require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Scimitar::Resources::Mixin do # =========================================================================== # Internal classes used in some tests # =========================================================================== class StaticMapTest include ActiveModel::Model attr_accessor :work_email_address, :home_email_address def self.scim_resource_type return Scimitar::Resources::User end def self.scim_attributes_map return { emails: [ { match: 'type', with: 'work', using: { value: :work_email_address, primary: false } }, { match: 'type', with: 'home', using: { value: :home_email_address } } ] } end def self.scim_mutable_attributes return nil end def self.scim_queryable_attributes return nil end include Scimitar::Resources::Mixin end class DynamicMapTest include ActiveModel::Model attr_accessor :groups def self.scim_resource_type return Scimitar::Resources::User end def self.scim_attributes_map return { groups: [ { list: :groups, using: { value: :id, # <-- i.e. DynamicMapTest.groups[n].id display: :full_name # <-- i.e. DynamicMapTest.groups[n].full_name } } ] } end def self.scim_mutable_attributes return nil end def self.scim_queryable_attributes return nil end include Scimitar::Resources::Mixin end # =========================================================================== # Errant class definitions # =========================================================================== context 'with bad class definitions' do it 'complains about missing mandatory methods' do mandatory_class_methods = %w{ scim_resource_type scim_attributes_map scim_mutable_attributes scim_queryable_attributes } mandatory_class_methods.each do | required_class_method | # E.g. "You must define ::scim_resource_type in #" # expect { klass = do fewer_class_methods = mandatory_class_methods - [required_class_method] fewer_class_methods.each do | method_to_define | define_singleton_method(method_to_define) do puts 'I am defined' end end include Scimitar::Resources::Mixin end }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /#{Regexp.escape(required_class_method)}/) end end end # "context 'with bad class definitions' do" # =========================================================================== # Correct class definitions # =========================================================================== context 'with good class definitons' do require_relative '../../../apps/dummy/app/models/mock_user.rb' require_relative '../../../apps/dummy/app/models/mock_group.rb' # ========================================================================= # Support methods # ========================================================================= context '#scim_queryable_attributes' do it 'exposes queryable attributes as an instance method' do instance_result = class_result = MockUser.scim_queryable_attributes() expect(instance_result).to match_array(class_result) end end # "context '#scim_queryable_attributes' do" context '#scim_mutable_attributes' do it 'self-compiles mutable attributes and exposes them as an instance method' do readwrite_attrs = readwrite_attrs.delete(:id) # Should never be offered as writable in SCIM result = expect(result).to match_array(readwrite_attrs) end it 'includes read-write dynamic list attributes' do readwrite_attrs = readwrite_attrs.delete(:id) # Should never be offered as writable in SCIM result = expect(result).to match_array(readwrite_attrs) end end # "context '#scim_mutable_attributes' do" # ========================================================================= # #to_scim # ========================================================================= context '#to_scim' do context 'with a UUID, renamed primary key column' do it 'compiles instance attribute values into a SCIM representation' do uuid = SecureRandom.uuid instance = instance.primary_key = uuid instance.scim_uid = 'AA02984' instance.username = 'foo' instance.first_name = 'Foo' instance.last_name = 'Bar' instance.work_email_address = '' instance.home_email_address = nil instance.work_phone_number = '+642201234567' instance.organization = 'SOMEORG' g1 = MockGroup.create!(display_name: 'Group 1') g2 = MockGroup.create!(display_name: 'Group 2') g3 = MockGroup.create!(display_name: 'Group 3') g1.mock_users << instance g3.mock_users << instance scim = instance.to_scim(location: "{uuid}") json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash).to eql({ 'userName' => 'foo', 'name' => {'givenName'=>'Foo', 'familyName'=>'Bar'}, 'active' => true, 'emails' => [{'type'=>'work', 'primary'=>true, 'value'=>''}, {"primary"=>false, "type"=>"home", "value"=>nil}], 'phoneNumbers'=> [{'type'=>'work', 'primary'=>false, 'value'=>'+642201234567'}], 'id' => uuid, 'externalId' => 'AA02984', 'groups' => [{'display'=>g1.display_name, 'value'=>}, {'display'=>g3.display_name, 'value'=>}], 'meta' => {'location'=>"{uuid}", 'resourceType'=>'User'}, 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User', 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User'], 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' => { 'organization' => 'SOMEORG', 'department' => nil } }) end end # "context 'with a UUID, renamed primary key column' do" context 'with an integer, conventionally named primary key column' do it 'compiles instance attribute values into a SCIM representation' do instance = = 42 instance.scim_uid = 'GG02984' instance.display_name = 'Some group' scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash).to eql({ 'displayName' => 'Some group', 'id' => '42', # Note, String 'externalId' => 'GG02984', 'members' => [], 'meta' => {'location'=>'', 'resourceType'=>'Group'}, 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group'] }) end end # "context 'with an integer, conventionally named primary key column' do" context 'with optional timestamps' do context 'creation only' do class CreationOnlyTest < MockUser attr_accessor :created_at def self.scim_timestamps_map { created: :created_at } end end it 'renders the creation date/time' do instance = instance.created_at = scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash['meta']).to eql({ 'created' => instance.created_at.iso8601(0), 'location' => '', 'resourceType' => 'User' }) end end # "context 'creation only' do" context 'update only' do class UpdateOnlyTest < MockUser attr_accessor :updated_at def self.scim_timestamps_map { lastModified: :updated_at } end end it 'renders the modification date/time' do instance = instance.updated_at = scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash['meta']).to eql({ 'lastModified' => instance.updated_at.iso8601(0), 'location' => '', 'resourceType' => 'User' }) end end # "context 'update only' do" context 'create and update' do class CreateAndUpdateTest < MockUser attr_accessor :created_at, :updated_at def self.scim_timestamps_map { created: :created_at, lastModified: :updated_at } end end it 'renders the creation and modification date/times' do instance = instance.created_at = - 1.month instance.updated_at = scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash['meta']).to eql({ 'created' => instance.created_at.iso8601(0), 'lastModified' => instance.updated_at.iso8601(0), 'location' => '', 'resourceType' => 'User' }) end end # "context 'create and update' do" end # "context 'with optional timestamps' do" context 'with arrays' do context 'using static mappings' do it 'converts to a SCIM representation' do instance = '', home_email_address: '') scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash).to eql({ 'emails' => [ {'type'=>'work', 'primary'=>false, 'value'=>''}, {'type'=>'home', 'value'=>''}, ], 'meta' => {'location'=>'', 'resourceType'=>'User'}, 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User', 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User'], 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' => {} }) end end # "context 'using static mappings' do" context 'using dynamic lists' do it 'converts to a SCIM representation' do group =, :full_name, keyword_init: true) groups = [ 1, full_name: 'Group 1'), 2, full_name: 'Group 2'), 3, full_name: 'Group 3'), ] instance = groups) scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') json = scim.to_json() hash = JSON.parse(json) expect(hash).to eql({ 'groups' => [ {'display'=>'Group 1', 'value'=>'1'}, {'display'=>'Group 2', 'value'=>'2'}, {'display'=>'Group 3', 'value'=>'3'}, ], 'meta' => {'location'=>'', 'resourceType'=>'User'}, 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User', 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User'], 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' => {} }) end end # "context 'using dynamic lists' do" end # "context 'with arrays' do" context 'with bad definitions' do it 'complains about non-Hash entries in mapping Arrays' do expect(StaticMapTest).to receive(:scim_attributes_map).and_return({ emails: [ 'this is not Hash' ] }) instance = '', home_email_address: '') expect do scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') raise_error(RuntimeError) { |e| expect(e.message).to include('Array contains someting other than mapping Hash(es)') } end it 'complains about bad Hash entries in mapping Arrays' do expect(StaticMapTest).to receive(:scim_attributes_map).and_return({ emails: [ { this_is_not: :a_valid_entry } ] }) instance = '', home_email_address: '') expect do scim = instance.to_scim(location: '') raise_error(RuntimeError) { |e| expect(e.message).to include('Mapping Hash inside Array does not contain supported data') } end end # "context 'with bad definitions' do" end # "context '#to_scim' do" # ========================================================================= # #from_scim! # ========================================================================= context '#from_scim!' do shared_examples 'a creator' do | force_upper_case: | context 'which writes instance attribute values from a SCIM representation while' do it 'ignoring read-only lists' do hash = { 'userName' => 'foo', 'name' => {'givenName' => 'Foo', 'familyName' => 'Bar'}, 'active' => true, 'emails' => [{'type' => 'work', 'primary' => true, 'value' => ''}], 'phoneNumbers' => [{'type' => 'work', 'primary' => false, 'value' => '+642201234567' }], 'groups' => [{'type' => 'Group', 'value' => '1'}, {'type' => 'Group', 'value' => '2'}], 'id' => '42', # Note, String 'externalId' => 'AA02984', 'meta' => {'location' => '', 'resourceType' => 'User'}, 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User', 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User'], 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' => { 'organization' => 'SOMEORG', 'DEPARTMENT' => 'SOMEDPT' } } hash = spec_helper_hupcase(hash) if force_upper_case instance = instance.home_email_address = '' # Should be cleared as no home e-mail specified in SCIM hash above instance.from_scim!(scim_hash: hash) expect(instance.scim_uid ).to eql('AA02984') expect(instance.username ).to eql('foo') expect(instance.first_name ).to eql('Foo') expect(instance.last_name ).to eql('Bar') expect(instance.work_email_address).to eql('') expect(instance.home_email_address).to be_nil expect(instance.work_phone_number ).to eql('+642201234567') expect(instance.organization ).to eql('SOMEORG') expect(instance.department ).to eql('SOMEDPT') end it 'honouring read-write lists' do g1 = MockGroup.create!(display_name: 'Nested group') u1 = MockUser.create!(username: '1', first_name: 'Member 1') u2 = MockUser.create!(username: '2', first_name: 'Member 2') u3 = MockUser.create!(username: '3', first_name: 'Member 3') hash = { 'displayName' => 'Foo Group', 'members' => [ {'type' => 'Group', 'value' =>}, {'type' => 'User', 'value' => u1.primary_key.to_s}, {'type' => 'User', 'value' => u3.primary_key.to_s} ], 'externalId' => 'GG01536', 'meta' => {'location'=>'', 'resourceType'=>'Group'}, 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:Group'] } hash = spec_helper_hupcase(hash) if force_upper_case instance = instance.from_scim!