#!/usr/bin/ ruby # ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt™, Copyright (c) 2019-2022, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other # contributors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer. # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # Redistribution of this software, without modification, must refer to the software # by the same designation. Redistribution of a modified version of this software # (i) may not refer to the modified version by the same designation, or by any # confusingly similar designation, and (ii) must refer to the underlying software # originally provided by Alliance as “URBANopt”. Except to comply with the foregoing, # the term “URBANopt”, or any confusingly similar designation may not be used to # refer to any modified version of this software or any modified version of the # underlying software originally provided by Alliance without the prior written # consent of Alliance. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ********************************************************************************* require 'uo_cli/version' require 'optimist' require 'urbanopt/geojson' require 'urbanopt/scenario' require 'urbanopt/reopt' require 'urbanopt/reopt_scenario' require 'urbanopt/rnm' require 'csv' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'openssl' require 'open3' require 'yaml' module URBANopt module CLI class UrbanOptCLI COMMAND_MAP = { 'create' => 'Make new things - project directory or files', 'install_python' => 'Install python and other dependencies to run OpenDSS and DISCO analysis', 'update' => 'Update files in an existing URBANopt project', 'run' => 'Use files in your directory to simulate district energy use', 'process' => 'Post-process URBANopt simulations for additional insights', 'visualize' => 'Visualize and compare results for features and scenarios', 'validate' => 'Validate results with custom rules', 'opendss' => 'Run OpenDSS simulation', 'disco' => 'Run DISCO analysis', 'rnm' => 'Run RNM simulation', 'delete' => 'Delete simulations for a specified scenario', 'des_params' => 'Make a DES system parameters config file', 'des_create' => 'Create a Modelica model', 'des_run' => 'Run a Modelica DES model' }.freeze def initialize @subopts = nil @command = nil @mainopts = Optimist.options do version VERSION banner "\nURBANopt CLI version: #{version}" banner "\nUsage:" banner " uo [options] [ [suboptions]]\n \n" banner 'Options:' opt :version, 'Print version and exit' ## add this here or it goes to bottom of help opt :help, 'Show this help message' ## add this here or it goes to bottom of help # opt :no_pager, "Disable paging" stop_on COMMAND_MAP.keys banner "\nCommands:" COMMAND_MAP.each { |cmd, desc| banner format(' %-14s %s', cmd, desc) } banner "\nFor help with a specific command: uo --help" banner "\nAdditional config options can be set with the 'runner.conf' file inside your project folder" banner 'Fewer warnings are presented when using full paths and the user is not inside the project folder' end return if ARGV.empty? @command = ARGV.shift begin send("opt_#{@command}") ## dispatch to command handling method rescue NoMethodError abort('Invalid command, please run uo --help for a list of available commands') end end # Define creation commands def opt_create @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :project_folder, "\nCreate project directory in your current folder. Name the directory\n" \ "Add additional tags to specify the method for creating geometry, or use the default urban geometry creation method to create building geometry from geojson coordinates with core and perimeter zoning\n" \ 'Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project', type: String, short: :p opt :create_bar, "\nCreate building geometry and add space types using the create bar from building type ratios measure\n" \ "Refer to https://docs.urbanopt.net/ for more details about the workflow\n" \ "Used with --project-folder\n" \ "Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --create-bar\n", short: :c opt :floorspace, "\nCreate building geometry and add space types from a floorspace.js file\n" \ "Refer to https://docs.urbanopt.net/ for more details about the workflow\n" \ "Used with --project-folder\n" \ "Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --floorspace\n", short: :f opt :combined, "\nCreate project directory that supports running combined residential and commercial workflows\n" \ "This functionality has not been exhaustively tested and currently supports the Single-Family Detached building type and the Baseline Scenario only\n" \ "Used with --project-folder\n" \ "Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --combined\n", short: :d opt :electric, "\nCreate default project with FeatureFile containing electrical network, used for OpenDSS analysis\n" \ 'Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --electric', short: :l opt :disco, "\nCreate default project with FeatureFile containing electrical network, and scenarios for DISCO cost upgrade analysis\n"\ 'Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --disco', short: :a opt :streets, "\nCreate default project with FeatureFile containing streets, used for RNM analysis\n" \ 'Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --streets', short: :t opt :photovoltaic, "\nCreate default project with FeatureFile containing community photovoltaic for the district and ground-mount photovoltaic associated with buildings, used for REopt analysis \n" \ 'Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --photovoltaic', short: :v opt :class_coincident, "\nCreate default class project with buildings that have coincident schedules \n" \ "Refer to https://docs.urbanopt.net/ for more details about the class project \n" \ "Used with --project-folder\n" \ "Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --class-coincident\n", short: :C opt :class_diverse, "\nCreate default class project with buildings that have diverse schedules \n" \ "Refer to https://docs.urbanopt.net/ for more details about the class project \n" \ "Used with --project-folder\n" \ "Example: uo create --project-folder urbanopt_example_project --class-diverse\n", short: :D opt :empty, "\nUse with --project-folder argument to create an empty project folder\n" \ "Then add your own Feature file in the project directory you created,\n" \ "add Weather files in the weather folder and add OpenStudio models of Features\n" \ "in the Feature File, if any, in the osm_building folder\n" \ "Example: uo create --empty --project-folder urbanopt_example_project\n", short: :e opt :overwrite, "\nUse with --project-folder argument to overwrite existing project folder and replace with new project folder.\n" \ "May be combined with --empty as well to overwrite existing project folder and replace with new empty project folder.\n" \ "Example: uo create --overwrite --empty --project-folder urbanopt_project_folder_I_want_destroyed\n", short: :o opt :scenario_file, "\nAutomatically create a ScenarioFile containing the features in FeatureFile for each scenario\n" \ "Provide the FeatureFile used to create the ScenarioFile\n" \ "Example: uo create --scenario-file example_project.json\n", type: String, short: :s opt :single_feature, "\nCreate a ScenarioFile with only a single feature\n" \ "Use the FeatureID from your FeatureFile\n" \ "Requires 'scenario-file' also be specified, to say which FeatureFile will create the ScenarioFile\n" \ "Example: uo create --single-feature 2 --scenario-file example_project.json\n", type: String, short: :i opt :reopt_scenario_file, "\nCreate a ScenarioFile that includes a column defining the REopt assumptions file\n" \ "Specify the existing ScenarioFile that you want to extend with REopt functionality\n" \ "Example: uo create --reopt-scenario-file baseline_scenario.csv\n", type: String, short: :r end end # Define commands to install python def opt_install_python @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" end end # Update project def opt_update @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :existing_project_folder, "\Specify existing project folder name to update files \n" \ 'Example: uo update --existing-project-folder urbanopt_example_project --new-project-directory location/to/new_urbanopt_example_project', type: String, short: :e opt :new_project_directory, "\Specify location for updated URBANopt project. \n" \ 'Example: uo update --existing-project-folder urbanopt_example_project --new-project-directory location/to/new_urbanopt_example_project', type: String, short: :n end end # Define running commands def opt_run @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :scenario, "\nRun URBANopt simulations for \n" \ "Requires --feature also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo run --scenario baseline_scenario-2.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'baseline_scenario.csv', required: true, short: :s opt :feature, "\nRun URBANopt simulations according to \n" \ "Requires --scenario also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo run --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'example_project.json', required: true, short: :f opt :num_parallel, "\nOPTIONAL: Run URBANopt simulations in parallel using cores\n" \ "Adjusts value of 'num_parallel' in the 'runner.conf' file\n" \ "Example: uo run --num-parallel 2\n", type: Integer, short: :n end end # Define opendss commands def opt_opendss @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n\n" opt :scenario, "\nRun OpenDSS simulations for \n" \ "Requires --feature also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario-2.