# coding: utf-8 require 'mechanize/test_case' class TestMechanizePageLink < Mechanize::TestCase WINDOWS_1255 = <<-HTML hi HTML BAD = <<-HTML Bia\xB3ystok HTML BAD.force_encoding Encoding::BINARY if defined? Encoding SJIS_TITLE = "\x83\x65\x83\x58\x83\x67" SJIS_AFTER_TITLE = <<-HTML #{SJIS_TITLE} HTML SJIS_AFTER_TITLE.force_encoding Encoding::BINARY if defined? Encoding SJIS_BAD_AFTER_TITLE = <<-HTML #{SJIS_TITLE} HTML SJIS_BAD_AFTER_TITLE.force_encoding Encoding::BINARY if defined? Encoding UTF8_TITLE = 'ใƒ†ใ‚นใƒˆ' UTF8 = <<-HTML #{UTF8_TITLE} HTML ENCODING_ERROR_CLASS = Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError def setup super @uri = URI('http://example') @res = { 'content-type' => 'text/html' } @body = 'hi' end def util_page body = @body, res = @res Mechanize::Page.new @uri, res, body && body.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY), 200, @mech end def nkf_dependency? if RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' false else meth = caller[0][/`(\w+)/, 1] warn "#{meth}: skipped because this feature currently depends on NKF" true end end def test_override_content_type page = Mechanize::Page.new nil, {'content-type' => 'text/html'}, WINDOWS_1255 assert page assert_equal 'text/html; charset=windows-1255', page.content_type end def test_canonical_uri page = @mech.get("http://localhost/canonical_uri.html") assert_equal(URI("http://localhost/canonical_uri"), page.canonical_uri) page = @mech.get("http://localhost/file_upload.html") assert_equal(nil, page.canonical_uri) end def test_canonical_uri_unescaped page = util_page <<-BODY BODY assert_equal @uri + '/white%20space', page.canonical_uri end def test_charset_from_content_type charset = Mechanize::Page.__send__ :charset_from_content_type, 'text/html;charset=UTF-8' assert_equal 'UTF-8', charset end def test_charset_from_bad_content_type charset = Mechanize::Page.__send__ :charset_from_content_type, 'text/html' assert_nil charset end def test_encoding page = util_page WINDOWS_1255 assert_equal 'windows-1255', page.encoding end def test_encoding_charset_after_title page = util_page SJIS_AFTER_TITLE assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? assert_equal 'Shift_JIS', page.encoding end def test_encoding_charset_after_title_bad return if nkf_dependency? page = util_page UTF8 assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? assert_equal 'UTF-8', page.encoding end def test_encoding_charset_after_title_double_bad return if nkf_dependency? page = util_page SJIS_BAD_AFTER_TITLE assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? assert_equal 'SHIFT_JIS', page.encoding end def test_encoding_charset_bad return if nkf_dependency? page = util_page "#{UTF8_TITLE}" page.encodings.replace %w[ UTF-8 Shift_JIS ] assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? assert_equal 'UTF-8', page.encoding end def test_encoding_meta_charset page = util_page "" assert_equal 'UTF-8', page.encoding end def test_encoding_equals page = util_page page.meta_refresh assert page.instance_variable_get(:@meta_refresh) page.encoding = 'UTF-8' assert_nil page.instance_variable_get(:@meta_refresh) assert_equal 'UTF-8', page.encoding assert_equal 'UTF-8', page.parser.encoding end def test_page_encoding_error? page = util_page page.parser.errors.clear assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? end def test_detect_libxml2error_indicate_encoding page = util_page page.parser.errors.clear # error in libxml2-2.7.8/parser.c, HTMLparser.c or parserInternals.c page.parser.errors = [ENCODING_ERROR_CLASS.new("Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !\n")] assert_equal true, page.encoding_error? end def test_detect_libxml2error_invalid_char page = util_page page.parser.errors.clear # error in libxml2-2.7.8/HTMLparser.c page.parser.errors = [ENCODING_ERROR_CLASS.new("Invalid char in CDATA 0x%X\n")] assert_equal true, page.encoding_error? end def test_detect_libxml2error_input_conversion_failed page = util_page page.parser.errors.clear # error in libxml2-2.7.8/encoding.c page.parser.errors = [ENCODING_ERROR_CLASS.new("input conversion failed due to input error\n")] assert_equal true, page.encoding_error? end def test_detect_libxml2error_which_unsupported_by_mechanize page = util_page page.parser.errors.clear # error in libxml2-2.7.8/HTMLparser.c page.parser.errors = [ENCODING_ERROR_CLASS.new("encoder error\n")] assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? end