import { mount, ReactWrapper, shallow } from "enzyme";
import * as React from "react";
import { AddCommentForm, MAX_LENGTH } from "./add_comment_form.component";
import generateUserData from "../support/generate_user_data";
import generateUserGroupData from "../support/generate_user_group_data";
import { loadLocaleTranslations } from "../support/load_translations";
describe("", () => {
let session: any = null;
const commentable = {
id: "1",
type: "Decidim::DummyResources::DummyResource"
const orderBy = "older";
const addCommentStub = (): any => {
return null;
beforeEach(() => {
session = {
user: generateUserData(),
verifiedUserGroups: []
window.DecidimComments = {
assets: {
"icons.svg": "/assets/icons.svg"
it("should render a div with class add-comment", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
it("should have a reference to body textarea", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
expect((wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).bodyTextArea).toBeDefined();
it("should initialize with a state property disabled as true", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty("disabled", true);
it("should have a default prop showTitle as true", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
expect(wrapper.props()).toHaveProperty("showTitle", true);
it("should not render the title if prop showTitle is false", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
it("should have a default prop submitButtonClassName as 'button button--sc'", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
expect(wrapper.props()).toHaveProperty("submitButtonClassName", "button button--sc");
it("should use prop submitButtonClassName as a className prop for submit button", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
it("should enable the submit button if textarea is not blank", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
wrapper.find("textarea").simulate("change", {
target: {
value: "This is a comment"
expect(wrapper.find('button[type="submit"]').props()).not.toHaveProperty("disabled", true);
it("should disable the submit button if textarea is blank", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
wrapper.find("textarea").simulate("change", {
target: {
value: "This will be deleted"
wrapper.find("textarea").simulate("change", {
target: {
value: ""
expect(wrapper.find('button[type="submit"]').props()).toHaveProperty("disabled", true);
it("should not render a div with class 'opinion-toggle'", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
it("should render the remaining character count", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
const commentBody = "This is a new comment!";
wrapper.find("textarea").simulate("change", {
target: {
value: commentBody
expect(wrapper.find(".remaining-character-count").text()).toContain(MAX_LENGTH - commentBody.length);
describe("submitting the form", () => {
let addComment: jasmine.Spy;
let onCommentAdded: jasmine.Spy ;
let wrapper: ReactWrapper;
let message: any = null;
beforeEach(() => {
addComment = jasmine.createSpy("addComment");
onCommentAdded = jasmine.createSpy("onCommentAdded");
wrapper = mount();
message = "This will be submitted";
(wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).bodyTextArea.value = message;
it("should call addComment prop with the textarea value and state property alignment", () => {
expect(addComment).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ body: message, alignment: 0 });
it("should reset textarea", () => {
expect((wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).bodyTextArea.value).toBe("");
it("should prevent default form submission", () => {
const preventDefault = jasmine.createSpy("preventDefault");
wrapper.find("form").simulate("submit", { preventDefault });
it("should call the prop onCommentAdded function", () => {
it("should initialize state with a property alignment and value 0", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty("alignment", 0);
describe("when receiving an optional prop arguable with value true", () => {
it("should render a div with class 'opinion-toggle'", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
it("should set state alignment to 1 if user clicks ok button and change its class", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty("alignment", 1);
it("should set state alignment to -11 if user clicks ko button and change its class", () => {
const wrapper = shallow();
expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty("alignment", -1);
describe("submitting the form", () => {
let wrapper: ReactWrapper;
let addComment: jasmine.Spy;
let message: string;
beforeEach(() => {
addComment = jasmine.createSpy("addComment");
wrapper = mount();
message = "This will be submitted";
(wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).bodyTextArea.value = message;
it("should call addComment prop with the state's property alignment", () => {
expect(addComment).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ body: message, alignment: -1 });
it("should reset the state to its initial state", () => {
expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty("alignment", 0);
describe("when user groups are greater than 0", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
session.verifiedUserGroups = [
it("should have a reference to user_group_id select", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
expect((wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).userGroupIdSelect).toBeDefined();
it("should render a select with option tags for each verified user group", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
describe("submitting the form", () => {
let addComment: jasmine.Spy;
let wrapper: ReactWrapper;
let message: string;
let userGroupId: string;
beforeEach(() => {
addComment = jasmine.createSpy("addComment");
wrapper = mount();
message = "This will be submitted";
userGroupId = session.verifiedUserGroups[1].id;
(wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).bodyTextArea.value = message;
(wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).userGroupIdSelect.value = userGroupId;
it("should call addComment prop with the body textarea, alignment and user_group_id select values", () => {
expect(addComment).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ body: message, alignment: 0, userGroupId });
describe("when user_group_id is blank", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
(wrapper.instance() as AddCommentForm).userGroupIdSelect.value = "";
it("should call addComment prop with the body textarea and alignment", () => {
expect(addComment).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ body: message, alignment: 0 });
describe("when session is null", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
session = null;
it("display a message to sign in or sign up", () => {
const wrapper = mount();
expect(wrapper.find("span").text()).toContain("sign up");