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'baseline_scenario.csv', short: :s opt :feature, "\nRun OpenDSS simulations according to \n" \ "Requires --scenario also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'example_project_with_electric_network.json', short: :f opt :equipment, "\nRun OpenDSS simulations using . If not specified, the extended_catalog.json from urbanopt-ditto-reader will be used.\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json', type: String, short: :e opt :timestep, "\nNumber of minutes per timestep in the OpenDSS simulation.\n" \ "Optional, defaults to analog of simulation timestep set in the FeatureFile\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --timestep 15', type: Integer, short: :t opt :start_date, "\nBeginning date for OpenDSS analysis specified in YYYY\\MM\\DD format. \n" \ "Optional, defaults to beginning of simulation date\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --start-date 2017/01/15', type: String, short: :a opt :start_time, "\nBeginning time for OpenDSS analysis specified in hh:mm:ss format. \n" \ "Optional, defaults to 00:00:00 of start_date if specified, otherwise beginning of simulation time\n" \ "Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --start-time 01:00:00\n", type: String, short: :b opt :end_date, "\nEnd date for OpenDSS analysis specified in YYYY\\MM\\DD format.\n" \ "Optional, defaults to end of simulation date\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --end-date 2017/01/16', type: String, short: :z opt :end_time, "\nEnd time for OpenDSS analysis specified in hh:mm:ss format. \n" \ "Optional, defaults to 23:00:00 of end_date if specified, otherwise end of simulation time is used. \n" \ "Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --end-time 01:00:00\n", type: String, short: :y opt :upgrade, "\nUpgrade undersized transformers\n" \ "Optional, defaults to false if not provided\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --upgrade', short: :u opt :reopt, "\nRun with additional REopt functionality.\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --reopt', short: :r opt :rnm, "\nUse RNM-generated DSS files in this analysis\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --rnm', short: :m opt :config, "\nRun OpenDSS using a json config file to specify the above settings.\n" \ 'Example: uo opendss --config path/to/config.json', type: String, short: :c end end # Define DISCO commands def opt_disco @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n\n" opt :scenario, "\nRun DISCO simulations for \n" \ "Requires --feature also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo disco --scenario baseline_scenario-2.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'baseline_scenario.csv', short: :s opt :feature, "\nRun DISCO simulations according to \n" \ "Requires --scenario also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo disco --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'example_project_with_electric_network.json', short: :f opt :cost_database, "\nSpecify cost database for electric equipment upgrade\n" \ 'Example: uo disco --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --cost_database cost_database.xlsx', default: 'cost_database.xlsx', short: :c opt :technical_catalog, "\nSpecify technical catalog for thermal upgrade\n" \ 'Example: uo disco --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --technical_catalog technical_catalog.json', short: :t end end # Define RNM commands def opt_rnm @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n\n" opt :scenario, "\nRun RNM simulation for . Scenario must be run and post-processed prior to calling the rnm command.\n" \ "Requires --feature also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo rnm --scenario baseline_scenario-2.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'baseline_scenario.csv', required: true, short: :s opt :feature, "\nRun RNM simulation according to \n" \ "Requires --scenario also be specified\n" \ 'Example: uo rnm --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json', default: 'example_project_with_streets.json', required: true, short: :f opt :reopt, "\nInclude processed REopt optimization results in the simulation.\n" \ 'Example: uo rnm --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project.json --reopt', short: :r opt :extended_catalog, "\nUse this option to specify the extended electrical catalog path.\n" \ 'If this option is not included, the default catalog will be used', type: String, short: :c opt :average_peak_catalog, "\nUse this option to specify the average peak catalog path.\n" \ 'If this option is not included, the default catalog will be used', type: String, short: :a opt :opendss, "\n If this option is specified, an OpenDSS-compatible electrical database will be created \n" \ 'Example: uo rnm --scenario baseline_scenario.csv --feature example_project_with_streets.json --opendss', short: :o end end # Define post-processing commands def opt_process @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :default, "\nStandard post-processing for your scenario" opt :opendss, "\nPost-process with OpenDSS" opt :disco, "\nPost-process with DISCO" opt :reopt_scenario, "\nOptimize for entire scenario with REopt. Used with the --reopt-scenario-assumptions-file to specify the assumptions to use.\n" \ 'Example: uo process --reopt-scenario' opt :reopt_feature, "\nOptimize for each building individually with REopt\n" \ 'Example: uo process --reopt-feature' opt :reopt_resilience, "\nInclude resilience reporting in REopt optimization\n" \ 'Example: uo process --reopt-scenario --reopt-resilience' opt :reopt_keep_existing, "\nKeep existing reopt feature optimizations instead of rerunning them to avoid rate limit issues.\n" \ 'Example: uo process --reopt-feature --reopt-keep-existing', short: :k opt :with_database, "\nInclude a sql database output of post-processed results\n" \ 'Example: uo process --default --with-database' opt :reopt_scenario_assumptions_file, "\nPath to the scenario REopt assumptions JSON file you want to use. Use with the --reopt-scenario post-processor.\n" \ 'If not specified, the reopt/base_assumptions.json file will be used', type: String, short: :a opt :scenario, "\nSelect which scenario to optimize", default: 'baseline_scenario.csv', required: true, short: :s opt :feature, "\nSelect which FeatureFile to use", default: 'example_project.json', required: true, short: :f end end # Define visualization commands def opt_visualize @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :feature, "\nVisualize results for all scenarios for a feature file\n" \ "Provide the FeatureFile to visualize each associated scenario\n" \ "Example: uo visualize --feature example_project.json\n", type: String, short: :f opt :scenario, "\nVisualize results for all features in a scenario\n" \ "Provide the scenario CSV file to visualize each feature in the scenario\n" \ "Example: uo visualize --scenario baseline_scenario.csv\n", type: String, short: :s end end # Define validation commands def opt_validate @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :eui, "\nCompare eui results in feature reports to limits in validation_schema.yaml\n" \ "Provide path to the validation_schema.yaml file in your project directory\n" \ 'Example: uo validate --eui validation_schema.yaml', type: String opt :scenario, "\nProvide the scenario CSV file to validate features from that scenario\n", type: String, required: true, short: :s opt :feature, "\nProvide the Feature JSON file to include info about each feature\n", type: String, required: true, short: :f opt :units, "\nSI (kWh/m2/yr) or IP (kBtu/ft2/yr)", type: String, default: 'IP' end end def opt_delete @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :scenario, "\nDelete simulation files for this scenario", default: 'baseline_scenario.csv', required: true end end def opt_des_params @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :sys_param_file, "\nBuild a system parameters JSON config file for Modelica DES simulation using URBANopt SDK outputs\n" \ "Provide path/name of json file to be created\n" \ 'Example: uo des_params --sys-param-file path/to/sys_params.json', type: String, required: true, short: :y opt :scenario, "\nPath to the scenario CSV file\n" \ "Example: uo des_params --sys-param-file path/to/sys_params.json --scenario path/to/baseline_scenario.csv\n", type: String, required: true, short: :s opt :feature, "\nPath to the feature JSON file\n" \ "Example: uo des_params --sys-param-file path/to/sys_params.json --feature path/to/example_project.json\n", type: String, required: true, short: :f opt :model_type, "\nSelection for which kind of DES simulation to perform\n" \ "Valid choices: 'time_series'", type: String, default: 'time_series' end end def opt_des_create @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n" banner '' opt :sys_param, "Path to system parameters config file, possibly created with 'des_params' command in this CLI\n" \ "Example: uo des_create --sys-param system_parameters.json\n", type: String, required: true, short: :y banner '' opt :feature, "Path to the feature JSON file\n" \ 'Example: uo des_create --feature path/to/example_project.json', type: String, required: true, short: :f opt :des_name, "\nPath to Modelica project dir to be created\n" \ 'Example: uo des_create --des-name path/to/example_modelica_project', type: String, required: true opt :model_type, "\nSelection for which kind of DES simulation to perform\n" \ "Valid choices: 'time_series'", type: String, default: 