/* Override the default confirm dialog defined by jQuery UJS */ $.rails.allowAction = function(link) { if (link.data('confirm') == undefined) { return true; } $.rails.showConfirmationDialog(link); return false; } /* Remove the data-confirm from the link so Rails doesn't re-trigger the modal. Then trigger a click of the link. */ $.rails.confirmed = function(link) { link.data('confirm', null); if (link.data('method')){ // let rails handle non-GET requests // (i.e. data-method="delete") return link.trigger('click.rails'); } if (link.attr('href')) { window.location.href = link.attr('href'); } } /* Toggle the Foundation reveal modal when a data-confirm element is clicked. */ $.rails.showConfirmationDialog = function(link) { var el = link.data('confirm'); var modal = $('[data-' + el + ']'); var key = link.data('reveal-confirm-key'); if (key && key.length) { modal.data('reveal-confirm-key', key); } modal.foundation('open'); } /* Single Link/Single Modal: Link Delete Modal