def test_encoding_equals_before_parser # document has a bad encoding information - windows-1255 page = util_page BAD # encoding is wrong, so user wants to force ISO-8859-2 page.encoding = 'ISO-8859-2' assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? assert_equal 'ISO-8859-2', page.encoding assert_equal 'ISO-8859-2', page.parser.encoding end def test_encoding_equals_after_parser # document has a bad encoding information - windows-1255 page = util_page BAD page.parser # autodetection sets encoding to windows-1255 assert_equal 'windows-1255', page.encoding # believe in yourself, not machine assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? # encoding is wrong, so user wants to force ISO-8859-2 page.encoding = 'ISO-8859-2' assert_equal false, page.encoding_error? assert_equal 'ISO-8859-2', page.encoding assert_equal 'ISO-8859-2', page.parser.encoding end def test_frames_with page = @mech.get("http://localhost/frame_test.html") assert_equal(3, page.frames.size) find_orig = page.frames.find_all { |f| f.name == 'frame1' } find1 = page.frames_with(:name => 'frame1') find_orig.zip(find1).each { |a,b| assert_equal(a, b) } end def test_links_with_dom_id page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_links.html") link = page.links_with(:dom_id => 'bold_aaron_link') link_by_id = page.links_with(:id => 'bold_aaron_link') assert_equal(1, link.length) assert_equal('Aaron Patterson', link.first.text) assert_equal(link, link_by_id) end def test_links_with_dom_class page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_links.html") link = page.links_with(:dom_class => 'thing_link') link_by_class = page.links_with(:class => 'thing_link') assert_equal(1, link.length) assert_equal(link, link_by_class) end def test_link_with_encoded_space page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_links.html") link = page.link_with(:text => 'encoded space') page = @mech.click link end def test_link_with_space page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_links.html") link = page.link_with(:text => 'not encoded space') page = @mech.click link end def test_link_with_unusual_characters page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_links.html") link = page.link_with(:text => 'unusual characters') @mech.click link # HACK no assertion end def test_links page = @mech.get("http://localhost/find_link.html") assert_equal(18, page.links.length) end unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' # NekoHTML does not parse FRAME outside of FRAMESET def test_links_with_bold page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_links.html") link = page.links_with(:text => /Bold Dude/) assert_equal(1, link.length) assert_equal('Bold Dude', link.first.text) assert_equal [], link.first.rel assert !link.first.rel?('me') assert !link.first.rel?('nofollow') link = page.links_with(:text => 'Aaron James Patterson') assert_equal(1, link.length) assert_equal('Aaron James Patterson', link.first.text) assert_equal ['me'], link.first.rel assert link.first.rel?('me') assert !link.first.rel?('nofollow') link = page.links_with(:text => 'Aaron Patterson') assert_equal(1, link.length) assert_equal('Aaron Patterson', link.first.text) assert_equal ['me', 'nofollow'], link.first.rel assert link.first.rel?('me') assert link.first.rel?('nofollow') link = page.links_with(:text => 'Ruby Rocks!') assert_equal(1, link.length) assert_equal('Ruby Rocks!', link.first.text) end def test_meta_refresh page = @mech.get("http://localhost/find_link.html") assert_equal(3, page.meta_refresh.length) assert_equal(%w{ http://www.drphil.com/ http://www.upcase.com/ http://tenderlovemaking.com/ }.sort, page.meta_refresh.map { |x| x.href.downcase }.sort) end def test_title page = util_page assert_equal('hi', page.title) end def test_title_none page = util_page '' # invalid HTML assert_equal(nil, page.title) end def test_page_decoded_with_charset page = util_page @body, 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=EUC-JP' assert_equal 'EUC-JP', page.encoding assert_equal 'EUC-JP', page.parser.encoding end def test_form page = @mech.get("http://localhost/tc_form_action.html") form = page.form(:name => 'post_form1') assert form yielded = false form = page.form(:name => 'post_form1') { |f| yielded = true assert f assert_equal(form, f) } assert yielded form_by_action = page.form(:action => '/form_post?a=b&b=c') assert form_by_action assert_equal(form, form_by_action) end end