'time_series' end end def opt_des_run @subopts = Optimist.options do banner "\nURBANopt #{@command}:\n \n" opt :model, "\nPath to Modelica model dir, possibly created with 'des_create' command in this CLI\n" \ 'Example: uo des_run --model path/to/model/dir', type: String, required: true end end attr_reader :mainopts, :command, :subopts end # Initialize the CLI class @opthash = UrbanOptCLI.new # Rescue if user only enters 'uo' without a command begin # Pull out feature and scenario filenames and paths if @opthash.subopts[:scenario_file] @feature_path, @feature_name = File.split(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:scenario_file])) end rescue NoMethodError abort('Invalid command, please run uo --help for a list of available commands') end # FIXME: Can this be combined with the above block? This isn't very DRY # One solution would be changing scenario_file to feature. # Would that be confusing when creating a ScenarioFile from the FeatureFile? if @opthash.subopts[:feature] @feature_path, @feature_name = File.split(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:feature])) end if @opthash.subopts[:scenario] @root_dir, @scenario_file_name = File.split(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:scenario])) @scenario_name = File.basename(@scenario_file_name, File.extname(@scenario_file_name)) end # Simulate energy usage as defined by ScenarioCSV def self.run_func run_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase) csv_file = File.join(@root_dir, @scenario_file_name) featurefile = File.join(@root_dir, @feature_name) mapper_files_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'mappers') reopt_files_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'reopt/') num_header_rows = 1 if @feature_id feature_run_dir = File.join(run_dir, @feature_id) # If run folder for feature exists, remove it FileUtils.rm_rf(feature_run_dir) if File.exist?(feature_run_dir) end feature_file = URBANopt::GeoJSON::GeoFile.from_file(featurefile) if @opthash.subopts[:reopt] == true || @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario] == true || @opthash.subopts[:reopt_feature] == true # TODO: Better way of grabbing assumptions file than the first file in the folder reopt_files_dir_contents_list = Dir.children(reopt_files_dir.to_s) reopt_assumptions_filename = File.basename(reopt_files_dir_contents_list[0]) scenario_output = URBANopt::Scenario::REoptScenarioCSV.new( @scenario_name.downcase, @root_dir, run_dir, feature_file, mapper_files_dir, csv_file, num_header_rows, reopt_files_dir, reopt_assumptions_filename ) else scenario_output = URBANopt::Scenario::ScenarioCSV.new( @scenario_name.downcase, @root_dir, run_dir, feature_file, mapper_files_dir, csv_file, num_header_rows ) end scenario_output end # Create a scenario csv file from a FeatureFile # params\ # +feature_file_path+:: _string_ Optional - ID of a single feature in a feature file. def self.create_scenario_csv_file(feature_id) begin feature_file_json = JSON.parse(File.read(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:scenario_file])), symbolize_names: true) # Rescue if user provides path to a dir and not a file rescue Errno::EISDIR => e wrong_path = e.to_s.split(' - ')[-1] abort("\nOops! '#{wrong_path}' is a directory. Please provide path to the geojson feature_file") # Rescue if file isn't json rescue JSON::ParserError => e abort("\nOops! You didn't provide a json file. Please provide path to the geojson feature_file") end Dir["#{@feature_path}/mappers/*.rb"].each do |mapper_file| mapper_name = File.basename(mapper_file, File.extname(mapper_file)) scenario_file_name = if feature_id == 'SKIP' "#{mapper_name.downcase}_scenario.csv" else "#{mapper_name.downcase}_scenario-#{feature_id}.csv" end CSV.open(File.join(@feature_path, scenario_file_name), 'wb', write_headers: true, headers: ['Feature Id', 'Feature Name', 'Mapper Class']) do |csv| feature_file_json[:features].each do |feature| if feature_id == 'SKIP' # ensure that feature is a building if feature[:properties][:type] == 'Building' csv << [feature[:properties][:id], feature[:properties][:name], "URBANopt::Scenario::#{mapper_name}Mapper"] end elsif feature_id == feature[:properties][:id] csv << [feature[:properties][:id], feature[:properties][:name], "URBANopt::Scenario::#{mapper_name}Mapper"] elsif unless feature_file_json[:features].any? { |hash| hash[:properties][:id].include?(feature_id.to_s) } abort("\nYou must provide Feature ID from FeatureFile!\n---\n\n") end # If Feature ID specified does not exist in the Feature File raise error end end # Rescue if json isn't a geojson feature_file rescue NoMethodError abort("\nOops! You didn't provde a valid feature_file. Please provide path to the geojson feature_file") end end end # Write new ScenarioFile with REopt column # params \ # +existing_scenario_file+:: _string_ - Name of existing ScenarioFile def self.create_reopt_scenario_file(existing_scenario_file) existing_path, existing_name = File.split(File.expand_path(existing_scenario_file)) # make reopt folder (if it does not exist) unless Dir.exist?(File.join(existing_path, 'reopt')) Dir.mkdir File.join(existing_path, 'reopt') # copy reopt files from cli examples $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') reopt_files = File.join(path_item, 'reopt') Pathname.new(reopt_files).children.each { |reopt_file| FileUtils.cp(reopt_file, File.join(existing_path, 'reopt')) } end end end table = CSV.read(existing_scenario_file, headers: true, col_sep: ',') # Add another column, row by row: table.each do |row| row['REopt Assumptions'] = 'multiPV_assumptions.json' end # write new file (name it REopt + existing scenario name) CSV.open(File.join(existing_path, "REopt_#{existing_name}"), 'w') do |f| f << table.headers table.each { |row| f << row } end end # Create project folder # params\ # +dir_name+:: _string_ Name of new project folder # # Includes weather for example location, a base workflow file, and mapper files to show a baseline and a high-efficiency option. def self.create_project_folder(dir_name, empty_folder: false, overwrite_project: false) case overwrite_project when true if Dir.exist?(dir_name) FileUtils.rm_rf(dir_name) end when false if Dir.exist?(dir_name) abort("\nERROR: there is already a directory here named #{dir_name}... aborting\n---\n\n") end end $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') case empty_folder when false Dir.mkdir dir_name Dir.mkdir File.join(dir_name, 'weather') Dir.mkdir File.join(dir_name, 'mappers') Dir.mkdir File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building') Dir.mkdir File.join(dir_name, 'visualization') if @opthash.subopts[:electric] == true || @opthash.subopts[:disco] == true # make opendss folder Dir.mkdir File.join(dir_name, 'opendss') if @opthash.subopts[:disco] == true # make disco folder Dir.mkdir File.join(dir_name, 'disco') end end # copy config file FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'runner.conf'), dir_name) # If the env var is set, change the num_parallel value to be what the env var is set to if ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'] runner_file_path = File.join(dir_name, 'runner.conf') runner_conf_hash = JSON.parse(File.read(runner_file_path)) runner_conf_hash['num_parallel'] = ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'].to_i File.open(runner_file_path, 'w+') do |f| f << runner_conf_hash.to_json end end # copy gemfile FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'Gemfile'), dir_name) # copy validation schema FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'validation_schema.yaml'), dir_name) # copy weather files weather_files = File.join(path_item, 'weather') Pathname.new(weather_files).children.each { |weather_file| FileUtils.cp(weather_file, File.join(dir_name, 'weather')) } # copy visualization files viz_files = File.join(path_item, 'visualization') Pathname.new(viz_files).children.each { |viz_file| FileUtils.cp(viz_file, File.join(dir_name, 'visualization')) } if @opthash.subopts[:electric] == true || @opthash.subopts[:disco] == true # also copy opendss files dss_files = File.join(path_item, 'opendss') Pathname.new(dss_files).children.each { |file| FileUtils.cp(file, File.join(dir_name, 'opendss')) } if @opthash.subopts[:electric] == true FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project_with_electric_network.json'), dir_name) elsif @opthash.subopts[:disco] == true # TODO: update this once there is a FeatureFile for Disco FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project_with_electric_network.json'), dir_name) disco_files = File.join(path_item, 'disco') Pathname.new(disco_files).children.each { |file| FileUtils.cp(file, File.join(dir_name, 'disco')) } end elsif @opthash.subopts[:streets] == true FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project_with_streets.json'), dir_name) elsif @opthash.subopts[:photovoltaic] == true FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project_with_PV.json'), dir_name) end case @opthash.subopts[:floorspace] when false if @opthash.subopts[:electric] != true && @opthash.subopts[:streets] != true && @opthash.subopts[:photovoltaic] != true && @opthash.subopts[:disco] != true # copy feature file FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project.json'), dir_name) end # copy osm FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/7.osm'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/8.osm'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/9.osm'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) case @opthash.subopts[:create_bar] when false # copy the mappers FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/Baseline.