

    def ignoring_children?
      @ignoring_children > 0

    # Grab backtraces more aggressively when running in dev trace mode
    def backtrace_threshold
      dev_trace ? 0.05 : 0.5 # the minimum threshold in seconds to record the backtrace for a metric.

    # Ignoring the rest of a request

    # At any point in the request, calling code or instrumentation can call
    # `ignore_request!` to immediately stop recording any information about new
    # layers, and delete any existing layer info.  This class will still exist,
    # and respond to methods as normal, but `record!` won't be called, and no
    # data will be recorded.

    def ignore_request!
      return if @ignoring_request

      # Set instance variable
      @ignoring_request = true

      # Store data we'll need
      @ignoring_depth = @layers.length

      # Clear data
      @layers = []
      @root_layer = nil
      @call_set = nil
      @annotations = {}
      @instant_key = nil

    def ignoring_request?

    def ignoring_start_layer
      @ignoring_depth += 1

    def ignoring_stop_layer
      @ignoring_depth -= 1

    def ignoring_recorded?
      @ignoring_depth <= 0

    def logger

    # Actually go fetch & make-real any lazily created data.
    # Clean up any cleverness in objects.
    # Makes this object ready to be Marshal Dumped (or otherwise serialized)
    def prepare_to_dump!
      @call_set = nil
      @store = nil
      @recorder = nil

    # Go re-fetch the store based on what the Agent's official one is. Used
    # after hydrating a dumped TrackedRequest
    def restore_store
      @store = ScoutApm::Agent.instance.store