# Logfile created on Wed Dec 16 23:20:14 -0700 2009 by / REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>nil, "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>nil, "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>nil, "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>nil, "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>nil, "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>"Joe Someone", "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET /confirm with {} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/signup"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>"Joe Someone", "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET /confirm with {} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/signup"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>"Joe Someone", "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET /confirm with {} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/signup"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET / with {} and HTTP headers {} REQUESTING PAGE: POST /signup with {"user[name]"=>"Joe Someone", "user[email]"=>"example@example.com"} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/"} REQUESTING PAGE: GET /confirm with {} and HTTP headers {"HTTP_REFERER"=>"/signup"}