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/HighEfficiency.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/ThermalStorage.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/EvCharging.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/FlexibleHotWater.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) # copy osw file FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/base_workflow.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) when true # copy the mappers FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/CreateBar.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/HighEfficiencyCreateBar.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) # copy osw file FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/createbar_workflow.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) end when true # copy the mappers FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/Floorspace.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/HighEfficiencyFloorspace.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) # copy osw file FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/floorspace_workflow.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) # copy feature file FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_floorspace_project.json'), dir_name) # copy osm FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/7_floorspace.json'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/7_floorspace.osm'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/8.osm'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building/9.osm'), File.join(dir_name, 'osm_building')) end if @opthash.subopts[:class_coincident] # copy residential files FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'residential'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'residential')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'measures'), File.join(dir_name, 'measures')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'resources'), File.join(dir_name, 'resources')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'xml_building'), File.join(dir_name, 'xml_building')) # copy class project files FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'class_project_coincident.json'), dir_name) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/class_project_workflow.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'base_workflow.osw')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/ClassProject.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) if File.exist?(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) FileUtils.remove(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) end end if @opthash.subopts[:class_diverse] # copy residential files FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'residential'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'residential')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'measures'), File.join(dir_name, 'measures')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'resources'), File.join(dir_name, 'resources')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'xml_building'), File.join(dir_name, 'xml_building')) # copy class project files FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'class_project_diverse.json'), dir_name) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/class_project_workflow.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'base_workflow.osw')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'mappers/ClassProject.rb'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) if File.exist?(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) FileUtils.remove(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) end end if @opthash.subopts[:combined] # copy residential files FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'residential'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'residential')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'measures'), File.join(dir_name, 'measures')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'resources'), File.join(dir_name, 'resources')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project_combined.json'), dir_name) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'base_workflow_res.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'base_workflow.osw')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'xml_building'), File.join(dir_name, 'xml_building')) if File.exist?(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) FileUtils.remove(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) end end when true Dir.mkdir dir_name FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'Gemfile'), File.join(dir_name, 'Gemfile')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'mappers'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'visualization'), File.join(dir_name, 'visualization')) if @opthash.subopts[:combined] # copy residential files FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'residential'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'residential')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'base_workflow_res.osw'), File.join(dir_name, 'mappers', 'base_workflow.osw')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'measures'), File.join(dir_name, 'measures')) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'resources'), File.join(dir_name, 'resources')) FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'example_project_combined.json'), dir_name) if File.exist?(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) FileUtils.remove(File.join(dir_name, 'example_project.json')) end end end end end end # Update an existing URBANopt Project # params\ # +existing_project_folder+:: _string_ Name of existing project folder # +new_project_directory+:: _string_ Location of updated URBANopt project # # Includes weather for example location, a base workflow file, and mapper files to show a baseline and a high-efficiency option. def self.update_project(existing_project_folder, new_project_directory) path = File.expand_path(existing_project_folder) new_path = Pathname.new(new_project_directory) if Dir.exist?(new_path) abort("\nERROR: there is already a directory here named #{new_path}... aborting\n---\n\n") end FileUtils.copy_entry(path, new_path) $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') # copy gemfile FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'Gemfile'), new_path, remove_destination: true) # copy validation schema FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'validation_schema.yaml'), new_path, remove_destination: true) # copy config file FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'runner.conf'), new_path, remove_destination: true) # If the env var is set, change the num_parallel value to be what the env var is set to # TODO: make this into a function...it's used in 2 places if ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'] runner_file_path = File.join(new_path, 'runner.conf') runner_conf_hash = JSON.parse(File.read(runner_file_path)) runner_conf_hash['num_parallel'] = ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'].to_i File.open(runner_file_path, 'w+') do |f| f << runner_conf_hash.to_json end end # Replace standard mappers # Note: this also copies createBar and Floorspace without checking project type (for now) mappers = File.join(path_item, 'mappers') Pathname.new(mappers).children.each { |mapper| FileUtils.cp_r(mapper, File.join(new_path, 'mappers'), remove_destination: true) } # Replace OSM files if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'osm_building')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'osm_building')).children.each { |res| FileUtils.cp_r(res, File.join(new_path, 'osm_building'), remove_destination: true) } end # Replace weather if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'weather')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'weather')).children.each { |weather_file| FileUtils.cp_r(weather_file, File.join(new_path, 'weather'), remove_destination: true) } end # Replace visualization files Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'visualization')).children.each { |viz| FileUtils.cp_r(viz, File.join(new_path, 'visualization'), remove_destination: true) } # Replace Residential files if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'residential')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'residential')).children.each { |res| FileUtils.cp_r(res, File.join(new_path, 'mappers', 'residential'), remove_destination: true) } end if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'measures')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'measures')).children.each { |res| FileUtils.cp_r(res, File.join(new_path, 'measures'), remove_destination: true) } end if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'resources')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'resources')).children.each { |res| FileUtils.cp_r(res, File.join(new_path, 'resources'), remove_destination: true) } end # adjust for residential workflow FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, 'base_workflow_res.osw'), File.join(new_path, 'mappers', 'base_workflow.osw'), remove_destination: true) if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'xml_building')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'xml_building')).children.each { |res| FileUtils.cp_r(res, File.join(new_path, 'xml_building'), remove_destination: true) } end # Replace Reopt assumption files if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'reopt')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'reopt')).children.each { |reopt_file| FileUtils.cp_r(reopt_file, File.join(new_path, 'reopt'), remove_destination: true) } end # Replace OpenDSS files if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'opendss')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'opendss')).children.each { |opendss_file| FileUtils.cp_r(opendss_file, File.join(new_path, 'opendss'), remove_destination: true) } end if Dir.exist?