(function(undefined) { // The Opal object that is exposed globally var Opal = this.Opal = {}; // Very root class function BasicObject(){} // Core Object class function Object(){} // Class' class function Class(){} // the class of nil function NilClass(){} // TopScope is used for inheriting constants from the top scope var TopScope = function(){}; // Opal just acts as the top scope TopScope.prototype = Opal; // To inherit scopes Opal.alloc = TopScope; // This is a useful reference to global object inside ruby files Opal.global = this; // Minify common function calls var __hasOwn = Opal.hasOwnProperty; var __slice = Opal.slice = Array.prototype.slice; // Generates unique id for every ruby object var unique_id = 0; // Return next unique id Opal.uid = function() { return unique_id++; }; // Table holds all class variables Opal.cvars = {}; // Globals table Opal.gvars = {}; Opal.klass = function(base, superklass, id, constructor) { var klass; if (base._isObject) { base = base._klass; } if (superklass === null) { superklass = Object; } if (__hasOwn.call(base._scope, id)) { klass = base._scope[id]; } else { if (!superklass._methods) { var bridged = superklass; superklass = Object; klass = bridge_class(bridged); } else { klass = boot_class(superklass, constructor); } klass._name = (base === Object ? id : base._name + '::' + id); var const_alloc = function() {}; var const_scope = const_alloc.prototype = new base._scope.alloc(); klass._scope = const_scope; const_scope.alloc = const_alloc; base[id] = base._scope[id] = klass; if (superklass.$inherited) { superklass.$inherited(klass); } } return klass; }; // Define new module (or return existing module) Opal.module = function(base, id, constructor) { var klass; if (base._isObject) { base = base._klass; } if (__hasOwn.call(base._scope, id)) { klass = base._scope[id]; } else { klass = boot_class(Class, constructor); klass._name = (base === Object ? id : base._name + '::' + id); klass.$included_in = []; var const_alloc = function() {}; var const_scope = const_alloc.prototype = new base._scope.alloc(); klass._scope = const_scope; const_scope.alloc = const_alloc; base[id] = base._scope[id] = klass; } return klass; } // Utility function to raise a "no block given" error var no_block_given = function() { throw new Error('no block given'); }; // Boot a base class (makes instances). var boot_defclass = function(id, constructor, superklass) { if (superklass) { var ctor = function() {}; ctor.prototype = superklass.prototype; constructor.prototype = new ctor(); } var prototype = constructor.prototype; prototype.constructor = constructor; prototype._isObject = true; prototype._klass = constructor; constructor._inherited = []; constructor._included_in = []; constructor._isClass = true; constructor._name = id; constructor._super = superklass; constructor._methods = []; constructor._smethods = []; constructor._isObject = false; constructor._donate = __donate; constructor._defs = __defs; constructor['$==='] = module_eqq; constructor.$to_s = module_to_s; constructor.toString = module_to_s; Opal[id] = constructor; return constructor; }; // Create generic class with given superclass. var boot_class = Opal.boot = function(superklass, constructor) { var ctor = function() {}; ctor.prototype = superklass.prototype; constructor.prototype = new ctor(); var prototype = constructor.prototype; prototype._klass = constructor; prototype.constructor = constructor; constructor._inherited = []; constructor._included_in = []; constructor._isClass = true; constructor._super = superklass; constructor._methods = []; constructor._isObject = false; constructor._klass = Class; constructor._donate = __donate constructor._defs = __defs; constructor['$==='] = module_eqq; constructor.$to_s = module_to_s; constructor.toString = module_to_s; var smethods; smethods = superklass._smethods.slice(); constructor._smethods = smethods; for (var i = 0, length = smethods.length; i < length; i++) { var m = smethods[i]; constructor[m] = superklass[m]; } superklass._inherited.push(constructor); return constructor; }; var bridge_class = function(constructor) { constructor.prototype._klass = constructor; constructor._inherited = []; constructor._included_in = []; constructor._isClass = true; constructor._super = Object; constructor._klass = Class; constructor._methods = []; constructor._smethods = []; constructor._isObject = false; constructor._donate = function(){}; constructor._defs = __defs; constructor['$==='] = module_eqq; constructor.$to_s = module_to_s; constructor.toString = module_to_s; var smethods = constructor._smethods = Class._methods.slice(); for (var i = 0, length = smethods.length; i < length; i++) { var m = smethods[i]; constructor[m] = Object[m]; } bridged_classes.push(constructor); var table = Object.prototype, methods = Object._methods; for (var i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++) { var m = methods[i]; constructor.prototype[m] = table[m]; } constructor._smethods.push('$allocate'); return constructor; }; Opal.puts = function(a) { console.log(a); }; // Method missing dispatcher Opal.mm = function(mid) { return function() { return this.$method_missing.apply(this, [mid].concat(__slice.call(arguments))); } }; // Initialization // -------------- boot_defclass('BasicObject', BasicObject) boot_defclass('Object', Object, BasicObject); boot_defclass('Class', Class, Object); Class.prototype = Function.prototype; BasicObject._klass = Object._klass = Class._klass = Class; // Implementation of Class#=== function module_eqq(object) { if (object == null) { return false; } var search = object._klass; while (search) { if (search === this) { return true; } search = search._super; } return false; } // Implementation of Class#to_s function module_to_s() { return this._name; } // Donator for all 'normal' classes and modules function __donate(defined, indirect) { var methods = this._methods, included_in = this.$included_in; // if (!indirect) { this._methods = methods.concat(defined); // } if (included_in) { for (var i = 0, length = included_in.length; i < length; i++) { var includee = included_in[i]; var dest = includee.prototype; for (var j = 0, jj = defined.length; j < jj; j++) { var method = defined[j]; dest[method] = this.prototype[method]; } if (includee.$included_in) { includee._donate(defined, true); } } } } // Define a singleton method on a class function __defs(mid, body) { this._smethods.push(mid); this[mid] = body; var inherited = this._inherited; if (inherited.length) { for (var i = 0, length = inherited.length, subclass; i < length; i++) { subclass = inherited[i]; if (!subclass[mid]) { subclass._defs(mid, body); } } } } var bridged_classes = Object.$included_in = []; BasicObject._scope = Object._scope = Opal; Opal.Module = Opal.Class; Opal.Kernel = Object; var class_const_alloc = function(){}; var class_const_scope = new TopScope(); class_const_scope.alloc = class_const_alloc; Class._scope = class_const_scope; Object.prototype.toString = function() { return this.$to_s(); }; Opal.top = new Object; Opal.klass(Object, Object, 'NilClass', NilClass) Opal.nil = new NilClass; Opal.breaker = new Error('unexpected break'); }).call(this);