(scim_hash: hash) expect(instance.scim_uid ).to eql('GG01536') expect(instance.display_name ).to eql('Foo Group') expect(instance.mock_users ).to match_array([u1, u3]) expect(instance.child_mock_groups).to match_array([g1])! expect(g1.reload.parent_id).to eql( end it 'handling missing inbound lists' do hash = { 'displayName' => 'Foo Group' } hash = spec_helper_hupcase(hash) if force_upper_case instance = instance.from_scim!(scim_hash: hash) expect(instance.display_name ).to eql('Foo Group') expect(instance.mock_users ).to be_empty expect(instance.child_mock_groups).to be_empty end end # "context 'which writes instance attribute values from a SCIM representation while' do" end # "shared_examples 'a creator' do | force_upper_case: |" context 'using schema-matched case' do it_behaves_like 'a creator', force_upper_case: false end # "context 'using schema-matched case' do" context 'using upper case' do it_behaves_like 'a creator', force_upper_case: true end # "context 'using upper case' do" it 'clears things not present in input' do uuid = SecureRandom.uuid instance = instance.primary_key = uuid instance.scim_uid = 'AA02984' instance.username = 'foo' instance.first_name = 'Foo' instance.last_name = 'Bar' instance.work_email_address = '' instance.home_email_address = '' instance.work_phone_number = '+642201234567' instance.from_scim!(scim_hash: {}) expect(instance.primary_key ).to eql(uuid) expect(instance.scim_uid ).to be_nil expect(instance.username ).to be_nil expect(instance.first_name ).to be_nil expect(instance.last_name ).to be_nil expect(instance.work_email_address).to be_nil expect(instance.home_email_address).to be_nil expect(instance.work_phone_number ).to be_nil end end # "context '#from_scim!' do" # ========================================================================= # #from_scim_patch! # ========================================================================= context '#from_scim_patch!' do before :each do @instance = end # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PATCH is so enormously complex that we do lots of unit tests on private # methods before even bothering with the higher level "unit" (more like # integration!) tests on #from_scim_patch! itself. # # These were used during development to debug the implementation. # context 'internal unit tests' do # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #extract_filter_from # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # context '#extract_filter_from' do it 'handles normal path components' do path_component, filter = @instance.send(:extract_filter_from, path_component: 'emails') expect(path_component).to eql('emails') expect(filter ).to be_nil end it 'handles path components with filter strings' do path_component, filter = @instance.send(:extract_filter_from, path_component: 'addresses[type eq "work"]') expect(path_component).to eql('addresses') expect(filter ).to eql('type eq "work"') end end # "context '#extract_filter_from' do" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #all_matching_filter # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # context '#all_matching_filter' do it 'complains about unsupported operators' do expect do @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type ne "work"', within_array: []) do fail # Block should never be called! end raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'complaints about unsupported multiple operators' do expect do @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq "work" and primary eq true', within_array: []) do fail # Block should never be called! end raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'complaints about unsupported multiple operators, handling value spaces' do expect do @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq "work with spaces" and primary pr', within_array: []) do fail # Block should never be called! end raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'complaints about unquoted values with spaces' do expect do @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq work with spaces', within_array: []) do fail # Block should never be called! end raise_error(RuntimeError) end it 'calls block with matches' do array = [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] unhandled = ['', ''] @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq "work"', within_array: array) do |matched_hash, index| expect(array[index]).to eql(matched_hash) expect(matched_hash['type']).to eql('work') expect(matched_hash).to have_key('value') unhandled.delete(matched_hash['value']) end expect(unhandled).to be_empty end it 'handles edge cases' do array = [ { 'type' => '"work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => true, 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work"', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'spaced', 'value' => 'value with spaces' } ] call_count = 0 @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq "work', within_array: array) do |matched_hash, index| call_count += 1 expect(matched_hash['value']).to eql('') end @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq work"', within_array: array) do |matched_hash, index| call_count += 1 expect(matched_hash['value']).to eql('') end @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'type eq true', within_array: array) do |matched_hash, index| call_count += 1 expect(matched_hash['value']).to eql('') end @instance.send(:all_matching_filter, filter: 'value eq "value with spaces"', within_array: array) do |matched_hash, index| call_count += 1 expect(matched_hash['type']).to eql('spaced') end expect(call_count).to eql(4) end end # "context '#all_matching_filter' do" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #from_patch_backend # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # context '#from_patch_backend!' do # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #from_patch_backend - add # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Except for filter and array behaviour at the leaf of the path, # "add" and "replace" are pretty much identical. # context 'add' do context 'when prior value already exists' do it 'simple value: overwrites' do path = [ 'userName' ] scim_hash = { 'userName' => 'bar' }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: 