# frozen_string_literal: true module GoodJob module ApplicationHelper # Explicit helper inclusion because ApplicationController inherits from the host app. # # We can't rely on +config.action_controller.include_all_helpers = true+ in the host app. include IconsHelper def format_duration(sec) return unless sec return "" if sec.is_a?(String) # pg interval support added in Rails 6.1 if sec < 1 t 'good_job.duration.milliseconds', ms: (sec * 1000).floor elsif sec < 10 t 'good_job.duration.less_than_10_seconds', sec: sec.floor elsif sec < 60 t 'good_job.duration.seconds', sec: sec.floor elsif sec < 3600 t 'good_job.duration.minutes', min: (sec / 60).floor, sec: (sec % 60).floor else t 'good_job.duration.hours', hour: (sec / 3600).floor, min: ((sec % 3600) / 60).floor end end def relative_time(timestamp, **options) options = options.reverse_merge({ scope: "good_job.datetime.distance_in_words" }) text = t("good_job.helpers.relative_time.#{timestamp.future? ? 'future' : 'past'}", time: time_ago_in_words(timestamp, **options)) tag.time(text, datetime: timestamp, title: timestamp) end def translate_hash(key, **options) translation_exists?(key, **options) ? translate(key, **options) : {} end def translation_exists?(key, **options) I18n.exists?(scope_key_by_partial(key), **options) end end end