# frozen_string_literal: true module RuboCop module Cop module Performance # Identifies places where custom code finding the sum of elements # in some Enumerable object can be replaced by `Enumerable#sum` method. # # @safety # Autocorrections are unproblematic wherever an initial value is provided explicitly: # # [source,ruby] # ---- # [1, 2, 3].reduce(4, :+) # => 10 # [1, 2, 3].sum(4) # => 10 # # [].reduce(4, :+) # => 4 # [].sum(4) # => 4 # ---- # # This also holds true for non-numeric types which implement a `:+` method: # # [source,ruby] # ---- # ['l', 'o'].reduce('Hel', :+) # => "Hello" # ['l', 'o'].sum('Hel') # => "Hello" # ---- # # When no initial value is provided though, `Enumerable#reduce` will pick the first enumerated value # as initial value and successively add all following values to it, whereas # `Enumerable#sum` will set an initial value of `0` (`Integer`) which can lead to a `TypeError`: # # [source,ruby] # ---- # [].reduce(:+) # => nil # [1, 2, 3].reduce(:+) # => 6 # ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'].reduce(:+) # => "Hello" # # [].sum # => 0 # [1, 2, 3].sum # => 6 # ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'].sum # => in `+': String can't be coerced into Integer (TypeError) # ---- # # @example OnlySumOrWithInitialValue: false (default) # # bad # [1, 2, 3].inject(:+) # Autocorrections for cases without initial value are unsafe # [1, 2, 3].inject(&:+) # and will only be performed when using the `-A` option. # [1, 2, 3].reduce { |acc, elem| acc + elem } # They can be prohibited completely using `SafeAutoCorrect: true`. # [1, 2, 3].reduce(10, :+) # [1, 2, 3].map { |elem| elem ** 2 }.sum # [1, 2, 3].collect(&:count).sum(10) # # # good # [1, 2, 3].sum # [1, 2, 3].sum(10) # [1, 2, 3].sum { |elem| elem ** 2 } # [1, 2, 3].sum(10, &:count) # # @example OnlySumOrWithInitialValue: true # # bad # [1, 2, 3].reduce(10, :+) # [1, 2, 3].map { |elem| elem ** 2 }.sum # [1, 2, 3].collect(&:count).sum(10) # # # good # [1, 2, 3].sum(10) # [1, 2, 3].sum { |elem| elem ** 2 } # [1, 2, 3].sum(10, &:count) # class Sum < Base include RangeHelp extend AutoCorrector extend TargetRubyVersion minimum_target_ruby_version 2.4 MSG = 'Use `%s` instead of `%s`.' MSG_IF_NO_INIT_VALUE = 'Use `%s` instead of `%s`, unless calling `%s` on an empty array.' RESTRICT_ON_SEND = %i[inject reduce sum].freeze def_node_matcher :sum_candidate?, <<~PATTERN (send _ ${:inject :reduce} $_init ? ${(sym :+) (block_pass (sym :+))}) PATTERN def_node_matcher :sum_map_candidate?, <<~PATTERN (send { (block $(send _ {:map :collect}) ...) $(send _ {:map :collect} (block_pass _)) } :sum $_init ?) PATTERN def_node_matcher :sum_with_block_candidate?, <<~PATTERN (block $(send _ {:inject :reduce} $_init ?) (args (arg $_acc) (arg $_elem)) $send) PATTERN def_node_matcher :acc_plus_elem?, <<~PATTERN (send (lvar %1) :+ (lvar %2)) PATTERN alias elem_plus_acc? acc_plus_elem? def on_send(node) return if empty_array_literal?(node) handle_sum_candidate(node) handle_sum_map_candidate(node) end def on_block(node) sum_with_block_candidate?(node) do |send, init, var_acc, var_elem, body| if acc_plus_elem?(body, var_acc, var_elem) || elem_plus_acc?(body, var_elem, var_acc) range = sum_block_range(send, node) message = build_block_message(send, init, var_acc, var_elem, body) add_offense(range, message: message) do |corrector| autocorrect(corrector, init, range) end end end end private def handle_sum_candidate(node) sum_candidate?(node) do |method, init, operation| next if cop_config['OnlySumOrWithInitialValue'] && init.empty? range = sum_method_range(node) message = build_method_message(node, method, init, operation) add_offense(range, message: message) do |corrector| autocorrect(corrector, init, range) end end end def handle_sum_map_candidate(node) sum_map_candidate?(node) do |map, init| next if node.block_literal? || node.block_argument? message = build_sum_map_message(map.method_name, init) add_offense(sum_map_range(map, node), message: message) do |corrector| autocorrect_sum_map(corrector, node, map, init) end end end def empty_array_literal?(node) receiver = node.children.first array_literal?(node) && receiver && receiver.children.empty? end def array_literal?(node) receiver = node.children.first receiver&.literal? && receiver&.array_type? end def autocorrect(corrector, init, range) return if init.empty? && safe_autocorrect? replacement = build_good_method(init) corrector.replace(range, replacement) end def autocorrect_sum_map(corrector, sum, map, init) sum_range = method_call_with_args_range(sum) map_range = method_call_with_args_range(map) block_pass = map.last_argument if map.last_argument&.block_pass_type? replacement = build_good_method(init, block_pass) corrector.remove(sum_range) dot = '.' if map.receiver corrector.replace(map_range, "#{dot}#{replacement}") end def sum_method_range(node) range_between(node.loc.selector.begin_pos, node.source_range.end_pos) end def sum_map_range(map, sum) range_between(map.loc.selector.begin_pos, sum.source_range.end.end_pos) end def sum_block_range(send, node) range_between(send.loc.selector.begin_pos, node.loc.end.end_pos) end def build_method_message(node, method, init, operation) good_method = build_good_method(init) bad_method = build_method_bad_method(init, method, operation) msg = if init.empty? && !array_literal?(node) MSG_IF_NO_INIT_VALUE else MSG end format(msg, good_method: good_method, bad_method: bad_method) end def build_sum_map_message(method, init) sum_method = build_good_method(init) good_method = "#{sum_method} { ... }" bad_method = "#{method} { ... }.#{sum_method}" format(MSG, good_method: good_method, bad_method: bad_method) end def build_block_message(send, init, var_acc, var_elem, body) good_method = build_good_method(init) bad_method = build_block_bad_method(send.method_name, init, var_acc, var_elem, body) format(MSG, good_method: good_method, bad_method: bad_method) end def build_good_method(init, block_pass = nil) good_method = 'sum' args = [] unless init.empty? init = init.first args << init.source unless init.int_type? && init.value.zero? end args << block_pass.source if block_pass good_method += "(#{args.join(', ')})" unless args.empty? good_method end def build_method_bad_method(init, method, operation) bad_method = "#{method}(" unless init.empty? init = init.first bad_method += "#{init.source}, " end bad_method += if operation.block_pass_type? '&:+)' else ':+)' end bad_method end def build_block_bad_method(method, init, var_acc, var_elem, body) bad_method = method.to_s unless init.empty? init = init.first bad_method += "(#{init.source})" end bad_method += " { |#{var_acc}, #{var_elem}| #{body.source} }" bad_method end def method_call_with_args_range(node) if (receiver = node.receiver) receiver.source_range.end.join(node.source_range.end) else node.source_range end end end end end end