require 'spec_helper' require 'omniauth-gaggleamp' describe OmniAuth::Strategies::GaggleAMP do subject { } it 'should add a camelization for itself' do OmniAuth::Utils.camelize('gaggleamp').should == 'GaggleAMP' end describe '#client' do it 'has correct GaggleAMP site' do eq('') end it 'has correct authorize url' do subject.client.options[:authorize_url].should eq('oauth/authorize') end it 'has correct token url' do subject.client.options[:token_url].should eq('oauth/token') end end describe '#callback_path' do it 'has the correct callback path' do subject.callback_path.should eq('/auth/gaggleamp/callback') end end describe '#uid' do before :each do subject.stub(:raw_info) { { 'id' => 'uid' } } end it 'returns the id from raw_info' do subject.uid.should eq('uid') end end describe '#info' do before :each do subject.stub(:raw_info) { {} } end context 'and therefore has all the necessary fields' do it { have_key :name } it { have_key :email } it { have_key :nickname } end end describe '#extra' do before :each do subject.stub(:raw_info) { { :foo => 'bar' } } end it { subject.extra['raw_info'].should eq({ :foo => 'bar' }) } end describe '#raw_info' do before :each do response = double('response', :parsed => { :foo => 'bar' }) subject.stub(:access_token) { double('access token', :get => response) } end it 'returns parsed response from access token' do subject.raw_info.should eq({ :foo => 'bar' }) end end end