'foo', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['userName']).to eql('foo') end it 'nested simple value: overwrites' do path = [ 'name', 'givenName' ] scim_hash = { 'name' => { 'givenName' => 'Foo', 'familyName' => 'Bar' } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: 'Baz', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['name']['givenName' ]).to eql('Baz') expect(scim_hash['name']['familyName']).to eql('Bar') end it 'with schema extensions: overwrites' do path = [ 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User', 'organization' ] scim_hash = { 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' => { 'organization' => 'SOMEORG' } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: 'OTHERORG', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User']['organization' ]).to eql('OTHERORG') end # For 'add', filter at end-of-path is nonsensical and not # supported by spec or Scimitar; we only test mid-path filters. # context 'with filter mid-path' do it 'by string match: overwrites' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: overwrites' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' }, { 'value' => '', 'primary' => true } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: overwrites all' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter mid-path' do" it 'with arrays: appends' do path = [ 'emails' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ], # NOTE - to-add value is an Array (and must be) altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(2) expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['type' ]).to eql('work') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end context 'with complex value addition' do it 'adds to arrays' do scim_hash = { 'root' => { 'members' => [ {'value' => '1'}, {'value' => '2'} ] } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() # Example seen at: # # # # The core of it is: # # "Operations":[ # { # "op":"add", # "value":{ # "members":[ # { # "value":"" # } # ] # } # } # ] # # the path is missing ("root"), but the value is # complex and includes implied paths within. We expect to # have the given value Hash added to the members Array, # rather than having e.g. members replaced by this. # @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: ['root'], value: {'members' => [{'value' => '3'}]}, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['root']['members']).to match_array([{'value' => '1'}, {'value' => '2'}, {'value' => '3'}]) end end # "context 'with complex value addition' do" end # context 'when prior value already exists' do context 'when value is not present' do it 'simple value: adds' do path = [ 'userName' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: 'foo', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['userName']).to eql('foo') end it 'nested simple value: adds' do path = [ 'name', 'givenName' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: 'Baz', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['name']['givenName']).to eql('Baz') end it 'with schema extensions: adds' do path = [ 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User', 'organization' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: 'SOMEORG', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User']['organization' ]).to eql('SOMEORG') end context 'with filter mid-path: adds' do it 'by string match' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: adds' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' }, { 'primary' => true } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'with no match: still adds' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: adds to all' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work' }, { 'type' => 'work' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter mid-path' do" it 'with arrays: appends' do path = [ 'emails' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: path, value: [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ], # NOTE - to-add value is an Array (and must be) altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['type' ]).to eql('work') expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end end # context 'when value is not present' do end # "context 'add' do" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #from_patch_backend - remove # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # context 'remove' do context 'when prior value already exists' do it 'simple value: removes' do path = [ 'userName' ] scim_hash = { 'userName' => 'bar' }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to be_empty end it 'nested simple value: removes' do path = [ 'name', 'givenName' ] scim_hash = { 'name' => { 'givenName' => 'Foo', 'familyName' => 'Bar' } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['name']).to_not have_key('givenName') expect(scim_hash['name']['familyName']).to eql('Bar') end context 'with filter mid-path' do it 'by string match: removes' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]).to_not have_key('value') end it 'by boolean match: removes' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' }, { 'value' => '', 'primary' => true } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]).to_not have_key('value') end it 'multiple matches: removes all' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]).to_not have_key('value') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]).to_not have_key('value') end end # "context 'with filter mid-path' do" context 'with filter at end of path' do it 'by string match: removes entire matching array entry' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: removes entire matching array entry' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' }, { 'value' => '', 'primary' => true } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: removes all matching array entries' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter at end of path' do" it 'whole array: removes' do path = [ 'emails' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to_not have_key('emails') end # What we expect: # # # # # ...vs