3.1 coil_heating_gas_percent_change 8589af79-cfe7-45fb-9c79-e7b95e5fb02f 83f09418-9315-4b55-894c-ab7ce3a37da8 2024-11-16T23:44:47Z 1F3D2430 CoilHeatingGasPercentChange Heating Coils Gas Percent Change This is a general purpose measure to calibrate Gas Heating Coils with a Percent Change. It will be used for calibration of rated capacity and efficiency and parasitic loads. User can choose between a SINGLE coil or ALL the Coils. coil Apply the Measure to a SINGLE Gas Heating Coil, ALL the Gas Heating Coils or NONE. Choice true false {c812e4f1-f99d-4c3c-9913-b990305f8465} {c812e4f1-f99d-4c3c-9913-b990305f8465} *All Gas Heating Coils* 0 *None* coil_efficiency_perc_change Percent Change for coil Efficiency. Percent Change for coil Efficiency. Double true false 0 coil_capacity_perc_change Percent Change for coil Capacity. Percent Change for coil Capacity. Double true false 0 coil_parasitic_electric_perc_change Percent Change for coil parasitic electric load. Percent Change for coil parasitic electric load. Double true false 0 coil_parasitic_gas_perc_change Percent Change for coil parasitic gas load. Percent Change for coil parasitic gas load. Double true false 0 HVAC.Heating Measure Type ModelMeasure string LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme 92E7D6F3 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 2.1.0 2.1.0 measure.rb rb script 2E389481