module RedisBackedModel class RedisBackedModel # Finds and returns one or more objects by their id. # Pass in a single id or an array of ids. # obj.find(1) => obj # obj.find([1,2,3]) => [obj,obj,obj] # returns an empty array if no object matches the id in Redis # obj.find(bad_id) => [] def self.find(*args) found = [] args.flatten.each do |id| attributes = $redis.hgetall("#{self.to_s.underscore}:#{id}") found <<{'id' => id})) if attributes.size > 0 end (found.count == 1) ? found.first : found end # Instantiates the object with the provided attributes. # If the object does not have an instance variable that matches one of the passed attributes, one will be created. def initialize(attributes={}) if attributes.class == Hash attributes.each do |key, value| add_to_instance_variables(key, value) end else raise ArgumentError end end # Serializes the object as redis commands. def to_redis redis_commands = [] redis_commands << id_set_command instance_variables.each do | var | build_command_for_variable(var, redis_commands) end redis_commands end private attr_reader :id def add_to_instance_variables(key, value) if key.match(/score_\[\w+\|\w+\]/) add_to_scores(key, value) else self.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end end def add_to_scores(key, value) scores <<, id, Hash[key,value]) end def build_command_for_variable(variable, collection) value = instance_variable_get(variable) if value.respond_to?(:each) value.each do |redis_object| collection << redis_object.to_redis end else collection << instance_variable_to_redis(variable) if value end end def id_set_command "sadd|#{model_name_for_redis}_ids|#{id}" end def instance_variable_to_redis(instance_variable) value = instance_variable_get(instance_variable) "hset|#{model_name_for_redis}:#{id}|#{instance_variable.to_s.deinstance_variableize}|#{value}" if value end def model_name_for_redis class_as_string = self.class.to_s.demodulize.underscore end def scores @scores ||= [] end end end