require 'childprocess' require 'singleton' require 'socket' module Kameleon #This ruby class will control the execution of Polipo web proxy class Persistent_cache include Singleton attr_reader :polipo_env, :cache_dir,:polipo_port attr_writer :activated, :cwd, :polipo_path, :name def initialize() @logger ="kameleon::[kameleon]") ## we must configure Polipo to be execute for the in and out context ## we have to start polipo in the out context for debootstrap step @polipo_env = File.join(Kameleon.source_root, "contrib", "") @polipo_process = nil @polipo_port = find_unused_port @polipo_cmd_options = {:diskCacheRoot => "", :idleTime => "5", :chunkHighMark => "425165824", :proxyPort => @polipo_port, #:proxyOffline => "true" :relaxTransparency =>"true" } @activated = false @cache_dir = "" @polipo_path = nil @cwd = "" end def find_unused_port ports = (8000..9000) port = 0 tmp = nil ports.each do |p| begin port = p tmp ='localhost',port) rescue port =0 end break if(port>0) end tmp.close port end def check_polipo_binary @polipo_path ||= which("polipo") if @polipo_path.nil? then @logger.error("Polipo binary not found, make sure it is in your current PATH") @logger.error("or use the option --proxy_path") raise BuildError, "Failed to use persistent cache" end end def activated? @activated end def cwd=(dir) @cwd = dir @cache_dir = @cwd + "/cache/" end def create_cache_directory(step_name) @logger.notice("Creating cache directory #{step_name} for Polipo") directory_name = @cache_dir + "/#{step_name}" FileUtils.mkdir_p directory_name directory_name end def start_web_proxy_in(directory) ## This function assumes that the cache directory has already been created by the engine ## Stopping first the previous proxy ## have to check if polipo is running @logger.notice("Starting web proxy Polipo in directory #{directory} using port: #{@polipo_port}") @polipo_process.stop unless @polipo_process.nil? command = ["#{@polipo_path}/polipo"] @polipo_cmd_options[:diskCacheRoot] = directory @polipo_cmd_options.each{ |v,k| command.push("#{v}=#{k}") } ChildProcess.posix_spawn = true @polipo_process =*command) ="polipo_output") @polipo_process.start end def stop_web_proxy @polipo_process.stop @logger.notice("Stopping web proxy polipo") end def pack() @logger.notice("Packing up the generated cache in #{@cwd}") execute("tar","-cf #{@name}-cache.tar cache/",@cwd) # The cache directory cannot be deleted due to the checkpoints end def unpack(cache_path) @logger.notice("Unpacking persistent cache: #{cache_path}") execute("tar","-xf #{cache_path} -C #{@cwd}") end def execute(cmd,args,dir=nil) command = [cmd ] + args.split(" ") # @logger.notice(" command generated: #{command}") process =*command) process.cwd = dir unless dir.nil? process.start process.wait end def which(cmd) ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}") return path if File.executable? exe end return nil end end end