- content_for :title, 'Kuroko Workers' - content_for :content_title do Kuroko Workers .box#workers .box-header h3.box-title Kuroko Workers .box-body.table-responsive table.table.table-hover tbody tr th.col-md-2 Hostname th.col-md-1 WID th.col-md-2 Queue th.col-md-1 Status th.col-md-4 Execution th.col-md-1   th.col-md-1   - for worker in @workers tr td.no-decorate= link_to worker.hostname, execution_histories_path(hostname: worker.hostname) td= worker.worker_id td.no-decorate= link_to worker.queue, execution_histories_path(queue: worker.queue) td - if worker.suspended span.label.label-warning SUSPENDED - elsif worker.working span.label.label-primary WORKING - else '  td - if worker.execution .log= worker.execution.shell - elsif worker.execution_id? span.text-danger Couldn't find Execution with 'id'=#{worker.execution_id}. - else '  td - if worker.execution = link_to(raw(' Details'), job_definition_job_instance_path(job_definition_id: worker.execution.job_definition_id, id: worker.execution.job_instance_id), role: 'button', class: 'btn btn-sm btn-default') - else '  td - if !worker.suspendable '  - elsif !worker.suspended = button_to('Suspend', worker_path(worker), method: :patch, params: { suspended: true }, role: 'button', class: 'btn btn-xs btn-default', data: { confirm: 'Continue suspending the worker?' }) - else = button_to('Unsuspend', worker_path(worker), method: :patch, params: { suspended: false }, role: 'button', class: 'btn btn-xs btn-default', data: { confirm: 'Continue unsuspending the worker?' })