(File.join(path, 'disco')) Pathname.new(File.join(path_item, 'disco')).children.each { |disco_file| FileUtils.cp_r(disco_file, File.join(new_path, 'disco'), remove_destination: true) } end Pathname.new(path).children.each do |file| if File.extname(file) == '.json' puts file if File.exist?(File.join(path_item, file)) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(path_item, file), new_path) end end end end end end # Setup Python Variables for DiTTo and DISCO def self.setup_python_variables pvars = { python_version: '3.10', miniconda_version: '4.12.0', python_install_path: nil, python_path: nil, pip_path: nil, ditto_path: nil, gmt_path: nil } # get location $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') # install python in cli gem's example_files/python_deps folder # so it is accessible to all projects pvars[:python_install_path] = File.join(path_item, 'python_deps') pvars[:pip_path] = pvars[:python_install_path] break end end # look for config file and grab info if File.exist? File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], 'python_config.json') configs = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], 'python_config.json')), symbolize_names: true) pvars[:python_path] = configs[:python_path] pvars[:pip_path] = configs[:pip_path] pvars[:ditto_path] = configs[:ditto_path] pvars[:gmt_path] = configs[:gmt_path] pvars[:disco_path] = configs[:disco_path] end return pvars end # Return UO python packages list from python_deps/dependencies.json def self.get_python_deps deps = [] the_path = "" $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') # install python in cli gem's example_files/python_deps folder # so it is accessible to all projects the_path = File.join(path_item, 'python_deps') break end end if File.exist? File.join(the_path, 'dependencies.json') deps = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(the_path, 'dependencies.json')), symbolize_names: true) end return deps end # Check Python def self.check_python(python_only: false) results = { python: false, pvars: [], message: '', python_deps: false, result: false } puts 'Checking system.....' pvars = setup_python_variables results[:pvars] = pvars # check vars if pvars[:python_path].nil? || pvars[:pip_path].nil? # need to install results[:message] = 'Python paths have not yet been initialized with URBANopt.' puts results[:message] return results end # check python stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("#{pvars[:python_path]} -V") if stderr.empty? puts "...python found at #{pvars[:python_path]}" else results[:message] = "ERROR installing python: #{stderr}" puts results[:message] return results end # check pip stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("#{pvars[:pip_path]} -V") if stderr.empty? puts "...pip found at #{pvars[:pip_path]}" else results[:message] = "ERROR finding pip: #{stderr}" puts results[:message] return results end # python and pip installed correctly results[:python] = true # now check dependencies (if python_only is false) unless python_only deps = get_python_deps puts "DEPENDENCIES RETRIEVED FROM FILE: #{deps}" errors = [] deps.each do |dep| #TODO: Update when there is a stable release for DISCO if dep[:name].to_s.include? "disco" stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("#{pvars[:pip_path]} show NREL-disco") else stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3("#{pvars[:pip_path]} show #{dep[:name]}") end if stderr.empty? # check versions m = stdout.match /^Version: (\S{3,}$)/ err = true if m and m.size > 1 if !dep[:version].nil? and dep[:version].to_s == m[1].to_s puts "...#{dep[:name]} found with specified version #{dep[:version]}" err = false elsif dep[:version].nil? err = false puts "...#{dep[:name]} found (version #{m[1]})" end end if err results[:message] = "incorrect version found for #{dep[:name]}...expecting version #{dep[:version]}" puts results[:message] errors << stderr end else results[:message] = stderr puts results[:message] errors << stderr end end if errors.empty? results[:python_deps] = true end end # all is good results[:result] = true return results end # Install Python and Related Dependencies def self.install_python_dependencies pvars = setup_python_variables # check if python and dependencies are already installed results = check_python # install python if not installed if !results[:python] # cd into script dir wd = Dir.getwd FileUtils.cd(pvars[:python_install_path]) puts 'Installing python...' if (/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM).nil? # not windows script = File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], 'install_python.sh') the_command = "cd #{pvars[:python_install_path]}; #{script} #{pvars[:miniconda_version]} #{pvars[:python_version]} #{pvars[:python_install_path]}" stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(the_command) if (stderr && !stderr == '') || (stdout && stdout.include?('Usage')) # error puts "ERROR installing python dependencies: #{stderr}, #{stdout}" return end # capture paths mac_path_base = File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], "Miniconda-#{pvars[:miniconda_version]}") pvars[:python_path] = File.join(mac_path_base, 'bin', 'python') pvars[:pip_path] = File.join(mac_path_base, 'bin', 'pip') pvars[:ditto_path] = File.join(mac_path_base, 'bin', 'ditto_reader_cli') pvars[:gmt_path] = File.join(mac_path_base, 'bin', 'uo_des') pvars[:disco_path] = File.join(mac_path_base, 'bin', 'disco') configs = { python_path: pvars[:python_path], pip_path: pvars[:pip_path], ditto_path: pvars[:ditto_path], gmt_path: pvars[:gmt_path], disco_path: pvars[:disco_path] } else # windows script = File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], 'install_python.ps1') command_list = [ 'powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process', "powershell #{script} #{pvars[:miniconda_version]} #{pvars[:python_version]} #{pvars[:python_install_path]}", 'powershell $env:CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE = 1' ] command_list.each do |command| stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) if !stderr.empty? puts "ERROR installing python dependencies: #{stderr}, #{stdout}" break end end # capture paths windows_path_base = File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], "python-#{pvars[:python_version]}") pvars[:python_path] = File.join(windows_path_base, 'python.exe') pvars[:pip_path] = File.join(windows_path_base, 'Scripts', 'pip.exe') pvars[:ditto_path] = File.join(windows_path_base, 'Scripts', 'ditto_reader_cli.exe') pvars[:gmt_path] = File.join(windows_path_base, 'Scripts', 'uo_des.exe') pvars[:disco_path] = File.join(windows_path_base, 'Scripts', 'disco.exe') configs = { python_path: pvars[:python_path], pip_path: pvars[:pip_path], ditto_path: pvars[:ditto_path], gmt_path: pvars[:gmt_path], disco_path: pvars[:disco_path] } end # get back to wd FileUtils.cd(wd) # write config file File.open(File.join(pvars[:python_install_path], 'python_config.json'), 'w') do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(configs)) end end # install python dependencies if not installed if !results[:python_deps] deps = get_python_deps deps.each do |dep| puts "Installing #{dep[:name]}..." the_command = "" if dep[:version].nil? the_command = "#{pvars[:pip_path]} install #{dep[:name]}" else the_command = "#{pvars[:pip_path]} install #{dep[:name]}~=#{dep[:version]}" end # system(the_command) #puts "INSTALL COMMAND: #{the_command}" stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(the_command) if stderr && !stderr == '' puts "Error installing: #{stderr}" end end end # double check python and dependencies have been installed now if !results[:result] # double check that everything has succeeded now results = check_python end if results[:result] puts "Python and dependencies successfully installed in #{pvars[:python_install_path]}" else # errors occurred puts "Errors occurred when installing python and dependencies: #{results[:message]}" end end # Perform CLI actions # Create new project folder if @opthash.command == 'create' && @opthash.subopts[:project_folder] && @opthash.subopts[:empty] == false case @opthash.subopts[:overwrite] when true puts "\nOverwriting existing project folder: #{@opthash.subopts[:project_folder]}...\n\n" create_project_folder(@opthash.subopts[:project_folder], empty_folder: false, overwrite_project: true) when false puts "\nCreating a new project folder...\n" create_project_folder(@opthash.subopts[:project_folder], empty_folder: false, overwrite_project: false) if @opthash.subopts[:floorspace] == false && @opthash.subopts[:create_bar] == true puts "\nAn example FeatureFile is included: 'example_project.json'. You may place your own FeatureFile alongside the example." elsif @opthash.subopts[:floorspace] == true && @opthash.subopts[:create_bar] == false puts "\nAn example FeatureFile is included: 'example_floorspace_project.json'. You may place your own FeatureFile alongside the example." end puts 'Weather data is provided for the example FeatureFile. Additional weather data files may be downloaded from energyplus.net/weather for free' puts "If you use additional weather files, ensure they are added to the 'weather' directory. You will need to configure your mapper file and your osw file to use the desired weather file" puts "We recommend using absolute paths for all commands, for cleaner output\n" end elsif @opthash.command == 'create' && @opthash.subopts[:project_folder] && @opthash.subopts[:empty] == true case @opthash.subopts[:overwrite] when true puts "\nOverwriting existing project folder: #{@opthash.subopts[:project_folder]} with an empty folder...