accounting for the unusual payloads we sometimes get, # tested here. # context 'special cases' do # # context 'Microsoft-style payload' do context 'removing a user from a group' do it 'removes identified user' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => '50ca93d04ab0c2de4772', 'display' => 'Ingrid Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'a774d480e8112101375b', 'display' => 'Taylor Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => '50ca93d04ab0c2de4772', 'display' => 'Ingrid Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'a774d480e8112101375b', 'display' => 'Taylor Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end it 'removes multiple identified users' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c' }, { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => '50ca93d04ab0c2de4772' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => '50ca93d04ab0c2de4772', 'display' => 'Ingrid Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'a774d480e8112101375b', 'display' => 'Taylor Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'a774d480e8112101375b', 'display' => 'Taylor Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end it 'removes all users individually without error' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [] }) end it 'can match on multiple attributes' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'type' => 'User' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [] }) end it 'ignores unrecognised users' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => '11b054a9c85216ed9356' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) # The 'value' mismatched, so the user was not removed. # expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end it 'ignores a mismatch on (for example) "type"' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'type' => 'Group' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) # Type 'Group' mismatches 'User', so the user was not # removed. # expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end it 'matches keys case-insensitive' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'VALUe' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'memBERS' => [ { 'vaLUe' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [] }) end it 'matches values case-sensitive' do path = [ 'members' ] value = [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'type' => 'USER' } ] scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) # USER mismatchs User, so the user was not removed. # expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end end # "context 'removing a user from a group' do" context 'generic use' do it 'removes matched items' do path = [ 'emails' ] value = [ { 'type' => 'work' } ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }) end it 'ignores unmatched items' do path = [ 'emails' ] value = [ { 'type' => 'missing' } ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }) end it 'compares string forms' do path = [ 'test' ] value = [ { 'active' => true, 'value' => '12' }, { 'active' => 'false', 'value' => 42 } ] scim_hash = { 'test' => [ { 'active' => 'true', 'value' => 12 }, { 'active' => false, 'value' => '42' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({'test' => []}) end it 'handles a singular to-remove value rather than an array' do path = [ 'emails' ] value = { 'type' => 'work' } scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }) end it 'handles simple values rather than object (Hash) values' do path = [ 'test' ] value = 42 scim_hash = { 'test' => [ '21', '42', '15' ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'test' => [ '21', '15' ] }) end end end # "context 'Microsoft-style payload' do" # # context 'Salesforce-style payload' do it 'removes identified user' do path = [ 'members' ] value = { 'members' => [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c' } ] } scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => '50ca93d04ab0c2de4772', 'display' => 'Ingrid Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => '50ca93d04ab0c2de4772', 'display' => 'Ingrid Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end it 'matches the "members" key case-insensitive' do path = [ 'members' ] value = { 'MEMBERS' => [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c' } ] } scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' }, { 'value' => 'a774d480e8112101375b', 'display' => 'Taylor Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'a774d480e8112101375b', 'display' => 'Taylor Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end it 'ignores unrecognised users' do path = [ 'members' ] value = { 'members' => [ { '$ref' => nil, 'value' => '11b054a9c85216ed9356' } ] } scim_hash = { 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: value, altering_hash: scim_hash ) # The 'value' mismatched, so the user was not removed. # expect(scim_hash).to eql({ 'displayname' => 'Mock group', 'members' => [ { 'value' => 'f648f8d5ea4e4cd38e9c', 'display' => 'Fred Smith', 'type' => 'User' } ] }) end end # "context 'Salesforce-style payload' do" end # "context 'special cases' do" end # context 'when prior value already exists' do context 'when value is not present' do it 'simple value: does nothing' do path = [ 'userName' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to be_empty end it 'nested simple value: does nothing' do path = [ 'name', 'givenName' ] scim_hash = { 'name' => {'familyName' => 'Bar' } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['name']).to_not have_key('givenName') expect(scim_hash['name']['familyName']).to eql('Bar') end context 'with filter mid-path' do it 'by string match: does nothing' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: does nothing' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: does nothing' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter mid-path' do" context 'with filter at end of path' do it 'by string match: does nothing' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to be_empty end it 'by boolean match: does nothing' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '', 