# == Schema Information # # Table name: snippets # # id :integer not null, primary key # slug :string(255) not null # description :text default(""), not null # content :text # value :integer # public :boolean default(TRUE) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # a: slug: proposals_form_text description: "Proposal: form text" content: 'If you had five minutes to talk to Portland what would you say? What if you only got 20 slides and they rotated automatically after 15 seconds? Launch a web site? Teach a hack? Talk about recent learnings, successes, failures? Fill out the form below to submit your talk. We are looking for talks that will inspire and teach, not recruiting or product pitches.' d: slug: proposals_not_accepted_error description: 'Proposals: error shown when not accepting proposals' content: 'Sorry, we are no longer accepting submissions.' <% openid_common_text = %{OpenID account (what is OpenID?) so you can create proposals and come back later to edit them. If you need an OpenID account, you can get a free account in about a minute.} %> e: slug: login_openid_text description: "OpenID login: form text" content: "Sign in with your <%= openid_common_text %>" f: slug: proposals_openid_text description: "Proposals: OpenID text" content: "Optional: To be able to edit your proposal later, please login first with an <%= openid_common_text %>" g: slug: tracks_index_intro description: "An introduction for the tracks index." content: "

In order to create a conference that promotes cross-pollination as well as providing space for in-depth discussion, we’ve split the tracks into the following five areas:

" h: slug: proposals_acceptance_email_text description: "Text of the email notifying speakers that their proposal was accepted" content: |

Congratulations! Your talk was accepted

i: slug: proposals_acceptance_email_subject description: "Subject of the email notifying speakers that their proposal was accepted" content: "Your talk was accepted" j: slug: proposals_rejected_email_text description: "Text of the email notifying speakers that their proposal was rejected" content: "


" k: slug: proposals_rejected_email_subject description: "Subject of the email notifying speakers that their proposal was rejected" content: "Your talk was not accepted"