require_relative 'pact_helper' require 'pact_broker/client/can_i_deploy' module PactBroker::Client describe Matrix, :pact => true do include_context "pact broker" describe "can-i-deploy ignoring a pacticipant version" do let(:matrix_response_body) { matrix } let(:matrix) do { "summary" => { "deployable" => true, "ignored" => 1 }, "notices" => Pact.each_like("text" => "some notice", "type" => "info"), "matrix" => [ { "consumer" => { "name" => "Foo", "version" => { "number" => "1.2.3" } }, "provider" => { "name" => "Bar", "version" => { "number" => "4.5.6" } }, "verificationResult" => { "success" => true, "_links" => { "self" => { "href" =>"http://result") } } } },{ "consumer" => { "name" => "Foo", "version" => { "number" => "3.4.5" } }, "provider" => { "name" => "Bar", "version" => { "number" => "4.5.6" } }, "verificationResult" => { "success" => false, "_links" => { "self" => { "href" =>"http://result") } } }, "ignored" => true } ] } end let(:selectors) { [{ pacticipant: "Bar", version: "4.5.6" }, { pacticipant: "Foo", tag: "prod" } ] } let(:matrix_options) do { ignore_selectors: [{ pacticipant: "Foo", version: "3.4.5" }] } end let(:options) { { retry_while_unknown: 0, output: 'table' } } before do pact_broker .given("provider Bar version 4.5.6 has a successful verification for Foo version 1.2.3 tagged prod and a failed verification for version 3.4.5 tagged prod") .upon_receiving("a request to determine if Bar can be deployed with all Foo tagged prod, ignoring the verification for Foo version 3.4.5") .with( method: :get, path: "/matrix", query: "q%5B%5D%5Bpacticipant%5D=Bar&q%5B%5D%5Bversion%5D=4.5.6&q%5B%5D%5Bpacticipant%5D=Foo&q%5B%5D%5Btag%5D=prod&latestby=cvpv&ignore%5B%5D%5Bpacticipant%5D=Foo&ignore%5B%5D%5Bversion%5D=3.4.5" ) .will_respond_with( status: 200, headers: pact_broker_response_headers, body: matrix_response_body ) end subject {, selectors, matrix_options, options, {})} it 'returns the CLI output' do Approvals.verify(subject.message, :name => "can_i_deploy_ignore", format: :txt) end end end end