'primary' => false } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter at end of path' do" it 'remove whole array: does nothing' do path = [ 'emails' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: path, value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash).to_not have_key('emails') end end # context 'when value is not present' do end # "context 'remove' do" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #from_patch_backend - replace # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Except for filter and array behaviour at the leaf of the path, # "add" and "replace" are pretty much identical. # context 'replace' do context 'when prior value already exists' do it 'simple value: overwrites' do path = [ 'userName' ] scim_hash = { 'userName' => 'bar' }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'foo', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['userName']).to eql('foo') end it 'nested simple value: overwrites' do path = [ 'name', 'givenName' ] scim_hash = { 'name' => { 'givenName' => 'Foo', 'familyName' => 'Bar' } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'Baz', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['name']['givenName' ]).to eql('Baz') expect(scim_hash['name']['familyName']).to eql('Bar') end context 'with filter mid-path' do it 'by string match: overwrites' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: overwrites' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' }, { 'value' => '', 'primary' => true } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: overwrites all' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter mid-path' do" context 'with filter at end of path' do it 'by string match: replaces matching array entry' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'holiday', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: {'type' => 'home', 'primary' => true, 'value' => ''}, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(2) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['type' ]).to eql('holiday') # unchanged expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['type' ]).to eql('home') # "work" became "home" expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['primary']).to eql(true) expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value' ]).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: replaces all matching array entries' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: {'type' => 'workinate', 'value' => ''}, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(3) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['type' ]).to eql('workinate') expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['type' ]).to eql('workinate') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][2]['type' ]).to eql('home') expect(scim_hash['emails'][2]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter at end of path' do" it 'with arrays: replaces whole array' do path = [ 'emails' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ], # NOTE - to-add value is an Array (and must be) altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['type' ]).to eql('work') expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end end # context 'when prior value already exists' do context 'when value is not present' do it 'simple value: adds' do path = [ 'userName' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'foo', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['userName']).to eql('foo') end it 'nested simple value: adds' do path = [ 'name', 'givenName' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'Baz', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['name']['givenName']).to eql('Baz') end context 'with filter mid-path: adds' do it 'by string match' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'home', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: adds' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '' }, { 'primary' => true } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end it 'multiple matches: adds to all' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work' }, { 'type' => 'work' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: '', altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter mid-path' do" context 'with filter at end of path' do it 'by string match: adds item' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: {'type' => 'work', 'value' => ''}, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['type' ]).to eql('work') expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end it 'by boolean match: adds item' do path = [ 'emails[primary eq true]' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'value' => '', 'primary' => false } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: {'type' => 'work', 'value' => ''}, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(2) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['type' ]).to eql('work') expect(scim_hash['emails'][1]['value']).to eql('') end end # "context 'with filter at end of path' do" it 'with arrays: replaces' do path = [ 'emails' ] scim_hash = {}.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ], # NOTE - to-add value is an Array (and must be) altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['emails'].size).