Feature: ppl post Scenario: Add a home postal address to a contact Given I am in an address book with a blank contact called bob And I run "ppl post bob home --street '1234 Testing Avenue' --postal-code 'AB1 2CD'" Then it should succeed And bob should have 1 postal address And the 1st postal address should be "home 1234 Testing Avenue, AB1 2CD" Scenario: Add a work postal address to a contact Given I am in the same address book as before And I run "ppl post bob work --street '987 Working Road' --postal-code 'EF3 4GH'" Then it should succeed And bob should have 2 postal addresses And the 2nd postal address should be " work 987 Working Road, EF3 4GH" Scenario: Mark an existing postal address as preferred Given I am in the same address book as before And I run "ppl post bob work --preferred" Then it should succeed And bob should have 2 postal addresses And "work" should be the preferred postal address