## # This task is intended to retrieve packages from the distribution server that # have been built by jenkins and placed in a specific location, # /opt/jenkins-builds/$PROJECT/$SHA where $PROJECT is the build project as # established in build_defaults.yaml and $SHA is the git sha/tag of the project that # was built into packages. The current day is assumed, but an environment # variable override exists to retrieve packages from another day. The sha/tag is # assumed to be the current project's HEAD, e.g. to retrieve packages for a # release of 3.1.0, checkout 3.1.0 locally before retrieving. # namespace :pl do namespace :jenkins do desc "Retrieve packages from the distribution server\. Check out commit to retrieve" task :retrieve, [:remote_target, :local_target] => 'pl:fetch' do |t, args| unless Pkg::Config.project fail "You must set the 'project' in build_defaults.yaml or with the 'PROJECT' environment variable." end remote_target = args.remote_target || "artifacts" local_target = args.local_target || "pkg" mkdir_p local_target build_url = "http://#{Pkg::Config.builds_server}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}/#{remote_target}" build_path = "#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_repo_path}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}/#{remote_target}" if Pkg::Config.foss_only Pkg::Retrieve.foss_only_retrieve(build_url, local_target) else Pkg::Retrieve.retrieve_all(build_url, build_path, local_target) end fail "Uh oh, looks like we didn't find anything in #{local_target} when attempting to retrieve from #{build_url}!" if Dir["#{local_target}/*"].empty? puts "Packages staged in #{local_target}" end end end if Pkg::Config.build_pe namespace :pe do namespace :jenkins do desc "Retrieve packages from the distribution server\. Check out commit to retrieve" task :retrieve, [:remote_target, :local_target] => 'pl:fetch' do |t, args| unless Pkg::Config.project fail "You must set the 'project' in build_defaults.yaml or with the 'PROJECT' environment variable." end remote_target = args.remote_target || "artifacts" local_target = args.local_target || "pkg" build_url = "http://#{Pkg::Config.builds_server}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}/#{remote_target}" build_path = "#{Pkg::Config.jenkins_repo_path}/#{Pkg::Config.project}/#{Pkg::Config.ref}/#{remote_target}" Pkg::Retrieve.retrieve_all(build_url, build_path, local_target) end end end end