module Nanaimo # Transforms native ruby objects or Plist objects into their ASCII Plist # string representation. # class Writer autoload :XMLWriter, 'nanaimo/writer/xml' # The magic comment that denotes a UTF8-encoded plist. # UTF8 = "// !$*UTF8*$!\n".freeze # @param plist [Plist,String,Hash,Array] The plist obejct to write # @param pretty [Boolean] Whether to serialize annotations and add # spaces and newlines to make output more legible # @param output [#<<] The output stream to write the plist to # def initialize(plist, pretty = true, output = @plist = plist @pretty = pretty @output = output @indent = 0 @newlines = true end # Writes the plist to the given output. # def write write_utf8 write_object(@plist.root_object) write_newline end attr_reader :indent, :pretty, :output, :newlines private :indent, :pretty, :output, :newlines private def write_utf8 output << UTF8 end def write_newline output << if newlines "\n" else ' ' end end def write_object(object) case object when Array, ::Array write_array(object) when Dictionary, ::Hash write_dictionary(object) when %r{[^\w\./]}, QuotedString, '' write_quoted_string(object) when String, ::String, Symbol write_string(object) when Data write_data(object) else raise "Cannot write #{object} to an ascii plist" end write_annotation(object) if pretty output end def write_string(object) output << value_for(object).to_s end def write_quoted_string(object) output << '"' << Unicode.quotify_string(value_for(object)) << '"' end def write_data(object) output << '<' value_for(object).unpack('H*').first.chars.each_with_index do |c, i| output << "\n" if i > 0 && (i % 16).zero? output << ' ' if i > 0 && (i % 4).zero? output << c end output << '>' end def write_array(object) write_array_start value = value_for(object) value.each do |v| write_array_element(v) end write_array_end end def write_array_start output << '(' write_newline if newlines push_indent! end def write_array_end pop_indent! write_indent output << ')' end def write_array_element(object) write_indent write_object(object) output << ',' write_newline end def write_dictionary(object) write_dictionary_start value = value_for(object) value.each do |key, val| write_dictionary_key_value_pair(key, val) end write_dictionary_end end def write_dictionary_start output << '{' write_newline if newlines push_indent! end def write_dictionary_end pop_indent! write_indent output << '}' end def write_dictionary_key_value_pair(key, value) write_indent write_object(key) output << ' = ' write_object(value) output << ';' write_newline end def write_annotation(object) return output unless object.is_a?(Nanaimo::Object) annotation = object.annotation return output unless annotation && !annotation.empty? output << " /*#{annotation}*/" end def value_for(object) if object.is_a?(Nanaimo::Object) object.value else object end end def push_indent! @indent += 1 end def pop_indent! @indent -= 1 @indent = 0 if @indent < 0 end def write_indent output << "\t" * indent if newlines output end end end