module Dragonfly module Minimagick # Minimagick is a saved configuration for Dragonfly apps, which does the following: # - registers an minimagick analyser # - registers an minimagick processor # - registers an minimagick encoder # - registers an minimagick generator # - adds thumb shortcuts like '280x140!', etc. # Look at the source code for apply_configuration to see exactly how it configures the app. module Config def self.apply_configuration(app, opts={}) app.configure do |c| c.analyser.register(Analyser) do |a| end c.processor.register(Processor) do |p| end c.encoder.register(Encoder) do |e| end c.generator.register(Generator) do |g| end c.job :thumb do |geometry, format| process :thumb, geometry encode format if format end c.job :gif do encode :gif end c.job :jpg do encode :jpg end c.job :png do encode :png end end end end end end