\n\n" create_project_folder(@opthash.subopts[:project_folder], empty_folder: true, overwrite_project: true) when false puts "\nCreating a new empty project folder...\n" create_project_folder(@opthash.subopts[:project_folder], empty_folder: true, overwrite_project: false) end puts "\nAdd your FeatureFile in the Project directory you just created." puts 'Add your weather data files in the Weather folder. They may be downloaded from energyplus.net/weather for free' puts 'Add your OpenStudio models for Features in your Feature file, if any in the osm_building folder' puts "We recommend using absolute paths for all commands, for cleaner output\n" end # Create ScenarioFile from FeatureFile if @opthash.command == 'create' && @opthash.subopts[:scenario_file] if @opthash.subopts[:single_feature] puts "\nBuilding sample ScenarioFiles, assigning mapper classes to Feature ID #{@opthash.subopts[:single_feature]}" create_scenario_csv_file(@opthash.subopts[:single_feature]) puts "\nDone\n" else puts "\nBuilding sample ScenarioFiles, assigning mapper classes to each feature from #{@feature_name}" # Skip Feature ID argument if not present create_scenario_csv_file('SKIP') puts "\nDone\n" end end # Create REopt ScenarioFile from existing if @opthash.command == 'create' && @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario_file] puts "\nCreating ScenarioFile with REopt functionality, extending from #{@opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario_file]}..." create_reopt_scenario_file(@opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario_file]) puts "\nDone" end # Graceful error if no flag is provided when using `create` command if @opthash.command == 'create' && @opthash.subopts[:scenario_file].nil? && @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario_file].nil? && @opthash.subopts[:project_folder].nil? abort("\nNo options provided to the `create` command. Did you forget the `-p` flag? See `uo create --help` for all options\n") end # Update existing URBANopt Project files if @opthash.command == 'update' puts "\nUpdating files in URBANopt project #{@opthash.subopts[:existing_project_folder]} and storing them in updated project folder at #{@opthash.subopts[:new_project_directory]}..." update_project(@opthash.subopts[:existing_project_folder].to_s, @opthash.subopts[:new_project_directory].to_s) puts "\nProject files updated to URBANopt CLI Version #{URBANopt::CLI::VERSION}...double check your runner.conf file as well as any other files you may have previously manually configured." puts "\nDone" end # Install python and other dependencies if @opthash.command == 'install_python' puts "\nInstalling python and dependencies" install_python_dependencies puts "\nDone\n" end # Run simulations if @opthash.command == 'run' && @opthash.subopts[:scenario] && @opthash.subopts[:feature] # Change num_parallel in runner.conf - Use case is for CI to use more cores # If set by env variable, use that, otherwise use what the user specified in the cli if ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'] || @opthash.subopts[:num_parallel] runner_file_path = File.join(@root_dir, 'runner.conf') runner_conf_hash = JSON.parse(File.read(runner_file_path)) if @opthash.subopts[:num_parallel] runner_conf_hash['num_parallel'] = @opthash.subopts[:num_parallel] File.open(runner_file_path, 'w+') do |f| f << runner_conf_hash.to_json end elsif ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'] runner_conf_hash['num_parallel'] = ENV['UO_NUM_PARALLEL'].to_i File.open(runner_file_path, 'w+') do |f| f << runner_conf_hash.to_json end end end if @opthash.subopts[:scenario].to_s.include? '-' @feature_id = (@feature_name.split(/\W+/)[1]).to_s end puts "\nSimulating features of '#{@feature_name}' as directed by '#{@scenario_file_name}'...\n\n" scenario_runner = URBANopt::Scenario::ScenarioRunnerOSW.new scenario_runner.run(run_func) puts "\nDone\n" end # Run OpenDSS simulation if @opthash.command == 'opendss' # first check python res = check_python if res[:python] == false puts "\nPython error: #{res[:message]}" abort("\nPython dependencies are needed to run this workflow. Install with the CLI command: uo install_python \n") end # If a config file is supplied, use the data specified there. if @opthash.subopts[:config] opendss_config = JSON.parse(File.read(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:config])), symbolize_names: true) config_scenario_file = opendss_config[:urbanopt_scenario_file] config_scenario_name = File.basename(config_scenario_file, File.extname(config_scenario_file)) scenario_path = Pathname.new(opendss_config[:urbanopt_scenario_file]) puts "scenario_path from file: #{scenario_path}" # abs vs relative check config_path = Pathname.new(File.dirname(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:config]))) puts "config path from file: #{config_path}" puts "Scenario path: #{scenario_path}" config_root_dir = config_path run_dir = File.join(config_root_dir, 'run', config_scenario_name.downcase) featurefile = Pathname.new(opendss_config[:urbanopt_geojson_file]) if featurefile.relative? featurefile = config_path + featurefile end puts "Run Dir: #{run_dir}" elsif @opthash.subopts[:scenario] && @opthash.subopts[:feature] # Otherwise use the user-supplied scenario & feature files run_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase) featurefile = File.join(@root_dir, @feature_name) end # Ensure building simulations have been run already # check through all since some folder are not datapoints begin feature_list = Pathname.new(File.expand_path(run_dir)).children.select(&:directory?) found_sims = false feature_list.each do |fl| if File.exist?(File.expand_path(File.join(run_dir, File.basename(fl), 'eplusout.sql'))) found_sims = true break end end if !found_sims abort("ERROR: No results found in #{run_dir}. URBANopt simulations are required before using opendss. Please run and process simulations, then try again.\n") end rescue Errno::ENOENT # Same abort message if there is no run_dir abort("ERROR: URBANopt simulations are required before using opendss. Please run and process simulations, then try again.\n") end ditto_cli_root = "#{res[:pvars][:ditto_path]} run-opendss " if @opthash.subopts[:config] ditto_cli_addition = "--config #{@opthash.subopts[:config]}" elsif @opthash.subopts[:scenario] && @opthash.subopts[:feature] ditto_cli_addition = "--scenario_file #{@opthash.subopts[:scenario]} --feature_file #{@opthash.subopts[:feature]}" if @opthash.subopts[:equipment] ditto_cli_addition += " --equipment #{@opthash.subopts[:equipment]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:timestep] ditto_cli_addition += " --timestep #{@opthash.subopts[:timestep]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:start_date] ditto_cli_addition += " --start_date #{@opthash.subopts[:start_date]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:start_time] ditto_cli_addition += " --start_time #{@opthash.subopts[:start_time]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:end_date] ditto_cli_addition += " --end_date #{@opthash.subopts[:end_date]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:end_time] ditto_cli_addition += " --end_time #{@opthash.subopts[:end_time]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:reopt] ditto_cli_addition += ' --reopt' end if @opthash.subopts[:rnm] ditto_cli_addition += ' --rnm' end if @opthash.subopts[:upgrade] ditto_cli_addition += ' --upgrade' end else abort("\nCommand must include ScenarioFile & FeatureFile, or a config file that specifies both. Please try again") end begin puts "COMMAND: #{ditto_cli_root + ditto_cli_addition}" system(ditto_cli_root + ditto_cli_addition) rescue FileNotFoundError abort("\nMust post-process results before running OpenDSS. We recommend 'process --default'." \ "Once OpenDSS is run, you may then 'process --opendss'") end end # Run DISCO Simulation if @opthash.command == 'disco' # first check python and python dependencies res = check_python if res[:result] == false puts "\nPython error: #{res[:message]}" abort("\nPython dependencies are needed to run this workflow. Install with the CLI command: uo install_python \n") else disco_path = res[:pvars][:disco_path] end # disco folder disco_folder = File.join(@root_dir, 'disco') # run folder run_folder = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase) # check of opendss models are created opendss_file = File.join(run_folder, 'opendss/dss_files/Master.dss') if !File.exist?(opendss_file) abort("\nYou must run the OpenDSS analysis before running DISCO. Refer to 'opendss --help' for details on how to run th OpenDSS analysis.") end if @opthash.subopts[:technical_catalog] # users can specify their technical catalogue name, placed in the disco folder technical_catalog = @opthash.subopts[:technical_catalog] else technical_catalog = 'technical_catalog.json' end # set arguments in config hash config_hash = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(disco_folder, 'config.json')), symbolize_names: true) config_hash[:upgrade_cost_database] = File.join(disco_folder, @opthash.subopts[:cost_database]) # Uses default cost database if not specified if technical_catalog config_hash[:thermal_upgrade_params][:read_external_catalog] = true config_hash[:thermal_upgrade_params][:external_catalog] = File.join(disco_folder, technical_catalog) end config_hash[:jobs][0][:name] = @scenario_name config_hash[:jobs][0][:opendss_model_file] = opendss_file # save config file in run folder File.open(File.join(run_folder, 'config.json'), 'w') { |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(config_hash)) } # call disco FileUtils.cd(run_folder) do if (/cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM).nil? # not windows if Dir.exist?