// You custom settings file to override Foundation defaults @import "settings"; // Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below @import "foundation"; // ---------------------------------------- // Import specific parts of Foundation by commenting the import "foundation" // and uncommenting what you want below. You must uncomment the following if customizing // @import "compass/css3"; // @import "foundation/settings"; // @import "foundation/functions/all"; // Control which mixins you have access too // @import "foundation/mixins/clearfix"; // @import "foundation/mixins/css-triangle"; // @import "foundation/mixins/font-size"; // Must include next two for semantic grid to work // @import "foundation/mixins/respond-to"; // @import "foundation/mixins/semantic-grid"; // @import "modular-scale"; // @import "foundation/common/globals"; // Must include the grid for any responsiveness // @import "foundation/components/grid"; // Control which common styles get compiled // @import "foundation/common/typography"; // @import "foundation/common/forms"; // Control which components you get if customizing // @import "foundation/components/modules/buttons"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/tabs"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/ui"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/topbar"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/navbar"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/orbit"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/reveal"; // @import "foundation/components/modules/offcanvas";