=== Version 0.8 / 2013-4026 * Added navigate_all method to navigate an entire route including the last page === Version 0.7 / 2013-2-27 * Added route_data hash to map a route to a specific DataMagic file === Version 0.6 / 2013-2-19 * Fixed continue_navigation_to to always start with @current_page === Version 0.5 / 2013-2-1 * Fixed with continue_navigation_to not picking the page after @current_page === Version 0.4 / 2013-1-28 * Fixed typo in homepage entry for gemspec === Version 0.3 / 2013-1-26 * Fixed issue when navigating from a page to the same page === Version 0.2 / 2013-1-25 * Fixed minor issue when module is included in module that is included in Class === Version 0.1 / 2013-1-25 * This is the initial release of this gem