(File.join(run_folder, 'disco')) # if disco results folder exists overwrite folder commands = ["#{disco_path} upgrade-cost-analysis run config.json -o disco --console-log-level=warn --force"] else commands = ["#{disco_path} upgrade-cost-analysis run config.json -o disco --console-log-level=warn"] end else # windows if Dir.exist?(File.join(run_folder, 'disco')) # if disco results folder exists overwrite folder) commands = ['powershell $env:CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE = 1', "#{disco_path} upgrade-cost-analysis run config.json -o disco --console-log-level=warn --force"] else commands = ['powershell $env:CONDA_DLL_SEARCH_MODIFICATION_ENABLE = 1', "#{disco_path} upgrade-cost-analysis run config.json -o disco --console-log-level=warn"] end end puts 'Running DISCO...' commands.each do |command| # TODO: This will be updated so stderr only reports error/warnings at DISCO level stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) if !stderr.empty? puts "ERROR running DISCO: #{stderr}" end end puts "Refer to detailed log file #{File.join(run_folder,'disco','run_upgrade_cost_analysis.log')} for more information on the run." puts "Refer to the output summary file #{File.join(run_folder,'disco','output_summary.json')} for a summary of the results." end end # Run RNM Simulation if @opthash.command == 'rnm' run_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase) # check if project has been post-processed appropriately if !File.exist?(File.join(run_dir, 'default_scenario_report.json')) abort("\nYou must first post-process the scenario before running RNM. We recommend 'process --default'.") end puts 'Preparing RNM inputs' # prep arguments reopt = @opthash.subopts[:reopt] ? true : false opendss_catalog = @opthash.subopts[:opendss] ? true : false # if paths below are nil, default paths will be used extended_catalog_path = @opthash.subopts[:extended_catalog] || nil average_peak_catalog_path = @opthash.subopts[:average_peak_catalog] || nil # create inputs, run sim and get results begin runner = URBANopt::RNM::Runner.new(@scenario_name, run_dir, @opthash.subopts[:scenario], @opthash.subopts[:feature], extended_catalog_path: extended_catalog_path, average_peak_catalog_path: average_peak_catalog_path, reopt: reopt, opendss_catalog: opendss_catalog) runner.create_simulation_files runner.run runner.post_process rescue StandardError => e abort("\nError: #{e.message}") end # TODO: aggregate back into scenario reports and geojson file puts "\nRNM Results saved to: #{File.join(run_dir, 'rnm-us', 'results')}" puts "\nDone\n" end # Post-process the scenario if @opthash.command == 'process' if @opthash.subopts[:default] == false && @opthash.subopts[:opendss] == false && @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario] == false && @opthash.subopts[:reopt_feature] == false && @opthash.subopts[:disco] == false abort("\nERROR: No valid process type entered. Must enter a valid process type\n") end puts 'Post-processing URBANopt results' # delete process_status.json process_filename = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase, 'process_status.json') FileUtils.rm_rf(process_filename) if File.exist?(process_filename) results = [] default_post_processor = URBANopt::Scenario::ScenarioDefaultPostProcessor.new(run_func) scenario_report = default_post_processor.run scenario_report.save(file_name = 'default_scenario_report', save_feature_reports: false) scenario_report.feature_reports.each(&:save) if @opthash.subopts[:with_database] == true default_post_processor.create_scenario_db_file end if @opthash.subopts[:default] == true puts "\nDone\n" results << { process_type: 'default', status: 'Complete', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } elsif @opthash.subopts[:opendss] == true puts "\nPost-processing OpenDSS results\n" opendss_folder = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase, 'opendss') if File.directory?(opendss_folder) opendss_folder_name = File.basename(opendss_folder) opendss_post_processor = URBANopt::Scenario::OpenDSSPostProcessor.new( scenario_report, opendss_results_dir_name = opendss_folder_name ) opendss_post_processor.run puts "\nDone\n" results << { process_type: 'opendss', status: 'Complete', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } else results << { process_type: 'opendss', status: 'failed', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } abort("\nNo OpenDSS results available in folder '#{opendss_folder}'\n") end elsif @opthash.subopts[:disco] == true puts "\nPost-processing DISCO results\n" disco_folder = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase, 'disco') if File.directory?(disco_folder) disco_folder_name = File.basename(disco_folder) disco_post_processor = URBANopt::Scenario::DISCOPostProcessor.new( scenario_report, disco_results_dir_name = disco_folder_name ) disco_post_processor.run puts "\nDone\n" results << { process_type: 'disco', status: 'Complete', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } else results << { process_type: 'disco', status: 'failed', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } abort("\nNo DISCO results available in folder '#{opendss_folder}'\n") end elsif (@opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario] == true) || (@opthash.subopts[:reopt_feature] == true) # Ensure reopt default files are prepared # create_reopt_files(@opthash.subopts[:scenario]) scenario_base = default_post_processor.scenario_base # see if reopt-scenario-assumptions-file was passed in, otherwise use the default scenario_assumptions = scenario_base.scenario_reopt_assumptions_file if @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario] == true && @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario_assumptions_file] scenario_assumptions = File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario_assumptions_file]).to_s end puts "\nRunning the REopt Scenario post-processor with scenario assumptions file: #{scenario_assumptions}\n" # Add community photovoltaic if present in the Feature File community_photovoltaic = [] feature_file = JSON.parse(File.read(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:feature])), symbolize_names: true) feature_file[:features].each do |feature| if feature[:properties][:district_system_type] && (feature[:properties][:district_system_type] == 'Community Photovoltaic') community_photovoltaic << feature end rescue StandardError end reopt_post_processor = URBANopt::REopt::REoptPostProcessor.new( scenario_report, scenario_assumptions, scenario_base.reopt_feature_assumptions, DEVELOPER_NREL_KEY, false ) if @opthash.subopts[:reopt_scenario] == true puts "\nPost-processing entire scenario with REopt\n" scenario_report_scenario = reopt_post_processor.run_scenario_report( scenario_report: scenario_report, save_name: 'scenario_optimization', run_resilience: @opthash.subopts[:reopt_resilience], community_photovoltaic: community_photovoltaic ) results << { process_type: 'reopt_scenario', status: 'Complete', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } puts "\nDone\n" elsif @opthash.subopts[:reopt_feature] == true puts "\nPost-processing each building individually with REopt\n" # Add groundmount photovoltaic if present in the Feature File groundmount_photovoltaic = {} feature_file = JSON.parse(File.read(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:feature])), symbolize_names: true) feature_file[:features].each do |feature| if feature[:properties][:district_system_type] && (feature[:properties][:district_system_type] == 'Ground Mount Photovoltaic') groundmount_photovoltaic[feature[:properties][:associated_building_id]] = feature[:properties][:footprint_area] end rescue StandardError end scenario_report_features = reopt_post_processor.run_scenario_report_features( scenario_report: scenario_report, save_names_feature_reports: ['feature_optimization'] * scenario_report.feature_reports.length, save_name_scenario_report: 'feature_optimization', run_resilience: @opthash.subopts[:reopt_resilience], keep_existing_output: @opthash.subopts[:reopt_keep_existing], groundmount_photovoltaic: groundmount_photovoltaic ) results << { process_type: 'reopt_feature', status: 'Complete', timestamp: Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:%S.%L') } puts "\nDone\n" end end # write process status file File.open(process_filename, 'w') { |f| f.write JSON.pretty_generate(results) } end if @opthash.command == 'visualize' if @opthash.subopts[:feature] == false && @opthash.subopts[:scenario] == false abort("\nERROR: No valid process type entered. Must enter a valid process type\n") end if @opthash.subopts[:feature] if !@opthash.subopts[:feature].to_s.include?('.json') abort("\nERROR: No Feature File specified. Please specify Feature File for creating scenario visualizations.\n") end run_dir = File.join(@feature_path, 'run') scenario_folders = [] scenario_report_exists = false Dir.glob(File.join(run_dir, '/*_scenario')) do |scenario_folder| scenario_report = File.join(scenario_folder, 'scenario_optimization.csv') # Check if Scenario Optimization REopt file exists and add that if File.exist?