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['type' ]).to eql('work') expect(scim_hash['emails'][0]['value']).to eql('') end context 'when prior value already exists, and no path' do it 'simple value: overwrites' do path = [ 'root' ] scim_hash = { 'root' => { 'userName' => 'bar', 'active' => true } }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: { 'active' => false }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access(), altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash['root']['userName']).to eql('bar') expect(scim_hash['root']['active']).to eql(false) end end end # context 'when value is not present' do end # "context 'replace' do" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #from_patch_backend - some bespoke complex cases # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # I just wanted to be sure... # context 'contrived complexity' do before :each do @contrived_class = do def self.scim_resource_type return nil end def self.scim_attributes_map return { complex: [ match: 'type', with: 'type1', using: { data: { nested: [ match: 'nature', with: 'nature2', using: { info: { deep: :accessor_method_is_unused_in_this_test } } ] } } ] } end def self.scim_mutable_attributes return nil end def self.scim_queryable_attributes return nil end include Scimitar::Resources::Mixin end @original_hash = { 'complex' => [ { 'type' => 'type1', # This will match the filter below 'data' => { 'nested' => [ { 'nature' => 'nature1', # This will not match 'info' => [ { 'deep' => 'nature1deep' } ] }, { 'nature' => 'nature2', # This will match the filter below 'info' => [ { 'deep' => 'nature2deep1' } ] }, { 'nature' => 'nature2', # This will match the filter below 'info' => [ { 'deep' => 'nature2deep2' } ] }, ] } }, { 'type' => 'type1', # This will match the filter below 'data' => { 'nested' => [ { 'nature' => 'nature2', # This will match the filter below 'info' => [ { 'deep' => 'nature2deep3' } ] } ] } }, { 'type' => 'type2', # This will not match 'data' => { 'nested' => [ { 'nature' => 'nature2', # This will match the filter below, but is nested inside something that does not match 'info' => [ { 'deep' => 'nature2deep3' } ] } ] } } ] } end it 'adds across multiple deep matching points' do scim_hash = @original_hash.deep_dup().with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() contrived_instance = contrived_instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'add', path: ['complex[type eq "type1"]', 'data', 'nested[nature eq "nature2"]', 'info'], value: [{ 'deeper' => 'addition' }], altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) # Unchanged expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 1, 'info').count).to eql(2) # One new item expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 2, 'info').count).to eql(2) # One new item expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 1, 'info', 1, 'deeper')).to eql('addition') expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 2, 'info', 1, 'deeper')).to eql('addition') expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 1, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(2) # One new item expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 1, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info', 1, 'deeper')).to eql('addition') expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 2, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) # Unchanged end it 'replaces across multiple deep matching points' do scim_hash = @original_hash.deep_dup().with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() contrived_instance = contrived_instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: ['complex[type eq "type1"]', 'data', 'nested[nature eq "nature2"]', 'info'], value: [{ 'deeper' => 'addition' }], altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) # Unchanged? expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 1, 'info').count).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 2, 'info').count).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info', 0, 'deep')).to eql('nature1deep') # Yes, unchanged. expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 1, 'info', 0, 'deeper')).to eql('addition') expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 2, 'info', 0, 'deeper')).to eql('addition') expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 1, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 1, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info', 0, 'deeper')).to eql('addition') expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 2, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) # Unchanged expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 2, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info', 0, 'deep')).to eql('nature2deep3') # Unchanged end it 'removes across multiple deep matching points' do scim_hash = @original_hash.deep_dup().with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() contrived_instance = contrived_instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'remove', path: ['complex[type eq "type1"]', 'data', 'nested[nature eq "nature2"]', 'info'], value: nil, altering_hash: scim_hash ) expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) # Unchanged expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 1, 'info')).to be_nil expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 2, 'nature')).to be_present expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 1, 'info')).to be_nil expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 0, 'data', 'nested', 2, 'nature')).to be_present expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 1, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info')).to be_nil expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 1, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'nature')).to be_present expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 2, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info').count).to eql(1) # Unchanged expect(scim_hash.dig('complex', 2, 'data', 'nested', 0, 'info', 0, 'deep')).to eql('nature2deep3') # Unchanged end end # "context 'contrived complexity' do" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal: #from_patch_backend - error handling # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # context 'with bad patches, raises errors' do it 'for unsupported filters' do path = [ 'emails[type ne "work" and value ne ""', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' }, { 'type' => 'work', 'value' => '' } ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() expect do @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'ignored', altering_hash: scim_hash ) raise_error(Scimitar::ErrorResponse) { |e| expect(e.as_json['scimType']).to eql('invalidSyntax') } end it 'when filters are specified for non-array