class AuthorEngine class CollisionDetection Color =, :green, :blue, :alpha) BoundingBox =, :y, :width, :height) def initialize(game_sprites, game_levels, spritesheet) @game_sprites = game_sprites @game_levels = game_levels @sprites= [] @levels = [] @known_collisions = [] spritesheet_blob = RUBY_ENGINE == "opal" ? spritesheet.to_blob.each_slice(4).to_a : spritesheet.to_blob.bytes.each_slice(4).to_a (spritesheet.rows / 16).times do |y| (spritesheet.columns / 16).times do |x| blob = [] 16.times do |sy| 16.times do |sx| blob << spritesheet_blob[(y * 16 + sy) * spritesheet.columns + (x * 16 + sx)] end end add_sprite(blob.flatten!) end end @game_levels.each { |level| add_level(level) } end def clear @known_collisions.clear end def add_sprite(blob) @sprites << {blob: blob, box: bounding_box(blob)} end def add_level(level_array) @levels << level_array # TODO: Put level's into an optimized structure for fast quadrant look-ups end def box(sprite_index) @sprites[sprite_index][:box] end def sprite_vs_sprite(sprite_index, sprite_x, sprite_y, target_sprite_index, target_x, target_y) bounding_boxes_intersect?(box(sprite_index), sprite_x, sprite_y, box(target_sprite_index), target_x, target_y) end def sprite_vs_level(sprite_index, sprite_x, sprite_y, level) detected = [] collider = box(sprite_index) @levels[level].each do |sprite| if bounding_boxes_intersect?(collider, sprite_x, sprite_y, box(sprite.sprite), sprite.x, sprite.y) detected << sprite end end return detected end def colliding_edge(sprite_index, sprite_x, sprite_y, target_sprite_index, target_x, target_y) sprite_box = box(sprite_index) target_box = box(target_sprite_index) edges = {top: false, left: false, right: false, bottom: false} # wy = (sprite_box.width + target_box.width) * ((sprite_y - sprite_box.height) - (target_y - target_box.height/2)); hx = (sprite_box.height + target_box.height) * ((sprite_x - sprite_box.width) - (target_x - target_box.height/2)); if (wy > hx) if (wy > -hx) edges[:bottom] = true else edges[:left] = true end else if (wy > -hx) edges[:right] = true else edges[:top] = true end end return edges end def debug_draw_sprite(sprite_index, sprite_x, sprite_y) render_bounding_box(sprite_index, box(sprite_index), sprite_x, sprite_y) end def debug_draw_level(level_index) @levels[level_index].each do |sprite| render_bounding_box(sprite.sprite, box(sprite.sprite), sprite.x, sprite.y) end end def render_bounding_box(sprite_index, box, sprite_x, sprite_y, edges = {}, z = Float::INFINITY, color = 0xc800ff00, collision_color = 0xc8ff00ff) if RUBY_ENGINE == "opal" color = "green" collision_color = "purple" end paint_color = color # EDGE: TOP # TOP LEFT TO TOP RIGHT if edges[:top] then paint_color = collision_color; else paint_color = color; end draw_line( box.x + sprite_x, box.y + sprite_y, box.x + sprite_x + box.width, box.y + sprite_y, paint_color, z ) # EDGE: RIGHT # TOP RIGHT TO BOTTOM RIGHT if edges[:right] then paint_color = collision_color; else paint_color = color; end draw_line( box.x + sprite_x + box.width, box.y + sprite_y, box.x + sprite_x + box.width, box.y + sprite_y + box.height, paint_color, z ) # EDGE: BOTTOM # BOTTOM RIGHT to BOTTOM LEFT if edges[:bottom] then paint_color = collision_color; else paint_color = color; end draw_line( box.x + sprite_x + box.width, box.y + sprite_y + box.height, box.x + sprite_x, box.y + sprite_y + box.height, paint_color, z ) # EDGE: LEFT # BOTTOM LEFT TO TOP LEFT if edges[:left] then paint_color = collision_color; else paint_color = color; end draw_line( box.x + sprite_x, box.y + sprite_y + box.height, box.x + sprite_x, box.y + sprite_y, paint_color, z ) end private def bounding_boxes_intersect?(a, a_x, a_y, b, b_x, b_y) (a.x + a_x) <= (b.x + b_x + b.width) && (a.x + a_x + a.width) >= (b.x + b_x) && (a.y + a_y) <= (b.y + b_y + b.height) && (a.y + a_y + a.height) >= (b.y + b_y) end def draw_line(x, y, x2, y2, color, z = 0) if RUBY_ENGINE == "opal" `#{}.strokeStyle = #{color}` `#{}.lineWidth = 1` `#{}.beginPath()` `#{}.moveTo(#{x}, #{y})` `#{}.lineTo(#{x2}, #{y2})` `#{}.stroke()` else Gosu.draw_line(x, y, color, x2, y2, color, z) end end # returns alpha value of pixel at x and y def solid_at?(blob, x, y) width = 16 blob[(y * width + x) * 4 + 3].ord > 0 end def bounding_box(blob, size = 16) box =, size, 0, 0) size.times do |y| size.times do |x| if solid_at?(blob, x, y) box.x = x if x < box.x box.y = y if y < box.y box.width = x if x > box.width box.height = y if y > box.height end end end # Correct width/height box.width -= box.x box.height -= box.y # Correct off-by-1 box.width += 1 box.height += 1 return box end end end