(File.join(scenario_folder, 'scenario_optimization.csv')) scenario_folders << File.join(scenario_folder, 'scenario_optimization.csv') scenario_report_exists = true # Check if Default Feature Report exists and add that elsif File.exist?(File.join(scenario_folder, 'default_scenario_report.csv')) scenario_folders << File.join(scenario_folder, 'default_scenario_report.csv') scenario_report_exists = true else puts "\nERROR: Default reports not created for #{scenario_folder}. Please use 'process --default' to create default post processing reports for all scenarios first. Visualization not generated for #{scenario_folder}.\n" end end if scenario_report_exists == true puts "\nCreating visualizations for all Scenario results\n" URBANopt::Scenario::ResultVisualization.create_visualization(scenario_folders, false) vis_file_path = File.join(@feature_path, 'visualization') if !File.exist?(vis_file_path) Dir.mkdir File.join(@feature_path, 'visualization') end html_in_path = File.join(vis_file_path, 'input_visualization_scenario.html') if !File.exist?(html_in_path) $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'visualization', 'input_visualization_scenario.html'), html_in_path) end end end html_out_path = File.join(@feature_path, 'run', 'scenario_comparison.html') FileUtils.cp(html_in_path, html_out_path) puts "\nDone\n" end end if @opthash.subopts[:scenario] if !@opthash.subopts[:scenario].to_s.include?('.csv') abort("\nERROR: No Scenario File specified. Please specify Scenario File for feature visualizations.\n") end run_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase) feature_report_exists = false csv = CSV.read(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:scenario]), headers: true) feature_names = csv['Feature Name'] feature_folders = [] # loop through building feature ids from scenario csv csv['Feature Id'].each do |feature| # Check if Feature Optimization REopt file exists and add that if File.exist?(File.join(run_dir, feature, 'feature_reports/feature_optimization.csv')) feature_report_exists = true feature_folders << File.join(run_dir, feature, 'feature_reports/feature_optimization.csv') elsif File.exist?(File.join(run_dir, feature, 'feature_reports/default_feature_report.csv')) feature_report_exists = true feature_folders << File.join(run_dir, feature, 'feature_reports/default_feature_report.csv') else puts "\nERROR: Default reports not created for #{feature}. Please use 'process --default' to create default post processing reports for all features first. Visualization not generated for #{feature}.\n" end end if feature_report_exists == true puts "\nCreating visualizations for Feature results in the Scenario\n" URBANopt::Scenario::ResultVisualization.create_visualization(feature_folders, true, feature_names) vis_file_path = File.join(@root_dir, 'visualization') if !File.exist?(vis_file_path) Dir.mkdir File.join(@root_dir, 'visualization') end html_in_path = File.join(vis_file_path, 'input_visualization_feature.html') if !File.exist?(html_in_path) $LOAD_PATH.each do |path_item| if path_item.to_s.end_with?('example_files') FileUtils.cp(File.join(path_item, 'visualization', 'input_visualization_feature.html'), html_in_path) end end end html_out_path = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase, 'feature_comparison.html') FileUtils.cp(html_in_path, html_out_path) puts "\nDone\n" end end end # Compare EUI in default_feature_reports.json with a user-editable set of bounds if @opthash.command == 'validate' puts "\nValidating:" if !@opthash.subopts[:eui] && !@opthash.subopts[:foobar] abort("\nERROR: No type of validation specified. Please enter a sub-command when using validate.\n") end # Validate EUI if @opthash.subopts[:eui] puts 'Energy Use Intensity' original_feature_file = JSON.parse(File.read(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:feature])), symbolize_names: true) # Build list of paths to each feature in the given Scenario feature_ids = CSV.read(@opthash.subopts[:scenario], headers: true) feature_list = [] feature_ids['Feature Id'].each do |feature| if Dir.exist?(File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase, feature)) feature_list << File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase, feature) else puts "Warning: did not find a directory for FeatureID: #{feature} ...skipping" end end validation_file_name = File.basename(@opthash.subopts[:eui]) validation_params = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:eui])) unit_value = validation_params['EUI'][@opthash.subopts[:units]]['Units'] # Validate EUI for only the features used in the scenario original_feature_file[:features].each do |feature| # Loop through each feature in the scenario next if !feature_ids['Feature Id'].include? feature[:properties][:id] # Skip features not in the scenario feature_list.each do |feature_path| # Match ids in FeatureFile next if feature_path.split('/')[-1] != feature[:properties][:id] # Skip until feature ids match feature_dir_list = Pathname.new(feature_path).children.select(&:directory?) # Folders in the feature directory feature_dir_list.each do |feature_dir| next if !File.basename(feature_dir).include? 'default_feature_reports' # Get the folder which can have a variable name @json_feature_report = JSON.parse(File.read(File.join(feature_dir, 'default_feature_reports.json')), symbolize_names: true) end if !@json_feature_report[:reporting_periods][0][:site_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2] abort("ERROR: No EUI present. Perhaps you didn't simulate an entire year?") end case @opthash.subopts[:units] when 'IP' feature_eui_value = @json_feature_report[:reporting_periods][0][:site_EUI_kbtu_per_ft2] when 'SI' feature_eui_value = @json_feature_report[:reporting_periods][0][:site_EUI_kwh_per_m2] else abort("\nERROR: Units type not recognized. Please use a valid option in the CLI") end building_type = feature[:properties][:building_type] # From FeatureFile if feature_eui_value > validation_params['EUI'][@opthash.subopts[:units]][building_type]['max'] puts "\nFeature #{File.basename(feature_path)} EUI of #{feature_eui_value.round(2)} #{unit_value} is greater than the validation maximum." elsif feature_eui_value < validation_params['EUI'][@opthash.subopts[:units]][building_type]['min'] puts "\nFeature #{File.basename(feature_path)} (#{building_type}) EUI of #{feature_eui_value.round(2)} #{unit_value} is less than the validation minimum." else puts "\nFeature #{File.basename(feature_path)} (#{building_type}) EUI of #{feature_eui_value.round(2)} #{unit_value} is within bounds set by #{validation_file_name}." end end end end end if @opthash.command == 'des_params' # first check python res = check_python if res[:python] == false puts "\nPython error: #{res[:message]}" abort("\nPython dependencies are needed to run this workflow. Install with the CLI command: uo install_python \n") end des_cli_root = "#{res[:pvars][:gmt_path]} build-sys-param" if @opthash.subopts[:sys_param_file] des_cli_addition = " #{@opthash.subopts[:sys_param_file]}" if @opthash.subopts[:scenario] des_cli_addition += " #{@opthash.subopts[:scenario]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:feature] des_cli_addition += " #{@opthash.subopts[:feature]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:model_type] des_cli_addition += " #{@opthash.subopts[:model_type]}" end else abort("\nCommand must include new system parameter file name, ScenarioFile, & FeatureFile. Please try again") end begin system(des_cli_root + des_cli_addition) rescue FileNotFoundError abort("\nMust simulate using 'uo run' before preparing Modelica models.") end end if @opthash.command == 'des_create' # first check python res = check_python if res[:python] == false puts "\nPython error: #{res[:message]}" abort("\nPython dependencies are needed to run this workflow. Install with the CLI command: uo install_python \n") end des_cli_root = "#{res[:pvars][:gmt_path]} create-model" if @opthash.subopts[:sys_param] des_cli_addition = " #{@opthash.subopts[:sys_param]}" if @opthash.subopts[:feature] des_cli_addition += " #{@opthash.subopts[:feature]}" end if @opthash.subopts[:des_name] des_cli_addition += " #{File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:des_name])}" end if @opthash.subopts[:model_type] des_cli_addition += " #{@opthash.subopts[:model_type]}" end else abort("\nCommand must include system parameter file name, FeatureFile, and model name. Please try again") end begin system(des_cli_root + des_cli_addition) rescue FileNotFoundError abort("\nMust simulate using 'uo run' before preparing Modelica models.") end end if @opthash.command == 'des_run' # first check python res = check_python if res[:python] == false puts "\nPython error: #{res[:message]}" abort("\nPython dependencies are needed to run this workflow. Install with the CLI command: uo install_python \n") end des_cli_root = "#{res[:pvars][:gmt_path]} run-model" if @opthash.subopts[:model] des_cli_addition = " #{File.expand_path(@opthash.subopts[:model])}" else abort("\nCommand must include Modelica model name. Please try again") end begin system(des_cli_root + des_cli_addition) rescue FileNotFoundError abort("\nMust simulate using 'uo run' before preparing Modelica models.") end end # Delete simulations from a scenario if @opthash.command == 'delete' scenario_results_dir = File.join(@root_dir, 'run', @scenario_name.downcase) puts "\nDeleting previous results from '#{@scenario_name}'...\n" FileUtils.rm_rf(scenario_results_dir) puts "\nDone\n" end end end