types' do path = [ 'userName[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'userName' => '1234' }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() expect do @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'ignored', altering_hash: scim_hash ) raise_error(Scimitar::ErrorResponse) { |e| expect(e.as_json['scimType']).to eql('invalidSyntax') } end it 'when a filter tries to match an array which does not contain Hashes' do path = [ 'emails[type eq "work"]', 'value' ] scim_hash = { 'emails' => [ '', '', ] }.with_indifferent_case_insensitive_access() expect do @instance.send( :from_patch_backend!, nature: 'replace', path: path, value: 'ignored', altering_hash: scim_hash ) raise_error(Scimitar::ErrorResponse) { |e| expect(e.as_json['scimType']).to eql('invalidSyntax') } end end # context 'with bad patches, raises errors' do end # "context '#from_patch_backend!' do" end # "context 'internal unit tests' do" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Public # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # context 'public interface' do shared_examples 'a patcher' do | force_upper_case: | it 'gives the user a comprehensible error when operations are missing' do patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'] } expect do @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) raise_error Scimitar::InvalidSyntaxError, "Missing PATCH \"operations\"" end it 'which updates simple values' do @instance.update!(username: 'foo') path = 'userName' path = path.upcase if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'replace', 'path' => path, 'value' => '1234' } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.username).to eql('1234') end it 'which updates nested values' do @instance.update!(first_name: 'Foo', last_name: 'Bar') path = 'name.givenName' path = path.upcase if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'replace', 'path' => path, 'value' => 'Baz' } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.first_name).to eql('Baz') end # Note odd ":" separating schema ID from first attribute, although # the nature of JSON rendering / other payloads might lead you to # expect a "." as with any other path component. # # Note the ":" separating the schema ID (URN) from the attribute. # The nature of JSON rendering / other payloads might lead you to # expect a "." as with any complex types, but that's not the case; # see, or # of which in # particular, # it 'which updates attributes defined by extension schema' do @instance.update!(department: 'SOMEDPT') path = 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:department' path = path.upcase if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'replace', 'path' => path, 'value' => 'OTHERDPT' } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.department).to eql('OTHERDPT') end it 'which updates with filter match' do @instance.update!(work_email_address: '', home_email_address: '') filter_prefix = 'emails[type' filter_prefix = filter_prefix.upcase if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'replace', 'path' => filter_prefix + ' eq "work"].value', 'value' => '' } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.work_email_address).to eql('') expect(@instance.home_email_address).to eql('') end it 'which appends e-mails' do @instance.update!(work_email_address: '') filter_prefix = 'emails[type' filter_prefix = filter_prefix.upcase if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'add', 'path' => filter_prefix + ' eq "home"].value', 'value' => '' } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.work_email_address).to eql('') expect(@instance.home_email_address).to eql('') end it 'which removes e-mails' do @instance.update!(work_email_address: '', home_email_address: '') filter_prefix = 'emails[type' filter_prefix = filter_prefix.upcase if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'remove', 'path' => filter_prefix + ' eq "home"].value', } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.work_email_address).to eql('') expect(@instance.home_email_address).to be_nil end it 'which can patch the whole object' do @instance.update!(username: 'foo') hash = { 'userName' => '1234', 'name' => { 'givenName' => 'Bar' } } hash = spec_helper_hupcase(hash) if force_upper_case patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'replace', 'value' => hash } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.username).to eql('1234') expect(@instance.first_name).to eql('Bar') end end # "shared_examples 'a patcher' do | force_upper_case: |" context 'using schema-matched case' do it_behaves_like 'a patcher', force_upper_case: false end # "context 'using schema-matched case' do" context 'using upper case' do it_behaves_like 'a patcher', force_upper_case: true it 'treats operation types as case-insensitive' do @instance.update!(username: 'foo') patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'REPLACE', # Note upper case 'path' => 'userName', 'value' => '1234' } ] } @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) expect(@instance.username).to eql('1234') end end # "context 'using upper case' do" context 'with errors' do it 'complains about bad operation types' do patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'invalidop', 'path' => 'userName', 'value' => '1234' } ] } expect { @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) }.to raise_error(Scimitar::ErrorResponse) do |e| expect(e.as_json['scimType']).to eql('invalidSyntax') expect(e.as_json[:detail ]).to include('invalidop') end end it 'complains about a missing target for "remove" operations' do patch = { 'schemas' => ['urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp'], 'Operations' => [ { 'op' => 'remove' } ] } expect { @instance.from_scim_patch!(patch_hash: patch) }.to raise_error(Scimitar::ErrorResponse) do |e| expect(e.as_json['scimType']).to eql('noTarget') end end end # "context 'with errors' do" end # "context 'public interface' do" end # "context '#from_scim_patch!' do" end # "context 'with good class definitons' do" end # "RSpec.describe Scimitar::Resources::Mixin do"